Every day…
We walk
Every day…
They ring
*** ***
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***… ***
Through the auburn haze of fall,
The piercing chills of winter,
The misty spring mornings…
The stubborn sound waves drill through the air,
As we trudge, scurry, and mall-walk.
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***… ***
Sometimes, I feel like they taunt me,
As I race to class--
My mind going faster than my body…
t i m e
C r ile
la t e HomEwoRk!
I can handle it.
At least I think I can…
Take it bit by bit,
Become more of a man
For now, I just have school to deal with
And the reverberations of stress
Echoing through time
Oh, the bells of Doane College…
Merrill will never stop ringing
Doane College: Crete, NE