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dj Jul 2013
I'm eyes
in hard transparent plastic
the eye behind my eyes
doing its own viral will
like a demon, an obsessed molestor
I'm in this rush, a stampede of
thoughts like shoulders & breifcases

and now it's totally lost

maybe you didn't think
maybe you wouldn't care
I'd've told you sooner
but couldn't find the word.
Johanna Dec 2016
a sheeplish jaywalker
followed confidently by three others.*

I swim through people:
laps in the waves of arms

doggypaddle through
people and their backpacks
their breifcases, dufflebags
hockey sticks, saxophones, babies

mohawks, fauxhawks
pleas for change, professions of Christ.

offerings of pretzels and
poorly aged hotdogs
cheap sunglasses, perfume

not one, but two delirious people
drift to sleep on my shoulder.

I swim on.

— The End —