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Ahmad Cox Oct 2012
We feel at alert
Every day
We are
By life
We are
On every
Its easy
To get lost
Our way
As we
Move along
We need
To learn
How to
Live in peace
Turning off
Our alert
Our alarms
How not
To feel so
How to
Float along
Letting life
Float around
So that
You can
vanessa Jan 2014
Everytime I tell a boy just how much he means to me, he replies with "You can't help how you feel" or something along those lines and those six words alone bring a tear to my eye because yes I can't help how I feel. The moon doesn't apologize for falling at daybreak, and rain doesn't apologize for ripping at your winter coat, so really why should I apologize for loving you?

Maybe you were no good from the beginning but I do know that I can't help shaking at the thought of your skin colliding with mine, the touch of your fingers could send chills down my spine and make me breath smoky fog for about a year after winter. I can't help falling in like with the way you half smile when you look at the sky or the way you inhale smoke and release it from your lungs like a pro at blowing autumn leaves even though you aren't a master at escaping.  I can't help clawing at your backbone for hours on end hoping that somewhere within the hour I'll be able to feel your spinal cord in the midst of our encounter, and bring you back from the dead. I can't help loosing control of my tongue the minute you feed me lies, although you could burn beautiful words in the back of my throat, I promise I won't scream. I can't help wanting to unravel your secrets and read you books at 1 am and talk about the rest of our lives for hours on end, although owning an apartment in New York overlooking the rest of the world sounds quite appealing, don't you think? We could sit at the window and drink coffee in silence, I promise not to bombared you with words for to long. I can't help mistaking those summer nights for learning of your darker days, because you hid neatly behind your two glass spectacles and didn't dare show me what lied beneath your brown pupils. I can't help that an evening in your car will only drive me insane, because who knows where our nostalgia will take us as we drive down memory lane, maybe our honesty will get the better of us and our love will come flooding back into our bones before our soberity has a chance to say no.  I can't help seeing a light in your eyes if you walk me home in the dark, because I just might go blind if I allow you inside my burning building, I might become ash before you have a chance to pull me out alive.
There is a lot of truth in what you said because yes-- I guess I just couldn't help falling in love with you,
So yes-- I guess I really can't "help how I feel" after all.

NeverAgain Jan 2018
This is your goverment speaking, please carry on with your life blind to what is around you. Remember to constatly look into millions of cameras so the goverment can better track you. This is for your safety. You are not a beautiful living create in search of spiritual enlightenment and truth. This is not your purpose. You are to work and consume only. Please refrain from distrubing the statis quo. Please remain afraid, remain in constantly fear of everyone and everything around you and do not connect with those around you. The world is not safe and only we can protect you. Please refrain from creative or abstract thinking. this is not a productive use of time. please remain distracted by video games, entertainment, *** drugs and rock stars and allow the goverment to mend the world around you for their liking. the goverment knows best. Remember only goverment accepted drugs are aloud. no drug that expands your mind in any capacity is autherized. if you see anyone caught doing reecrational drugs pelease report them to authorities. This is your goverment speaking; floride is perfect healthy to put in drinking water and does not cause nerve problems. GMO have no definitive evidence that they are unsafe, and that has nothing to do with our laws against studying the subject. Please remain oblivious to the fact that 5G technology and smart meters are connecting us to a system called the "interent of things" were you willing be constantly bombared withcancer causing and nerve damaging radio frequencys. please allow us to amp us this sytem so we cn better track you.
This is your goverment speaking. Remeber; it is your responcibility to proct the enviroment, not ours. so we must tax every apect of your life were you consume, while we dump billions of tones of toxic waste into the oceans, destroy forest, preform constanbt nuclear testing, and continue nt to mainbtained reactors and waste storage facilitys.these are not the cause of enviromental problems, you are.
this is your goverment speaking: please ignore the fact that china is buying up north america and bringing in a strong influence of communism already seen in factory work conditions. please ignore the fact people are quietly being robbed of their private proerty and being force into innerr cities. please follow every law blindly, for the goverment choose what is good and bad. Freedom, liberty, and justice are not perspectives. if you think it is wrong to charge someone with ****** for perfroming a legal aborton, you are wrong. if you thinking disarming a man who broke into your house and is about to **** you is the right thing to do, you are wrong.
DO NOT< i repeat DO NOT reaearch AGENDA 21, the bill signed in 1992 that gives the UN overwhelming powers to SUE our country if we dont follow their orders for the future of our country.

Remember, there are too many people on the planet so when we roll out our eugenics program, please read the list to see if the government thinks your life is worthy of living.

Please continue with your day and remeber, reamin the statis quo. this was today announcement from your supreme leader. thank you.
Sarah Jun 2013
Thoughts bombared my mind,
I think thats all fine.
Isn't it the way we twirl,
Before the evening light.

The narrow line
I swallow

And the things I never finis

— The End —