He knew that he was an Alien, He knew that he was peculiar, He knew that he was different, He knew the Air-Prince would continue to encourage others to Strike-Out at Him~ whether they knew the meaning of that which he spoke ! They even made fun of his name~ they would blurt out~ There goes "AWKARD AL" ~ Words bellowed out~as if to a 100psi ! ! They tried to throw enough "HOT" words to Blister~His Back. Then one day, while at a concert, a few moments before it was to begin,~ a LOUD Murmuring ~ hovered over the audience. and in Unison they proclaimed ~"There sits ALDIN AWK, the man whose words Bristle with Brackishness .! and they~.....Chanted in unison " His words Bristle with Brackishness" , they repeated the chant over and over. Aldin stood up, the crowd thinking ~that He was about to leave the concert. To their surprise~ he walked to the stage~ was handed the microphone~ bowed his head for a Moment...... and as He began to speak~ "EVEN GREATER WERE THE BRISTLED WORDS OF BRACKISHNESS" that came from him thru the tears "Pouring forth" ....
copyright 2011 barnoahMIKE Mike Ham