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Klo Sifa Sep 2015
dan kamu selalu berhasil menemukan cara paling tepat untuk membuatku tersenyum, terdiam, terluka. kadang ada jeda waktunya, kadang dalam saat yang sama.

mungkin itu tanda signifikansimu di hidupku.
mungkin itu tanda aku yang semakin tak mampu.
mungkin itu tanda aku semakin mencintaimu.

just a mere sight of you brigthen my day.
just a mere sight of you darken my day.

sebut saja aku serakah.
aku memang tidak bisa berbagi.
sebut saja aku egois.
rasa sakit ini begitu nyata.
membuatku tak sanggup tak buang muka.
dan pergi meninggalkanmu sebelum semuanya terbuka.
sleepy, dazed, but still in love with you.

the first day that I admited that I lava you
The house is cold when I'm not with you
You are warmth you brigthen every room
My bright warm house, and you
You make me happy
You are so beautifull
And I'm hurting

You've been away and I don't miss you
I'd rather be hurting and alone
Cold depressed and sick
You were wrong
You were black inside
And I'm hurting
ophelia Oct 2020
because for me
there is nothing more beautiful
than seeing the rays of your eyes sparkling
when you talking about things you like

and you always manage to find the right way to make me smile

— The End —