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For the dim regions whence my fathers came
My spirit, bondaged by the body, longs.
Words felt, but never heard, my lips would frame;
My soul would sing forgotten jungle songs.
I would go back to darkness and to peace,
But the great western world holds me in fee,
And I may never hope for full release
While to its alien gods I bend my knee.
Something in me is lost, forever lost,
Some vital thing has gone out of my heart,
And I must walk the way of life a ghost
Among the sons of earth, a thing apart;
For I was born, far from my native clime,
Under the white man's menace, out of time.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Whence I was younger
Nine or ten of age
I remember me and mine parents
Travelling down to south Carolina ( Myrtle Beach)
And on that elongated trip
By car of course,
I remembered the smell of the hillside's
Whilst traveling inside Virginia, and west viginia
As thou didst not knoweth
(Beckley, west Virginia) is where grandpa's from
(Mothers side), of course...
Whilst travelling I saw freedom
Freedom men died for
Slaved for
Embraced for
I could hear the gunshots
And moonshine traces
Left upon the wind wherein they were created
That noise hast not faded...
Not even slightly...
The people were kind
Southern souled kins...
As we continue up and down the curly cue roads,
The ones with no railways
(Quite scary I must sayeth)
We continue on into North Carolina...
Whilst entering into the North of Carolina,
It was a simple place
Wasn't mine type of place to be honest
( more of a south Carolina guy, "the old feel")
We past more charming upranged mountains
As the mountains thou couldst tell
We're boiled into the land
By gods hot glued finger
Many country roads and highways
To break on in
Here's the part though that awoketh me
We came to a road a little past Charlotte
The big city in the north of carolina.!!!!
This course pavement Artery
Was a hidden road
One thou wouldst not want to travel alone at night
There were trees on both sides
Trees that looked as if they had cometh out of the (nightmare before Christmas movie,)
As thou couldst feel the old pained( ******* subjugation)
The deathly lane was just that
( deathly) moribund in all manner
No houses
No streetlights to guide thy way
Not even creatures to scurry,
If their was any
They were moribund to
Like the ghost slaves staring back at us
I felt those bondaged men
The Africans who hath been slain on those trees
Plucked from their homeland
Sent here too be whipped and bleed
I saw no illumination
Other than the moon
(Full moon)
To guideth ourn way....
As I felt the slaves running ,
Weaving in and out of those trees
As if they were still running in fear
Fear from their slavemasters
We finally pushed on through that devilish appartional road
Making it out alive
It felt as if a nightmare
As if forever
I believeth it took two hours just to get out!!!!!!
No lying there
Of course I was nine or ten
So thou doth not have to believeth me
Though I canst forget the feeling of those slaves eyes glancing
Crying out for help from me
And trust me
If I was there
In that time
All of those slaves
Wouldst haveth been free
Free from chains
Free to roam
Free to come and go
And go to Myrtle Beach
With me and mine family !!!
Karishma Rao Jul 2012
You will never know the depth of my misery.
I beg for your every breath to find its way through me,
for your every step to be walked with me.
I yearn for your every word to be said to me,
and your very vision to be fixed into mine.
Your mouth must taste nothing but my flavour,
your ears must shun every sound but mine.
Only then shall my spirit be moved
even an inch away from this mess of a bondaged life.

— The End —