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Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
Bijoylakshmi Das   Poems  
Published 4   Drafts 1
Bijoylakshmi Das 17h
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
(Dedicated to a Young Brave heart departed much before time,
Life's only Truth is Death, stark, pure and sublime.)
It's when breath becomes air,
The little 'SELF' confined to its narrow 'I' comes to a cease;
All sobs of agony in a new rapture finds an ecstatic release,
The World departs from its narrow periphery of YOU and ME.

It's when breath becomes air
The Subtle matter merges into the subtlest Vast,
A new Birth with vernal promises is ushered upon Eatth;
Still the Brown yearns for the earnest Elysian compromise,
The mortal's journey to the Immortal afar in awakening's rise.

It's when breath becomes air,
A twilight splendour trembles in the tremulous Vast,
The Soil's life, its love and passions of an Illimitable mirth,
The softening lips, and the sweet kisses of the nearest Sweet heart,
All fade to the distant horizon faint, forsaken and cast aside at last ;
Alas! The little blossom is yet to come out of the surrealist romance!!!

It's when breath becomes air,
The spirit begins to seek the beginningless Soul in the infinite stretch of the sky,
The Journey is eternal, endless but the enlivened Self rises high;
Creation's breath goes on ceaseless,
the finite relaxes at ease,
The anguish of the age-old attire tired of earthly toil longs for a deathless demise.

It's when breath becomes air,
The world drama dies death in the silence of the immaculate Sublime,
All lyrics of life transient are lymned by the One Poet in His unwritten Rhyme,
We are ALL in ONE and ONE in ALL in the Supreme playact of the One Alone,
Breath is Air, and Air is Breath - Life's unalterable Principle of Unique Oxymoron forever goes on since ageless Aeon.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri. 16th Dec 2019)

Written by
Bijoylakshmi Das
— The End —
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
The silence of night scares you
With its eerie thoughts
Ever azar with doors wide open
To give vent to unrestrained dreams,
Never letting you to rise above
The mundane laws of existence.
Do you ever think of SHIVA
The eternal principle of the Sublime?
Sitting alone on the peaks of the Himalayan silence,
Speaking to you in His divine muse-
Of ineffable ecstasy.
The body is not all.
That obeys the physical laws,
The mind is not all.
That listens to odd yearnings.
And the spirit too is not your limit.
You have to go beyond
Far beyond life's petty limitations
To reach Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.
SHIVA, the enlightened.
Which translates human dialects
Into an indefinable divine hieroglyphic.
SHIVA, the Supreme
Creates the Universe,
Rules it too,
Annihilates when Harmony loses its identity.
The universal principle of Love
Gets bewildered in empirical rules of earthly existence,
And Spirit fails to rise above,
SHIVA opens His Third Eye,
In its piercing gaze
All lights fade and
The fugitive human mind finds no sojourn
He warns you.
Arise, awake
To reach your goal
Beyond the earthly ken.
(Bijoylakshmi Das Haridwar)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
You are my Sweetheart, I'm your Spring-spangled Rapture,
I am Creation's beginnings' First Stir
You are the premordial OMKARA.

You are the torrential outpour from the firmament above,
I dwell blissful in the exalted Delight within;
Waves discordant make uproar only at the shore
I stay solemnly motionless in the deep Calm to breathe in.

It is when Earth tilts in utter imbalance
And air roars loud and violent,
I wing in Rhapsody's sweetest melody
You play the most mellifluous notes magnificent.

Up above in the mountain gulf
The demoniac Fire plays the loathsome volcanic dance,
I sit stunned surrounded by the Beauty majestic
You rejoice in your most peaceful Mystic Trance.

It is when man revels in wild joys of flesh and blood
The Divine playfield declares War of devilish wrath,
I do not die the death in this miracle profound
You herald the most prodigious unrivalled Birth.

There looms large strife and stress everywhere around
Storms and tempests in release in prophetic Ocean vast,
I sit in silence sublime of the inmost Reverie
You, busy painting on Creation's canvas your most marvellous Art.

I am Radha, Heaven's most Beautiful Maiden :
An epitome of Divine Love,
You are the Lord of recondite Ecstasy,
Forever rapt in your Certitude's embrace
I revel in your Sweet Lips' love-lorn Kiss.

All that is decrepit and fallen,
All who bring to Mother Nature peril,
All who obeys not Laws of the Unknown
Pay a deaf ear to His Fervent Appeal.

Just as a child plays with sand and clay
Gets angry, not happy with his art imperfect,
Slays all within the twinkle of an eye
His strained arduous Labour of his childhood's defect.

I, Radha being the Power and Prowess of your Sword, Sunrays-powered,
I dance in dalliance of your Moon-rapt Joy;
You are the Deathless Slayer since time immemorial
You are Supreme's the well-chosen Envoy.

I'm the endless flow of amour elegant
The Sun and stars, and moonbeams sport with in resonance;
The Creation's Sole Lover, the Captain of the Playground
For its unlimited Bounty and ineffable Abundance.

The Game of  Eternity  goes on forever
With limitless sanction to man's frivolous acts;
You secretly pull the One String in the Hour
And make all playthings meet their last chance.

I'm Radha, your Enchantress Paramour
You invade the Kingdom to make me your Empress;
To reign in Absolute's uninvaded Kingdom,
For you to rule as the most victorious Prince to your dearest Princess.

We both are well-wrapped in Golden attire of the Celestial hue,
To make the World astir and start the Brightest Life anew.
( Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 29th July 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 9th February 2020)
Silence in the air
Silence all around,
I long to merge deep
In the depth of Silence ' play ground. Silence is Harmony
Silence is Suoreme' s breath,
To regain our felicity fugitive
In our mortal breast -
We dive into Silence' depth.
The One Exprrssion of the unique Sublime -
Amazingly awe-inspiring
Utterly captivating!!!
Silence is the Art
Which makes others live
A joyful living united with the Infinite:
Selfless and all-forgiving!
Silence is the silent throb of the heart
Of the One Highest Breath,
The Consciousness sublime.
Silence is smile
On the face of the One Adorable Being.
Silence is the lone traveller
On the vast expanse of Time,
Silence is the reveller of Joy
Of the never-ending rhyme -
Silence is vast
Silence is Beauty -
Of the all - transcending Act!
Silence is Immanence
Of Creation's inherent Harmony.
Silence is the Mystic touch
Of the Absolute all-surpassing!
The celestial dwelling
For every loving heart,
Love's resplendent splendour
In life's journey vast!
Silence is perfection
That is never-ending;
The footprints from above
Solace descending!
The rare reminiscences
Of the One Eternal Inhabitant,
The all-shaping Flame
Of the Mystic Fire
Ever vibrant
Silence is Light
That lies deep within -
Each living and non-living
In their inertial sleeping!
Silence is awakening
From the most senseless stupor,
Silence is the patron -
For earthly life
Solemnly condescending!
Silence is Humility of the highest order,
Silence is Dignity always to remember,
The Beauty and Mirth that in life we seek for
To rise above the mundane self and its self- made disaster.
Silence is Blessedness' Grace
For every grieving soul;
Silence is Symphony
Of the ageless yore.
Silence is the sole companion
Of Spirit's magnificent melancholy,
Silence is Union with the Beloved in ecstasy.
Silence is Poetry
Of our rhythmic thoughts,
Silence is manifestation
Of our formless forms.
Silence sits alone in its Kingdom vast,
Why not make it your Soulmate
Oh Man! In your endless journey of the mortal birth?
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Silence is the Best
Silence is sublime
Silence is Vast;
Silence is all-transcending -
Beyond mortal acts.
It too is profound,
Makes us spell-bound,
Even though unexpressed
Reveals the Supreme Blessed!
It is the One unique existence
In its inane solitude -
Sends message of greater depth,
From Soul even when Being is asleep
Beyond Space and Time,
Cause and Effect ;
Wins the heart of Godhead
In her sweet soft golden glance! !
Silence is the celestial bridge
Joins the amazing heights
To Earth's forsaken soil,
And her attempted flights,
To reach the Unknown height
Of the underlying Godhead.
All vain desires and toil of the Brown
Meet Decadence -
Along with Ego's sky-touching crown
Man's arrogance and ambitions
And his derision of self-asserted pride,
To make Nature serve to his indomitable will,
And insatiable greed!

It never succeeds!
Inner silence is lost
As it served as the Golden Bridge
To meet the Supreme Will!
Which in each moment sees,
Our every act even if we hide;
His eternal Gaze -
Writes on Silence's page.
We humans create chaos -
Everywhere around us
To devastate the inner harmony.
Blind and deaf to mankind!
We have lost silence of our inmost mind!!!
Silence communicates the best,
Transfigures the language of the Lord,
In Nature's heiroglyphics
And Her innumerable ways.
Like when Dawn descends upon Earth
Heralding the joyful birth -
Of a vernal Creation
Awaiting to meet Humanity in the higher illumination!
The Soul's awakening -
Where only Silence reigns.
Dialect fails,
Speech loses semblance
Silence deciphers Creation:s unending rhyme.
Repeats in ceaseless Harmony!

We are born in Silence,
And to that Sole-existent Silence -
All have to go
By our Ego's transcendence!
Life's journey brief,
Ends in silence deep.
In Silence we must live,
And to it we must give -
Our listening ears in Knowledge's
Revelatory ascent!
We must make our life the greatest success -
In Supreme's Blissful Art!
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram,
Haridwar. 31.05.2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 15th Jan 2020)
Oh Heaven's Pleasure in the play of the Supreme Vast!
Your Grace elegant pours elixir upon the ailing Heart;
Do drop a few more drops of nectar
on the nescient Earth,
Life lies aggrieved, tired of human thoroughfares' playful act.

Oh Dignity of Perfection! The Celestial Blossoms of the Far!
You move away when Creation gets merged in mud, mire and despair:
Time's Wheel of Annihilation to restore Harmony is always at work,
The imperfections of impurity will certainly die death in the nether Dark.

Your attempts to build the Land of Bliss by Certitude's Grace,
With Nature's amazing phantasy on Beauty's intransigent breast;
The sorrowful tears of the sobbing sky to enliven the fatigued Earth,
The exhaustless marvels do roam around the Sovereign Blessedness vast.

Oh Purity of Certitude! Do cast your immortal glance,
Things ephemeral run so fast to meet the funeral of the mundane chance;
The World is in turmoil, Man has lost his inborn innocence,
The Absolute sits immobile, views all in His apocalyptic Trance.

The unsung notes struck from the strings of the Elysian lyre,
The strength of the heightened Felicity and the soothing solace of the Mystic Fire;
Man's glamour exotic, and his passions' most violent exhibits,
Meet their end in his Self-made cobweb of falsehood and defeat.

Man makes the huge wall of peril around him with Ego and Pride at its helm,
The rays of resplendence reluctant to shine upon its sordid realm ;
The World beyond runs wild in the wilderness of the Vast,
Lo and Behold ! A lovelier perfection is in nascent rise on ashes of the past,

The New Creation is manifest with fathomless Felicity of Harmony,
Notes discordant and all interventions with Nature's activity will meet a devastating destiny;
Your blood-thirst desires to rise to the highest at the cost of the Deprived,
The One Will above will crush you asunder in the dreadful disaster wild.

You are an imperfection, not truly meant for it in the Surrealist Art,
The Supreme Artist paints ceaseless on Nature's all-pervading canvas;
Be Human, love and serve all ;you are meant for Eternity's deathless Love,
You are Infinity's most cherished Guest in your finite human orb.

You are an ever oscillating drop of the large Ocean of immeasurable depth,
You are the scintillating mirth of the Illimitable Illumination ever present;
You are a wonderful surprise, also an experiment of the Perfectionist Art,
Rise to the Zenith of Perfection in Creation's blissful all-transcending Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Makar Sankranti, Puri, 15th Jan 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 25th Dec 2019)
Let breath become invisible and life come to a cease,
Life is a deathless merry-go-round
In an immortal release.

The morning rays cradle through clouds
In unseen moments of ease,
The Earth is enlivened with wonder and Nature's amazing surprise.

Blossoms open their eyes when the mortal slips into stupor,
All unspoken marvels vibrant in air
In the new uprising's uproar.

Trees laden with timeless treasures
Ever bow down to Earth in glee,
The choicest delicacies for man are offered:
The most magnificent gifts from the magnanimous tree.

The babbling bubbles of water in the brooks
To meet the vast Kingdom of the Sea,
All turbulence in air rising high
Is meant to meet the highest Harmony.

The star-spangled lustre lisps lullaby
In the Moon-rapt rapture of the eve,
The Heaven looks down upon Earth
For Godhead's footprints to live.

Man fails to fathom into the humble heart
Of Creation full of Joy and pure Love,
The utmost care hidden in her inmost humility
With honest appeals to rise above.

The far-fetched Zephyr brings celestial fragrance
From the distant woodland green,
The ether around is wrapped in elixir
To greet man as its nearest kin.

The Brown's mirth blooms at your feet
O Mortal! above your head is the canopy Blue,
The Supreme Felicity keeps open Her door
For you to explore the unrevealed mystery anew.

You are breath in air and air in breath
Come to the grand compromise,
The Creation is a surrealist Vast
You are Consciousness in awakening's rise.

No more limited in boundaries of space
You are limitless in Time's expanse free,
To rise above your petty Self
And to meet your choicest Destiny.

You are the Seer of Enlightenment,
Vast, profound in the robe of man,.
You are the Son of the Supreme Choice
Always united with the One.

Awake, arise to meet the immaculate Vast
Hidden in your Self in disguise,
Your body is a mask for Eternity to everlast
In your wider awakening's rise.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri Odisha)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
The world is far away from me with azure touch of the sky,
No earthly turmoil, but amazing splendour far and nigh,
The beauty of the timeless Vast, the Green humming with Delight,
To that remote realm I want to soar in my amorous flight.

The plash of the fountains, the soothing murmur in the brook,
The close-clinging touch of Love's sweet lips and the bashful look,
Are ever vibrant in air around robed in aureate hue,.
The glad smile of the cherished eyes to begin the life anew.

The Heaven's surprise in the spilth of an ecstatic beatitude,
Makes me more mirthful in life's wonderlust solitude,
Longings turn insentient in an eternal Elysian clasp,
The Soul seeks release from the mundane transient grasp.

The heartbeats cease overjoyed with Bliss infinite,
The seventh heaven opens doors of rapture recondite,
The gladdening glamour of the glistening stars of the moonlit mirth,
The vain loiterer finds his aimless errand's Goal at last.

The fragrant opulence brought by the babbling breeze,
All rivers' routes of the ravenous journey in the Ocean cease,
The truant spirit seeks sojourn in an ascetic heart,
Desires die the death in the deathless Vast.

The lisping lips of love speak soft whisper sublime
The sylvan woodlands are sun-clad in an argent rhyme,
The radiant blossoms are bathed in the brightening mirth,
To welcome the newly-weds in the ****** vernal birth.

The Absolute sits alone, immobile in the Immortal firmament above,
To greet the new-borns in the greatness of His immaculate Love.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram Haridwar. 13th October 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Just to touch the thoughts of the Green
I walked far and wide in distant woodland tree,
I scaled the heights of the towering peaks -
Of mountains; but found "Nature is Poetry".

The mnemonics I deciphered from Dictionary of the Vast
The archives I did explore in Mind's holiday spree,
All longings human failed utterly at last
To discover Nature to be a Mystery.

The songs of Music poured from human hearts
In moments of mirth and agony,
But the sobbing tears of the limitless Sky
Can only create the most exalted Harmony!

The futile lines of my frailsome hands,
All attempts to give shape to a poem,
Only the Pure Sublime can pen the best
Creation's amazing surrealist Realm.

Then I wanted to paint on the canvas
The Beauty that adores you and me,
Love's fragrant blossoms forever vibrant,
Only the Zephyr could speak of it and see.

Can you ever paint the lightening vast
With fantastic colours that flicker so fast?
Can you ever bring life to the heavy downpour
Which Nature weeps from Her inmost heart?

The sweet little birds flutter their wings
In joy's uproar and Dawn's untold dewy mirth,
The highest Song of Silence writ on the chirrups
Can you fathom into it in your mortal Birth?

The infant Sun cradles through clouds with myriad hues that paint the sky,
Do you know why the Mystic Fire
Changes its shape to smaller and smaller as it rises high?

Can you ever tread to the untrod Realm
Ever pure, serene and sublime,
The uninhibited kingdom of the Omnipotent King
Where there is eternal Sunshine?

Words fail to give meaning to your rhyme
The rhythm too in the long run is lost,
All your failing attempts to sketch the Divine scheme
Soon to be crushed and fallen to the dust.

It's only to admire and be merged in His reverie
Of what you feel and see,
The whole Creation is wrapped around
By the uncaught and unsought mystery.

Bow down your head upright
With gratitude, wonder to His unrevealed History,
You and your endless generations profound
Can never complete the Art of Perfection  -
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri. 4th Dec 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Your breath is in the fragrance of the rose , whisper in the breeze,
All is Beauty, Splendour: Heaven's surrealist surprise.
When you whistle in the air, I babble to the brook,.
You play the harp with beautuful notes with a celestial look.
All is perfect, all is melody,
Dreams float in ether in their roseate rhapsody.

The swift falling cascades  crooning to the Zephyr,
The pliant plenitude is vibrant with the Divine elixir;
The silent touch soon trembles by the timid leaves,
Rustles are vibrant in distant woodland's solemn outfit.
An asphodel Felicity spreads fast the nectar around,
I am lost in YOU and YOU in ME in the Divine playground;
The earthly life uncertain soon begins to cease,
We are ONE, lost in its profundity in this infinite release.

In Symphony's songs seized with Love's aureate wings,
The dewy dawn walks down to kiss first the Sun-bathed beams;
The Earth is joyful, Bliss-rapt, and golden attire-clad,
The New Creation filled with voluptuous vanity, forever glad.

The flight for the Unknown heights awaiting time,
The far off distant hills sing momentous songs sublime;
The ****** vesper Moon lurks behind stars with her silvery mirth,
To make our Journey a miraculous event in the sacrosanct Vast.

All things are pure, sanguine that bloom in time,.
For, Time waits for none, we must reach its never-ending rhyme;
The Blossoms of the Brown look up to the sky to rise,.
The tiresome tidings of Soil seek solace in an Elysian paradise.

The unique unison is classic, transcending mortal acts,
Triumphant, Supreme unbesieged by any earthly artefacts -
With star-cradled joy and Moon-rapt blithe,
The unbridled mind in Rapture's kingdom does forever cease.

The One Immutable embraces us in His never-ending clasp,.
To make our life Eternal, Omnipresent in His Eternal Vast.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Sri Jagannath Dham, Puri. 9th Nov 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 4th Feb 2020)
I scale the Sublime heights of the azure Vast
To have a glimpse of someone unique and new,
I try to walk to the incommunicable Absolute
To know the whereabouts of Beauty, that is You.

I trek the abode of the distant mountains
I spend sleepless nights in the woodland green,
I listen to stars whispering to the Moon
In night's melancholy of moments' unseen.

An aureate agony is aired around
Giving rise to the roseate dreams,
I sleep in Beauty's majestic splendour
In an unending rhapsody of the unknown Bliss.

Love's sweet lips of joy orofound
I'm wrapped in wonder of an exalted ecstasy,
Who's that who shares my kingdom
Of my solitude's private ecstasy.

The One who enters into my silvery sojourn
With golden blossoms plucked from the celestial Blue,
My eyes are euphoric with Infinity's wonder -
Of Beauty of Elegance, Oh! that is You.

I knock at the gate of the emerald Palace
Where Nature nurtures me with love and care -
Of the most beautuful heart of the eternal Beloved
Just because Beauty of Certitude is there.

I merge into the deep of the Ocean's green
Which foresees Creation's future hours,
With tidings unheard and melody unseen
Adorned with Felicity's exquisite flowers.

I'm in union with the deific Delight
I feel it in every moment of my mortal breath,
I'm being overwhelmed with Joy's paradise
It is due to Beauty of Grace beyond death.

I touch the solemn kiss of the breeze
Which soothes each and every grieving heart,
I reach the unreachable heights of Heavenly surprise
Just because of Beauty's surrealist Art.

I listen to the earnest appeal of the Earth
In forsaken hours of the forlorn march,
Beauty of Gratitude paints her Elysium grandeur
On the measureless stretch of the world canvas.

Beauty is Grace, Beauty is Splendour,
Beauty is the unforeseen Wonder,
Beauty all-pervading, Beatitude vast,
Open your door of the heart for Beauty's footprints to alight
Be a successful actor in Supreme's all-surpassing Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 3rd Feb 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 4th Feb 2020)
I scale the Sublime heights of the azure Vast
To have a glimpse of someone unique and new,
I try to walk to the incommunicable Absolute
To know the whereabouts of Beauty, that is You.

I trek the abode of the distant mountains
I spend sleepless nights in the woodland green,
I listen to stars whispering to the Moon
In night's melancholy of moments' unseen.

An aureate agony is aired around
Giving rise to the roseate dreams,
I sleep in Beauty's majestic splendour
In an unending rhapsody of the unknown Bliss.

Love's sweet lips of joy profound
I'm wrapped in wonder of an exalted ecstasy,
Who's that who shares my kingdom
Of my solitude's private ecstasy.

The One who enters into my silvery sojourn
With golden blossoms plucked from the celestial Blue,
My eyes are euphoric with Infinity's wonder -
Of Beauty of Elegance, Oh! that is You.

I knock at the gate of the emerald Palace
Where Nature nurtures me with love and care -
Of the most beautuful heart of the eternal Beloved
Just because Beauty of Certitude is there.

I merge into the deep of the Ocean's green
Which foresees Creation's future hours,
With tidings unheard and melody unseen
Adorned with Felicity's exquisite flowers.

I'm in union with the deific Delight
I feel it in every moment of my mortal breath,
I'm being overwhelmed with Joy's paradise
It is due to Beauty of Grace beyond death.

I touch the solemn kiss of the breeze
Which soothes each and every grieving heart,
I reach the unreachable heights of Heavenly surprise
Just because of Beauty's surrealist Art.

I listen to the earnest appeal of the Earth
In forsaken hours of the forlorn march,
Beauty of Gratitude paints her Elysium grandeur
On the measureless stretch of the world canvas.

Beauty is Grace, Beauty is Splendour,
Beauty is the unforeseen Wonder,
Beauty all-pervading, Beatitude vast,
Open your door of the heart to Beauty's footprints to alight
Be a successful actor in Supreme's all-surpassing Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 3rd Feb 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Come, let us live together, the Vast YOU and the little ME,
The Earth looks for greater heights, and the blue sky for the azure sea.

Tie not your time to the ambit of ambling hours,
The dimensionless air seeks solace in the shelter of the tree,
Look around the Universe beyond the horizon vast
Luminous, Transcendent, gleaming in a glittering spree.

The oceanic solitude speaks to the babbling waves
In the roaring uproar at the solemn entreaty of the shore,
The treasure immortal  hidden deep in the depthless *****
Gives the Clarion Call of the long lost forgotten yore.

The countless glistening gems on the firmament's breast
Reveal the most ecstatic euphoric symphony,
Infinity breathes deep into the heart of the finite
To live this Mystery out in the well-chosen Harmony.

The amazing ardour of the amour in the airy breeze
Wrapped in silvery mirth of the morn- moist dew,
Matter enveloped by every tiny specks of dust
Sings the New Creation's music in a heavenly hue.

The frightening armour in the lightening's dance,
The heavy outpour in a stormy turbulent night,
It's only to re-discover the Truth sublime
Deep hidden, out of reach of the mortal sight.

So much care, compassion and love immortal
Flow in the breath we all breathe,
The saffron sacred robe of the Mystic Fire
Envelopes us with divine warmth to make all eternally free.

The light we adore, the air we breathe,
The Earth we dwell upon, the fire forever free;
The water around adds pleasure to the playground -
Of the Divine Creatrix, ever undemanding!
Oh Man! What instead do you give?

The loving lap of Nature nurtures you,
Cradles you even in your most ignorant birth,
To rise and awaken your inmost Self
To meet the indefinable, immaculate Vast.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri. 3rd Dec 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Silence all around,
Solitude reigns over the earth;
I sit in my soul's repose -
With visionary eyes cast
Upon a distant immeasurable Vast!
Night descends slow behind her veil,
Soft are her footsteps -
Spreading sweet fragrance.
It adores the dark,
Enlivens Zephyr's touch and
Brown's vernal mirth
Speaks message subliminal
For the fatigued Earth.
Blessed sits my Sweet-heart
Shares the kingdom of Bliss
Of infinite treasures worth.
Betwixt heaven and earth
The line of separation fades slow,
The horizon loses semblance.
A remarkable Mystic significance!
One seeks the One
The Creator and the creation -
Ger united in the greatest communion!
Actor turned into acts;
Dreams and Dreamer are now together -
No more poles apart!
Love is One's yearning for the One
In the Supreme Art!
All is eternal and in eternity all do last.
Infant longings of the past
Toils hard across sands of Time
To meet the long-cherished quest
Since the mortal birth.
In Soul's highest awakening
The seeds sown on memory's clay-bed,
Awaiting to reach the morning rays
Of the golden Dawn.
The Unique Revelation!
Paradise of Union -
Behind the curtain
With azure surprise
With gifts of hope and beautiful surmise,
Sweet hours of the night
Clad in apparel dark
Offers ecstatic smile
To greet the starry firmament stark.
Splendid is the message
Writ on sky's blue page
The ****** vesper Moon
Speak delight pure
Send myriad hues
:Know not why...
All is joy around us
Forever sublime and to admire
The Mystic Fire!
Hid from man merged in mind's mud and mire.
It's tardy process of death and birth.

The Flute of the One sitting above
Sings Muse of Divine Love.
If awakened and awake
"Can hear the never-ending rhyme
Ever sublime
Goes on forever
Since time immemorial
Beyond space and time".
Deaf to ears
Merged in stupor!
Denied to the one
Dipped in mortal fear.

Silence all-pervading
Unending Bliss profound
Makes us spell-bound
In the heavenly play ground!
Be a part of it,
Oh dear mortal Dweller!
Your body is just a mask;
Evolution ceases not
In petty limits of human birth.
Man, not the summit
Infinite is ecstasy
To reveal the Supreme and His Unique Art!
To reach the highest realm of spiritual splendour
Of its summit's gain,
Not in Matter's false glamour and Ego's disdain ;
But in the sojourn of an illumined Vast
To unveil the TRUTH.
Awake and arise
In this wonderful compromise
Meet your Soul -
In your new Immortal Birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram,
Haridwar.  20.05.2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 16th Jan 2020)
I long to merge into the beautiful Vast
Where all is azure, all is blue,
The oceanic solitude reigns over my heart
To begin the wondrous life anew.

My days were spent in the nether dark
In nescient heights of fruitless dreams,
I want to scale the Omnipotent's height
To get merged into His immaculate Bliss.

My intense longings for the Unknown impalpable,
Desires no more doomed in earthly mire,
Pleasures no more a plaything of fairyland delight
My only seeking is for the Mystic Fire.

Love is no more a frantic fancy
Cravings no more for gossamer labyrinth,
Where inmost passions lost in Lust's frail fantasy
Bliss is imprisoned in the land of guilt.

My amour longs for the celestial ardour
Where brightest dews meet in the  rainbow-rapt kiss,
With Eternal Sweetheart in the joyous playground -
Heaven-fraught Delight showers heavenly Bliss.

My sojourn is settled in the supernal shore
Of the unreachable ocean of ageless yore,
My journey is from the mortal to the deathless far
Eyes cast upon the One Cosmic Goal.

Wrapped in wonders of Wisdom profound
Mind freed from fetters of the finite,.
Body obeys no more the rules of senses
I'm on Earth to fulfill the mission recondite.

The empyrean felicity wings my hours
The moonlit moments kiss my feet,
The sun-clad splendour keeps doors open
To enter into its exquisite Bliss.

All is Harmony, all is Divine,
All is Delight, all is Ecstasy,
Oh Man! Be honest to be human
You are welcome to the Sublime's privacy.

In the Immensitude my existence is lost
I'm no more the body, mind or spirit,
I revel in liberty at Freedom's door
I'm ever free beyond Freedom's sight. .

Love the world with sincere heart, the world will love you too,
You are one in multitude in the multitudinous Vast
You are in union with All  and All united to the Supreme in You.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 16th Jan 2020, 01.45 hrs)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 29th Jan 2020)
Music of the Vast
Is music of your mind,
Listen to it first
In the enlivened morning,
The silence transcending
Unique of its kind!
Bliss of the rapture
Reigns over the breeze,
Awakens the brook
Tells it to rise,
The little ripples reveal a lot  -
Above human levels and their sordid thought;
There float the higher happenings and greater surmise -
Just tarry a little
Merge deep into your Soul,
You will reach Infinity:
Your invisible Goal.
The air you breathe around
Is flavoured with fragance
Of the effulgent Felicity of the Divine Romance ;
The One universal Breath -
Where all is One,.
On the Infinite strech
No one is alone.

Vast is the Ocean,
Vast is the Blue -
The oracular Opulence is His Celesty's hue;
Vast is His Kingdom
Of an ineffable Mirth,
To make life on Earth living worth.
His beatific plenitude rules over the Earth
To ennoble Man in an enlivened Birth.
All that is turmoil
Wants to rise,
With delirium of despair
And its countless lies
Of false hope and promise
Of the nescient birth,
That sleeps in stupor
In an inertial lap.
Only at the surface
Will certainly cease,
The Sphinx of the aeon
Is going to rise,
All that is imperfect,
All that is impure,
All discordant notes
Never chosen by the Immortal Dear.
Grievings of your heart
Do cast aside,
Look within the surrealist Vast
That wants to rise
Out of the doldrums of inconscient sigh
The sleeping Humanity in ignorance high!!!
Look ahead to the invisible Wisdom's flight
With aureate wings and azure light,
To the Land of Immensitude
In Intuition's insight.
Merge deep within,
You are an immortal Whole
You are the shoeless Ocean
And its sandless Shore.
You are its indivisible part -
Of Symphony of the ageless yore.
The One Rhythm
That makes World unite,
Love's enraptured Ecstasy
In an enlightening height,.
The One Glance above
Is Rhapsody recondite.
Takes you far in the ascending flight.
Live deep within
The Godhead dwells in you,
Do live in the World
But let the World not live in you.
All Poetry fails
Before the One Sublime,
Which Nature writes in her unending Rhyme,
The scintillating effulgence
Of Her unsullied Bliss,
The Divine rapture
In Her unseen Kiss -
May enliven you  and
Make you pure in heart,
Then only you become Man
My Dear!
A successful participant -
In the immortal display
Of the Infinity's Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 29th Jan 2020, Puri, 06.00 hours)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
The most beautiful touch of Love
In Thine sweet lips does it rove,
And your alien smile enigmatic;
Yet I grasp Thee
In Soul's solitary opulence
Where I feel my 'self'
And converse in dialect transparent
With my inner audience.
You greet me with an ecstatic ease.
Perhaps the forlorn heart
Sits calm and composed in
Self complacency.
Being aware of the disdain and doldrum of the Humanity.
Monna Lisa! The Mystery incarnate
Has slain the silence in her Mystic Presence.
Retires quiet in the quietude of a formless eve,
Merged in reverie
Of someone close of the Distant dream.
With admiring eyes all around
'You are an object of Love'
Never to be found!
Though entirely uninvolved
Oh Heavenly Damsel above!
Immortal in mortal Beauty!
Leonardo da Vinci's Art of iconic excellence
An infinitude of Bliss.

Yourq lips enticing,
Eyes far-reaching yet alluring
Make you dream a far-fetched
Delight enchanting.
Oh Artistic Marvel!
Epitome of rare moments'
Rapture and Symphony,
Creation's highest Harmony!
Descend upon Earth -
To be cherished as the treasure of the illimitable Vast.
An endless Mirth!
Oh unequalled Felicity!
You are Heaven's pleasure
Not mundane Seraglio's worth.
You are an immense Epiphany!
The ****** Beauty
Turned into a Myth
The Creation's unciphered Destiny.
The unthought idea of a legendary Romance,
The unfathomable depth of your surreptitious glance,
Your gestures sublime
Speak of the most euphoric Rhyme!
An unsung Poem
Of the amazing Vast
Aeons to last.

Oh Unforgettable Rhapsody!
Tread upon the Brown
To reverberate the air and earth
With azure mirth.
Your sweet soft unheard melody
Of immenisitude infinite
Of Rhapsody recondite
From the realm of the remote reverie.
Oh Celestial Nymph and El Dorado's Fairy!
Solace unending!

Aesthetic Excellence!
No touch of body and flesh,
Ever sanguine,
All-transcending Deathless ******!
Mona Lisa! The Maiden captivating!
Beauty fails to boast
In your ***** of Elysean Shine.
Breath stops but life breathes Love and Light,
Of inaccessible Height
Recedes further
Never comes to sight.
Mona Lisa, the Sweetheart
To countless beholders in despair,
Untouched in Eternity!
You are the unsolved Paradox
Of Human History.
You are Poetry's new nuance
Which never dies
Meets not decadence.
The Darling of Dalliance of every youthful whim.
In Memory's Archive
The Subtlest Queen!
Oh Seraphic Splendour!
Mona Lisa the magnanimous Heart!
Drop your Divine nectar
And be Bliss to all.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 31st July 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Deep I merge into memories past -
To excavate from Mind's fathomless Vast,
To make it afresh and sylvan-rapt
That wraps me around like mnemonics of the chapter last.

In dalliance of a fairyland delight
The lone moments paved way to an untrammelled Bliss,
The Sweetheart Sovereign's seraphic sojourn
And His all-transcending Heaven-fraught kiss.

The Bacchic mirth once made life worth,
The mundane mire turned to heavenly hue,
Air stirred with Elysean resplendence
The prodigious parable opened its pages anew.

The Soul sported with splendid might
In unending ecstasy of solitude recondite,
The Empyrean Damsel alighted upon Earth -
With soft unceasing sobs from the Infinite.

The Night gleamed with a vesper brilliance
The ****** Moon played Her alluring dance,
The Day's diadem dazzled with Sun-clad rays
Life enlivened in an euphoric Trance.

The blissful marvel carved out of arcane depths
To herald the Dawn of a Surrealist realm,
The star-spangled firmament in its twinkling tuning
Played Eternal Love's divine game.

How magnificent, bright and calm
Were the majestic momentous moments sublime!
The Distant brooklets murmered muse to Silence
In their unspoken never-ending rhyme.

The unsung Music, the unheard Symphony
Soon opened their golden doors for You,
The Unknown Traveller of the Mystic Kingdom -
Dawned upon Earth to dwell in midst of morn-moist dew.

Now the mind gathers souvenir from the forgotten Archive past,
The unexplored Empire seeks new release  -
In Light and Love and an unending Certitude :
The Glory that would never cease.

I bow down to the Supreme Above,
In Gratitude and Solemnity to His boundless Love.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 26th July 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Oh Heaven's Flower!
Shun not Earth,
Your exuberance elegant -
Beauty transcedent, and
Celestial opulence
Hint at a Mystic significance.

Oh Beautiful Blossom!
Of the invisible kingdom of Bliss,
Shower your Solace
Upon the Vast stretch of Brown finite.
Oh the most amazing manifestation of the Supreme!
The ineffable Ecstasy!
Make the mundane life -
The Divine worth.

Oh Blooming Marvel of the far-off Realm!
Your Love-lit visage
And your never-ending endurance
To meet the starved and exhausted desert heart;
Enliven in us the new breath of life magnificent,
The earthly moments
Reach Eternity's empire -
Of time immemorial
Of a vernal Birth.
Oh Angelic Delight!
Do Alight upon Earth.

Oh Stealth of Bliss!
Oh prodigious Birth!
The violent victory
Over vain frolicking
Of ephemeral  life vagrant.
Seeks Thine Shelter ;
All vain purports
False surmise and fake conjecture - Fades to the distanceless Far
In your aureate Resplendence.

Oh pristine presence of the Divine Nuance!
Your muse and symphony sacrosanct
Soothe sobs and sibilations
Of the mortal heart:
The long-lost immortal Innocence.
Let the radius of our Quest be the limitless Vast.

Oh Truth Sublime! Perfection of Art!
The One Alone sails the mast -
Of Creation's sailing vessel
In measureless Ocean:
Large, immense and vast.
The One reigns over the
Present, Future and the Past.

Oh Celestial Flower of exquisite fragrance!
Make the living Humanity worth:
The miraculous Birth.
All vain longings and futility
Of despair and false pleasure
May meet decadence.

Oh Certitude sacrosanct!
Your unshakable flamboyance
May awaken us to the Dawn
of a New Renaissance.
Oh Heaven's Flower!
Shun not Earth.
We adore Thee
In our enlightened Birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 28.07.2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 28th Jan, 2020)
Lost in Solitude's celestial surprise
Dazed by the dazzling dews of the
skyless hue;
The spirit in me awakes to the audacious adventure
Clad with impeccable iridescent hue.

The sky shakes its silvery flowers
Of starlit mirth and moonlit joy,
An alien Delight reigns over Earth
To take you to the Land of Bliss far away.

There dwells the lonesome lovely heart
In harmony's kingdom of the highest order ;
The hierarchy of the Supreme Felicity
In the midst of the spotless splendour.

The Sun goes humbler as it rises high:
Humility of the most magnanimous soul,
The Divine principle of Wisdom profound
The long-sought quest of the human goal.

The Earth turns timid in her tiresome toil
Of disharmony's delirium dreadful dance,;
All her attempts to make man Human
In an ennobled sacrosanct birth.

The gladsome gifts of the grateful Green
Are showered down at the feet of earth;
To let you live in Gratitude's ken -
With grace and dignity of an angelic heart.

The seraphic Damsel sheds tears from Sky
At the pressing plight of the Creation's Art;
So perfect and sublime once upon a time,
Now sleepless laments in the limitless Vast.

The beautiful Blossoms bring Bliss transcendent
Love's endless ecstasy enlivens the soul,
"Surrender unconditional" - the One Rule inalienable
To reach Humanity's the most cherished goal.

The little "I" that lies in you and me
The Ego that raises its head so high;
The insignificant Self:s earthly compromise
Brings sorrow and agony and timeless sigh.

The priceless Bounty of the Beatitude's crown,
The immortal treasure of Rapture recondite;
The Creation garbed in an eternal radiance
Of Compassion infinite in prophetic foresight.

Be vast like the Ocean,
Be ever-giving like the noblest tree
The Art of Giving is vibrant in Nature -
The Creation is the ceaseless Poetry.
Make its Liberty an integrated Whole,
Freedom beyond the freedom vast,
"Supreme Surrender" as your life divine's Goal.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 31st Dec 2019)
A Message of deep Love in Divinity
to one and all.

O Loiterer of the Land of the Ephemeral!
How can you reach Eternity?
Your periphery is limited,
Wisdom in ******* to flesh and body!!!
Love is confined to Lust
So much mundane, so earthly!
You are the crawling insects of dust.
How can you scale the heights of Infinity?
Your choice lingers in the finite
From one to another every minute,
Ever fleeting!
Bliss is Daydream for you,
Passions unsatiated served in your plates as your choicest recipee!!!
True Love is far receding,
Ashamed to come near you
With its inherent Dignity.
Love is wrapped around you -
In each and every part of your human history.
Do you know
Each and every moment of your life
Have been looked after by the -
Unseen Eyes beyond all limits of mystery.
How can you roam free -
With tons of loads of Ego
and Vanity?
Your pleasures profuse
The mansion you build around
Could they ever give you Peace profound -
To live in the Universe
In universal Harmony?

Your Body is a tabernacle
To enshrine the One Divine.
It too is a vehicle
To give expression to senses' destiny:
Creation's evolution deathless, evolving.
Even to go beyond that
Are you ready?
Do you live in Dignity?
You are utterly ephemeral
How can you reach Eternity?
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri, Odisha.)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Dusk fades in the horizon,
The stunning Sunset scribbles
A few squiggles significant
On mind's firmament vast.
A magnificent masquerade
Of life's emotions and frolicking past.

In a prescient Presence
Lurks the golden future amazing and forever to last.
The enlivening Dusk fades far away, Giving place to the solemn Dark its way;
Lost are bygone days' dusts of despair,
The ocean within the Self laves the shore
With tiny turbulent waves,
And the stars soon begin to drop
Their scintillating mirth.
Inspire to rise above Earth's transience,
All its lovelorn and anguish-moist clasp.
Walk alone to the shoreless Vast.
Your journey nears the end
The Golden Door to meet you is azar,
Oh Traveller! Think twice before you go far
In this bizarre bazaar.
You are welcome, Oh Human
In your mortal warp.
Your awakening, though
A little topsy-turvy
Only in the beginning.
Cast off your mask
Of frailties and failures:
Your incomplete evolutionary act.
Be an active participant
In Eternity's joyful playact.
The Supreme Felicity
Awaits you at the end of the tunnel dark.
Memory of the mind mortal
Fades far
Recedes further too all past solicitude:
Purely ephemeral.
In the faint fading gesture
Of twilight unsure
Your joys and fear of death
and mundane departure
Of so-called dear and near.
All lose semblance
In the Supreme Artefact.
The One Truth wraps
The whole Creation's Amazing Vast.
The Love of the One Beloved
Is pure and sanguine
And Omnipresent.
Like the morning sunshine
His Grace never failing,
Lulled by Solitude's Silence
His Infinity's Height ever ascending
Matter and Mind transcending,

Dusk fades in the Horizon
Darkness looms around,
Hopes' immensitude
And Joy profound.
Unfasten your futile ***** -
Tied to strings of the Earth.
To reach the Illimitable Mirth
The Mystic Fire is lit
In your Immortal Birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 7th August 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(BIjoylakshmi Das)
The splendid Sunshine recedes to the inmost mountain lap,
The diamond dusk gets ready for the Moon-lit silvery clasp,
The brightening hues of the star-clad sparkle babbles to the breeze,
To endow the mortal with marvellous mirth and golden surprise.

The sweet fragrance of the night blossoms adore the air around,
The Heavens Maiden descends upon Earth, the Divine Playground,
Life gets enlivened with Love’s delightful mirth,
The radiance of rapture reddens the ravishing lips of the distant Sweetheart.

The Mother of Delight dawns upon every cherished heart,
To make one enraptured in fugitive moments’ futile play act,
All on Earth is uncertain, the false promise and compromise,
Awake to Love’s vast kingdom where reigns Certitude and Wisdom vast.

The Tryst of the Lover in lonely moments to lie in Beloved’s lap,
The long-cherished hours of clinging together in unlimited clasp,
The unfettered emotions, the mortal’s Dionysian endeavour,
The body’s bewitching gestures and its gladdening glamour –

The Night’s sublime solitude solemnizes performance pageant,
To discover the realm of Love, wide, expanding  and ever sacrosanct,
The senses of matter ephemeral merge into the senseless Unknown,
To make living deathless, transcending senses in the One Alone.

The ecstasy of Beauty that never fades from the human heart,
The whole Creation is knitted together in Love’s surrealist vast,
The fortuitous freedom at Soul’s release from death and birth,
The splendorous Beatitude bows down on your Moonlit path.

The physique is a Boon to enshrine the Benediction profound,
You are no more a slave to wanton desires and sloth of the ground,
The Deathless sits Supreme immutable, immaculate above,
Rise above all transience, ennoble your earthly life with His Divine Love.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram, Haridwar.17th October 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Call me  Invisible to my distant dreamland of divine Bliss,
Where rapture plays with resplendent hue,
Everywhere vibrant the Song of symphony -
Of a Mystic melody christened by you.
All is complacent, all is pleasing
Dawn wakes up in its pinkish joy

Paint not the marvel Oh earthly Painter -
It's Seraph-enchanting  delight,
Stop a while to see it smile
Vast, bewitching which benumbs your mortal sight.
Your painting brushes and colours fail to catch,
The Intangible's dewy touch at every little glance.
Seems as if a flickering glimpse soon to fade away,
Nature's amazing never-ending play.
All is ecstasy, pure and sublime,
The voiceless Voice's unending rhyme.

Build no more castles Oh Mortal Dweller -
Waste not mortar, brick and plaster around you,
You will fail to catch each and every endeavour -
The One weaves around you.
He moons in the glory of His Omnipotence!
The Guiding Principle All-Transcendent!

The countless drops of nectar drip from the heavenly Blue
Wings your moments with celestial mirth,
An aureate rhapsody is in resonance
In the midst of musical symmetry of a new Earth.
Dazzels her visage in the beatific brilliance
The symbolic Godhead's Cosmic Dance!

The breeze blossomed with flowers of elegance
The Moon sends angelic carols from above,
The Golden Bridge joins Earth to Sky
Promising sunbeams of Divine Love.
All is changing like lightening fast,
Things in decadence forgotten and buried in distant past.

The falling cascades dance no more violent and wild
The Zephyr murmurs soft solemn muse mild
In her most childlike innocence,
The Creation's Harmony has long been broken and cast aside
By a demoniac devilish dance.
Hidden in the dark depth a future flamboyant -
Evolves out despite man-made reluctance.

Oh Man! Fallen and derelict
Make no more any uproar,
With your fictitious ambitions high
Dr Faustus in mortal fear!
Forgotten your goal,
"The choice is imperative :Truth or Abyss, be dead sure".
Life human given to you as a boon
The Providence alert, try not to gain at the cost of the other.
All have equal rights to live
All are being looked after -
By the never-dropping eyelids of the Unique Master.
In His realm, silence reigns sovereign,
He sits silent but He is Supreme.
The toughest Master for the Man-Monster,
The deadliest Devil for the devilish Being.
He is magnificent, unique
He too is mean.
The One formidable King!
He is Seer, He is seen.
He is Player, He is the play-thing.
You are tiny specks of dust at His Snare -
To be thrown away as an amusement thing.
Play no more your tricks with the dreadful Dear,
Disclose not the itinerary of your childish chore,
He knows the best -
How to thrash you, cast you away
and bring you back ashore
And do all the best.

The Seer Immortal
Sits in the immobile Vast,
The One Omnipotent!
Can throw off your EGO ascendant.
He can make your life a hell of turmoil
Or a meaningful Whole.
You are ever at His door,
Do surrender
And hearken to His Clarion Call.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar, 21.06.2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das  24th Nov 2019)
The mansion magnificent is built in distant woodland heights,
With no sentinels to watch, but with Nine Golden doors bright,
Enter as pre-destined : the sole purpose of mundane life:
Drink nectar of Love and spread it, for your exit is certain : the end to all strife

The air you breathe around is not of your own,
The fragrance of Blossoms you adore belongs to the Supreme alone,
The flavour you admire, the recipe you relish with your most frivolous tongue,
The hands that hesitate to give but ready to take will not last long.

The beauty of woman, the innocence in the smile of an infant
Love's ardent ardour and its lone moments of ecstatic clasp,
The countless dreams you gather as your days increase,
Nothing is intransient, in Time's transience all do forever cease.

The eyes that adore Equality in the Smallest and the Vast,.
Your equipoise will count in life's mirth as well as in uncertain holocaust;
Your living is for others, your petty Self to be annulled,
The only stark TRUTH to be lived and shared will shine the brightest.

Caring and Sharing will lead you to reach the human Goal,
Walk on, be awake till you reach Godhead 's shoreless shore,
The oceanic profundity can only be felt in an abysmal depth,
Else, turmoil everywhere, so dive deep into Soul's inmost recess.

The emerald corridor you walk along will one day collapse,
Your broken promises, fake desires for Illimitable wealth to amass,.
The world around can only turn in an Elysian compromise,
The Bridal of the Earth to the Sky will consummate in an El Dorado's Paradise.

Your mortal life will turn immortal in an Immortal Vast,
Only if you could gain Wisdom in the most compassionate heart,
The crawling worms even cradle the desire to scale the Infinite,
Only if you could sense it in an enlightened foresight!!!

The littleness of 'I' in you meets the confluence 'WE' at last,
Your mansion's opulence touches the magnanimity of the toil of the Earth,
It is only then you can become an Integrated Whole,
The Creation will dwell in You and You are its greatest Wonder.

The Omnipotent's immortal Gift is at your door: the surrealist surprise!
You are GOD in MAN and MAN in GOD in your 2 Rise.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri. 24.11.2919)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 30th Jan 2020)
Love is profound,
Unsullied Bliss;
Love is Creation's rapture-rapt kiss.
Love is immortal Gift from above
Love is Nature's surrealist Love.
The covert message from the unseen Messenger,
Love is Supreme's surpassing Splendour.
The earnest appeal of the Distant Sweetheart,
To unite with the deathless Vast.
The most mellifluous notes of the magnificent Flute -
For the eternal Beloved,
The Song of silence of the Sublime Soul.
Love is Heaven's muse-moist peace,
For sleepless Humanity Lullaby's kiss.
Love is Union of the highest Harmony,
Love is Blessedness, the covert Symphony.
Love is not passion of the finite orb,
Love is Compassion to rise above;
Love is solemn ever humble,
Love is perfection, Love is subtle.
Love is Omnipotent, Love is vast,
Be a particle of dust of its indivisible part;
Make your life Love's joyful worth,
Then you are truly Man in your human birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri. 30th Jan 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
(Art for Art's sake. Art transcends all limits of time and space)
When breath becomes air
Memory turns into azure hue,
A free rein do I have
To dwell upon the uninvaded empire
With its amazing surprise
That has been long since due.

No more torment in toiling twilight
No more tiresome failing flight
None to solicit to scale alone
Solitude's heaven-reaching heights,
Where sits forlorn the Departed Dear
In his muse-moist mirth ;
Oh the Sweet Vernal Birth!
My Spirit soars high with its Spring-clad splendour,
To reach the caravan of Delight
And its all-enchanting grandeur -
In the Unknown Kingdom
Of the immutable Vast;
The glance is cast
Upon the moon-lit visage and the Sun-lit Trance.
The sweet lips of love
Clasped in the Rapture-rapt kiss,
In Surrealist realm of all-transcending Bliss -
Beyond all mortal grasp.
The Invisible invades me
In lonely moments of Dusk-clad hours
With its silent touch and solemn watch,
Over my fear and surmise,
My frail attempt to rise
From the sordid process of mundane birth.

Love's enlivening Rhapsody
Reigns over Earth,
All enraptured in its Ecstasy's mirth;
The gladdening embrace of Infinitude
For everyone infinitesimal
Makes the journey eternally jovial,
The wedded seventh heaven reaches Joy's ******,
The Zephyr's melody is in air around,
In jubilation vibrant,
All we need is a new enlightened Birth
With everything pure, sanguine and sacrosanct.
None to hate, none to fear
Each and everyone as our supreme dear,
All united in a single integrated Whole;
The One String pulls Creation's curtain apart,
To make our playact as the most successful ART.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar, 13th Sept 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Up in the Heaven, down to the Earth
The One Touch casts the magic spell,
Giving azure dreams in Love's sweet clasp -
Whispers soft muse forever to dwell.

Dawn breaks to the anthem of the Mystic rays,
Night listens to the lullaby of stars;
The world is filled with a distant joy -
Comes vibrating in aureate hours.

Blossoms of the Green open their ****** eyes -
To meet their Beloved in an ecstatic embrace,
The One Touch of the vesper Moon
Makes earth vast, ennobled and all the best.

In waves of the Ocean, in gale of the Tide -
The One Hand plays the magic wand,
In the fright of lightening, in the roar of thunder -
Is seen the artefact of His invisible Hand.

In the smile of the infant, in the anger of the aggrieved -
The One Eye always keeps vigilance;
In the fury of storms and all acts of violence -
Can be seen KALI's mirthful Dance.

In the blush of the Blue at the kiss of the Sun,
In the stretch of the rays of a prepossessing morn
Hid His single-touch play;
The twitter of birds and the roar of the lion;
The melody of the cuckoo:
Spring's child new-born
Take our spirit far, far away.

The fury of the mountain,
The wrath of the river,
The dance of Demons in sardonic pleasure:
Man's ugliest compromise with Peace;
The touch in the Zephyr,
The passion of the lover,
All His Rapture of the Bridal Kiss.

All is sublime, all is vibrant,
All is celestial, all is Bliss;
Oh Mortal Human! Go deep within
To learn the Mystery you always miss.

The One Single Touch plays with innumerable hues,
The dark in one, the brightest in another;
Ever solemn to one, resentful to the other;
You know not why in mortal fear,
Happens in one Universe.
The grand play of Oxymoron
Forever goes on;
The play of One Touch in numerous hues,
To give you your rewards of the worthiest dues.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar, 08.06.2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das May 2021

By: Bijoylakshmi Das
May 13, 2021, 10:42 IST


(BIjoylakshmi Das)

Blue is the Ocean

Blue is the Vast,

Blue is the mountain:

All is Nature’s surrealist Art.

Dark is your mind

Loves to live in the Dark,

Prey to Inconscience-

Of Matter’s ignorance stark.

Pleasure you think as birthright

Your mind’s eyes are blind,

How can you envision

The Supreme- the most compassionate and kind?

It is His signature

In each and every Nature’s act,

You will do unpardonable crime

And still think Nature not to react?

Your life as human

To do welfare to others,

But you play the Demon’s role

Then the One Will interferes.

You are mad and blind

Your greed exceeds the limit,

You want to rule the world

Where for a short while you do exist.

You are in utter illusion

You dwell in fake paradise,

Build castles in air

Even if close is your demise.

From the clay you are born

In clay you will meet your death,

No one knows when

You approach the last breath.

Be not a beast, Oh Man of today!

You are in the dreamland of self-made dismay.

Whatever you sow, only you have to reap,

The good and the bad all the Eternity’s record keeps.

(12th May 2021)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
( Bijoylakshmi Das)
Oh my beautiful childhood of the past!
When I failed to scale your amazing Vast;
It was a dream of my playful fancy -
To be nearest to every *** bit of Infinity's Act.

It was since when I used to play with dust and clay,
I was enraptured by Creation:s cryptic play -
In sky and earth and in every gift of Nature's surprise
Of the Unknown that sat within but longed to rise;
Though I was shocked to see endless death and ailment's horror
Still found people merged in futile pleasure,
The sordid fact I could no more endure!

So, I made my kinship with the invisible Kin,
Who lives deep witbin
Beyond the reach of most human heart.
He lives and gets manifest -
In each and every being
Living or non-living.
I fell in love with Him -
In my blooming teen !
It was my first love still afresh,
Often haunts me -
In lonely hours of night
And its invisible dark!
The One Truth stark!

I was aware of my Soul
In its unique union with Supreme :
My sole Companion.
I was seeking the Wisdom's Sun -
Deep within.
I was forsaken by comrades around me.
I was awake in Bliss.
Still I dream of those sweetest days
Which now I do amiss.

It was then with golden wings
I used to soar -
In untrod heaven
Alien to mortal dweller;
My love-lorn days with my Sweetheart
Lots of despair still hope was alive in the new vernal Birth,
To live with my teen's Dearest -
In the inmost recess of a surrealist Vast!
Even though I was torn apart.

I was pulled by the mortal mire
I was burnt by the loathsome fire-
Of dread and destruction
Of the Daemonic act-
Went on ceaseless
Dragged me down to the earth.

I remember blissful hours of my past old days -
I used to roam wild and free -
In Soul's freedom
In Absolute:s Kingdom.
Only my Soulmate:
As the eternal Companion!

Pain and suffering  I cradle in me being,
With adoration and willingness
To merge deep within -
And rest forever In the most joyous
The joy of love maddens me
And its immaculate Art!
The sweetness surpasses death
Beyond body and mind
The most unique of its kind.
The Immortal sits on the immortal Vast,
On the deathless summit
Where Time loses its significance,
Space fails to recognise semblance.
Such is the elixir that drops upon the earth,
Incessant, humble in humility
In ever nascent nuance!

Desires and cravings of mortal mind
Make man away from Soul's awakening,
Let me be not an indivisible part ;
Let these never kindle within me,
I am now forever being wed to Him.
I adore the new world enlightened,
The world adores me too,
Only because of Him!
I do no more inherit the animal mind
With frail passions and words unkind.
Now I soar the highest in azure Vast,
Never to fall apart,
I made Supreme my Love:
SHIVA, the all-pervading -
My Sweetheart of the childhood past
Of pure innocence.
(Bijoylakshmi Das Haridwar. 07.06.2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Soaring higher in the breeze
Making clouds your near,
The dearest kin I could ever imagine
With pain as the greatest pleasure.

Far beyond the firmament's heights
Dwells the Sweetheart pure,
The only delightful Land of Bliss
Where the Soul is without fear.

My feelings are fathomless deep within
The heart is overjoyed with cheer,
Such is the land I could ever imagine
Where eyes shed not sorrow's tear.

Dwell not, Dear in the seraphic Bliss
All alone in the untrod Ken of Alone,
Oblivious to the Tryst of the forgotten yore
Lost in the sublime solitude of days bygone.

The Heaven's whisper invade the lonely hours
The Call Beyond from the Kingdom of the Vast,
There You sit sovereign in Spring-spangled rapture
With passion and purity of the most melancholic heart.

The rarest moments spent on Earth
All now look remote and strange,
The precious precincts of the untrod ken
Now forsaken, desolate in their own mystic ways.

The sweet soft murmurs of the mountain brook
Tells tales of Infinity's endless Love,
The eternal Sunshine and the Moon-rapt marvel
Inspire the Spirit within to rise above.

Bliss is sacred, unierrupted Delight
No human mortal could ever
dare to tread,
Needs no rest, nor sleep, no night to alight
Death even fears to reach near the almost dead.

Words spoken in ether spread so fast
With no mortal ears to hear
The inner audience listens to it at first
Greets them with the utmost cheer.

There you rest in that invisible realm
With distant dreams cherished at heart,
The all-transcending limits of earthly ken
The life Divine blooming in a diviner Birth.

So, let me soar higher in the breeze
Oh Heaven's Flower!
Descend no more on Earth,.
The Heaven and Earth meet in the choicest compromise
To make us deathless in the deathless Vast.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 3rd Jan 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2021
The breath in the air,
The whisper in the breeze,
The whistle of the nightingale;
All pleasant surprise!
The sky bares the *****
For the mirth of the seas;
Raptures rapt around
in Morn’s miraculous release.
The rustles in the leaves,
The murmur in the brook,
The Love in the zephyr –
At the new Blossoms’ bashful look,
Make waves kiss the shore;
The Ocean dances with joy;
The message of the Beloved rings in the woodland far away.
The spirit of the Soul listens to the invisible call.
The song of the Silence
Is writ in the clay,
Im desolate and forlorn left on Night’s eerie solitude far away..
The twinkle of the stars
Speaks of the immensity vast;
The silvery white Moon unveils an amazing forecast.
The clouds over the hills
Heralds hours of Bliss infinite:
The flutter of the wings
Of the birds at the sight
Bring tidings from the Realm Recondite.
Creation is vast, beautiful for the Godhead to alight.
Time’s torrential outcome
Human mind fails to count;
The one sole-existent Entity
Keeps track of all account.
The twilight splendour
That our eyes encounter
To vibrate in its Harmony
Without the least fear;
Make it your Goal.
You are the exalted Ecstasy –
Rapture’s well-chosen envoy,
All the rest goes to the revolving wheel to be crushed
You are the exalted Ecstasy :
Rapture's well-chosen envoy,
All the rest goes to the revolving wheel to be crushed asunder at His One behest.
Go deep within from the turmoil of the shore,
Keep your door open for the Heaven's elixir to knock at your door.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram, Haridwar. 4th October 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
It's when the mind soars high
And the Spirit is in blithe,
I see you, Beauty everywhere
Even in the air I breathe.

It's when I dwell in inmost recess of my Soul
The world outside comes to a cease,
I see my Beloved, the Supreme Dear
In all mortal longings' surcease.

It's when I ascend the heights of Wisdom vast
Matter turns into nothing but energy,
Love of man for woman and that of mother for the kid
All united in a single whole in Ecstasy.

It's when I dive deep into Silence'sea
I hear Song celestial in its sweetest melody,
You are wedded to the amazing Rapture
In its inherent aureate Rhapsody.

It's when I fly in the sylvan air
Which reverberates around the woodland Green,
I listen to its star-spangled lullaby
And get merged into a distant dream.

It's when I sleep in Love's sweet clasp
The broad breast of Brown
Meets me with joy,
The azure sky sprinkles its nectar
To make Me lost in YOU and YOU in 'I'.

The whole world looks as if One with all
There is neither YOU nor I,
This is the Song of Silence of the Soul
Tells the tale of Creation far and nigh.

Blossoms of far bring tidings new
The breeze around gives sweet soft kiss,
Moments forlorn make you akin
To the long-forgotten unknown Bliss.

The Song of Silence sings much more,
To reach the Delight of the shoreless Shore.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 5th Sept 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Life that throbs
Breath that flows within the heart,
Joy that speaks of myriad delight
Life is a continuum
On the stretch of the infinite.
Light that enlightens -
Never flickers by wind's whisper,
Immortal in mortal poverty.
Love never withers in vain human toil,
Shines ever glorious
In the blue firmament of togetherness -
Of two souls tied in the celestial knot of bridal clasp; inseparable!
To live beyond death
Brave and fearless
The sojourn is there -
In the remotest corner of Unknown Vast -
Far, far away from every mortal sheath.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 17th Dec, Puri)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2021
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Life flows fast but journey infinite,
Do not lose your goal: Wisdom’s foresight.
From Blue to Brown and Brown to Blue,
Your aim- the celestial Beyond that reckons the blissful hue.
Wedded to the airy wideness of a flawless felicity,
Trusted upon the unwavering call of the steadfast certitude,
Your journey begins from the womb of flesh and blood
It has to reach perfection of the boundless beatitude.
Alone in the serene tranquility of the inmost depth,
To breathe the air of freedom from long-lost time’s immemorial quest,
Like the winner of the game of clambering steps
Oh Sons of Eternity! Do reach eternal loving breast.
The wild wanton play of greed and unwanted desires though dance all around,
But you have no role to play in the fictitious play ground;
Let the world go mad in its self-made insane uproar,
All is its own creation, it has to suffer.
You are the unique voyager of the sublime height,
Do never interfere, Reach the timeless Beyond: your one and only Goal.
Your thoughts transcend the limits of the mortal mind,
Physique no more slaves to desire of the senses blind;
Enraptured by the Sweetheart’s myriad-hued ecstatic embrace,
You are one with Infinity merged into its infinite grace.
Sit solemn in the inexpressible heights of the expanse blue,
Your beauty enlivened with blessedness’ heavenly hue;
You are the blazing effulgence of the brightest sun,
Also you are the calm moon-beam delight of the most refreshing rays of the earliest Dawn.
Harbor not despair in your heart, you are no part of it,
You are the inhabitant of the kingdom of mystic magnificence with no territorial limit.
The indwelling Godhead in each and every mortal chamber:
Creation’s cherished embellishment of the highest divine order.
Oh incarnation of Bliss! Do not ever grieve,
Bliss is thy birthright and in Bliss you do live.
(26th June 2021)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 20th Jan 2020)
Words float in air in eerie silence of the Night,
Message undeciphered writ by the great Hierophant in His Mystic height,
I revel in the Bliss of the unforgettable Vast recondite,
To unravel the prophecy of the unsullied oracular insight.

Unbuoyed by Mind's vague gestures and vain surmise,
In the auspicious ensemble of divine moments' pleasant surprise,
The Evening iridescence has already ciphered her enlivening episode,
A prelude to the unique journey ahead of me: My Soul's adventure.

In the azure ambience of the all-pervading inane Solitude,
My Soul has taken the flight to the remote realm of blissful Beatitude,
The long-travail of the distant past is buried in the debris,
The body has cast off its mask of transience to begin life anew.

Love turns into the lisping lullaby of the lucent Moonlit mirth,
The brightening brilliance of the silvery beams casts spells of majestic magnificence
Soon life slips into sleep's loving lap in the land of reverie,
Life on Earth in its highest awakening is freed from age long slavery.

The breeze from the distant woodland brings blossoms' fragrance,
The highest manifestation is awaiting for Unforeseen's amazing advance,
The loving Sweetheart's solemn footsteps herald a divine nuance,
The beautiful flowers bloom in the lone ascetic's austere visionary trance.

The Sunrays' glitter even feels ashamed to shine at the Godhead's feet,
Where Joy and Light overflow with endless radiant rays of the blissful Infinite
The dazzling brilliance ascends to the unreachable heights of the sky,
To make man get merged into the Transcendent Vast far away.

The New Hopes find release in the ruins of agony' s despair,
The seeds of dignified elegance begin to germinate in Earth's mud and mire,
The celestial Certitude celebrates the carnival of her charming cadence,.
Life upon Earth gets ennoblrd in Supreme's enlivening ascendance.

The Creation is not a battlefield of greed and Lust and violence dire,
The blood and sweat of the earthly toil is not to be burnt in the abysmal
It's time to rise to the highest awakening of the apparently unpromising Earth,
Man! Come back to your identity in Soul in the novel Vernal Birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Since long forgotten all dewy dreams
In the new cadence of the surrealist Vast,
All plays of a weary past soon lose semblance
In life's new surprising Act! 

The moon-beam smile of the infant heart
Which once spoke of pure beauty and love sublime,
The eternal longing of the sky for the earth
And the quest of the Soul for the unending rhyme.

All is vibrant in the air around,
And everything is in joy and mirth;
Life seems to be journeying in a joyous merry-go-round
To make earthly life living worth

I have never sought after the limited known
At the priceless cost of the living Infinite,
I have never broken my heart to the perpetually born
And soon to be forgotten and be lost out of sight.

The fear of death scares me no more
With its dreadful loathsome dance,
I have made Tryst with the Supreme somewhere
Who sits unseen in the silent sojourn of my heart.

I adore desires to cherish in my little being,
That would one day take me to the desireless Absolute,
I harbour pain deep within, still I sing-
Songs of joy, mirth and play the wondrous flute.

I seek not pleasures of mundane earth
That go on endless roving around me,
But I yearn for the never-fading smiles of the Sweet-heart
Which reverberate In nearby soothing breeze.

I never long to build the golden castle around you,
My Dear! Lest it imprison me,
I feel "Joy and Bliss to be life's true freedom"
Hence, let us live the life free, ever free.

Soft speaks the azure ocean deep
With its amazing treasures profound,
Enrich the myriad lives and make them keep -
Awake to listen to the Clarion Call of the Divine Play Ground.

No one hears the sweet soft whisper
The signal of Eternity in the Green for the Blue,
Goes on endless in the Bliss-rapt chapter
Of brightened Nature in midst of manifold hue.

No words are spake, still the unique act goes on without cease,
The One admires, the other relishes
In Souls inmost depth's release.

Unnoticed from world's mortal eyes
The drops of divine nectar are spread,
Over vernal Earth to make living worth-
For the enlivened spirits in the new Birth to live life ahead.

To meet the ecstasy of the enchanting smile
Which awakens us in every while
In Matter's defeat and Spirit's gain,
Gives a new vista to the earthly life
Despite lots of strife and endless pain.
As we aspire to rise again!!!

Freed forever from all human clasp
The Real towards which our spirit longs to soar,
The secret Splendour ever intangible to mortal grasp
The great lonely hours of Light
That our Soul could only endure.

I dwell in that realm of heavenly grandeur,
At all past loving memory's surcease,
Oh Seer! I share the glory of your eternal Love -
Of the Unknown Kingdom
Meant only for YOU and ME.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram
Haridwar, 30.05.2919. 23.50 hrs)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
In tireless moments of momentous efforts,
The quest rises within the deepest being
Transcending all limits of desire
And mundane cravings.
The physical is not the limit:
It is finite.
Your primordial longings for Bliss infinite
Make not your mind as the goal of life;
Ego-self not the destination.
Though the earth clasps tight,
Allows you not to rise above petty limits.
But the flame is lit.
The soul seeks to soar higher
In his sun-lit splendours and moon-lit ecstasy.
Sleep loses its slumber,
Dream does meet death
In Beauty's muse
Ever sublime, pure and sanguine.
Eternity ever alive
In new awakenings

Of revelations;
Man, not the summit of evolution,
Higher than him there -
Exists the Soul-force,
Trying to evolve
In the flowering of a new Creation
Of the One Universal Principle
Of the unique world order of the greatest Harmony.

(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
With sparkling splendours around me,
The glittering radiance at my door;
I long to sail the Ocean vast
To reach Eternity's uninvaded shore.

The deific dalliance of the Divine raptures
The amazing excellence of the heanenly Blue;
The seraphic kingdom of Bliss' infinitude
Adorned with Immortal ecstatic hue.

Beyond all limits of earthly Ken,
Above unreachable heights of the azure Vast;
The celestial mirth of the Mystic solitude -
Heralds the Dawn of an enlightened Birth.

Mind dives into the fathomless Deep
In search of the Wisdom's pearl,
The World is too much with me; so I live within -
And knock at Felicity's immaculate door.

Dreams are no more the Master of my Spirit,
Thoughts never play any significant role ;
The Certitude's magnificence rules my heart,
The Faith unshakable guides my Soul.

Knowledge is imprisoned in fetters dark -
Truth finds no way out of the maze
Of Falsehood's empire but held in ransom -
At fictitious longings' perplexing haze.

Still, Nature's surprise is showered at your feet;
Bow down to Her in Gratitude's wonder,.
The Supreme Law tell the Truth inalienable :
"In Nature's activity do not interfere".

Though it's a fact that I live in this world,
But the world never lives in me;
Just close your eyes and look deep within -
The world dissolves and again never to be seen.

My Journey is destined to the One Indivisible Whole,
The World as the base and the body as tabernacle
To make the Supreme dwell in its invisible core
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 22nd Jan 2020)
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
You are my Little Prince,
The Rose of my heart;
The blossom of my desire-
In the surrealist Vast.
An epilogue to my
unfinished Art. 
You are the elixir of life
In desert longing of soul
in despair,

Life toils hard
Goal recedes far
And hope meets despair-
In an endless quest
To reach higher
Much above
All mortal longings of
sky and earth.
You are the nectar of
The sole purpose of
The sojourn of Bliss
In the infinite
You are pure and
In each of my
I seek to merge in
Till the 'I' in me
loses identity-
And makes me free
In the greatest Unity
Of the One Liberty.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri, Odisha)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
I room a sylvan rest to retire
With unknown splendour of an uninvadable Bliss,
In memory's locked archives of the Golden Empire
I meet my Beloved in His enraptured kiss.

My thirst for the Limitless since time immemorial,
Slain all desires of the mortal realm,
I make my momentous Tryst with the invisible Self -
In its unending flights to the untrod Ken.

The rain-moist forest and the storm-stressed journey
Have filled my spirit with moon-clad ecstasy,
The brilliant sun rays have swayed to and fro -
Never went out of my visionary fancy.

My heart has stopped its beats in the upsurge of an immaculate joy
Thoughts merged into a seamless Vast,
I have made rendezvous with the unseen Envoy:
The eternal Soul-mate of the forgotten past.

The sleeping Beauty open her eyes
In the sweetest whisper and the softest muse,
I get enlivened with myriad mirth
To reign Supreme in Spirit's inmost recluse.

I have made adventure into the Mystic heights -
Forbidden to any human habitat,
With Elysian treasures and El Dorado's marvels
The Divine sits alone in the amazing Vast.

I am the Monarch of Sovereign Solitude
I travel on the shoreless sand of the immeasurable Sea,
Time turns timeless in Infinity's gratitude
Space loses limits in the limitless Blithe.

So, my only abode is the seclusion Sylvan
Sky-spangled miracles watched by the Godhead above,
I am the King of Beatitude, I sing alone -
In the immortal territory the Song of Eternal Love.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 08.07.2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Since when you have
Imprisoned me -
In my Delight of Being,
Of existence, life supreme;
All else looked fake
and futile as a
Semblance of appearance
soon disappearing.
I feel myself as if
I am the Monarch of my Soul!
May I worship Thee?
The Ruler of Existence!
The Treasurer of Ecstasy!
Of infinity's Bounty.
Oh Supreme Being!
The Lord of my Soul!
The Eternal Birth beyond death!
My offerings are cast
At Thy Feet,
Till life loses identity in it;
As you have helped me
to reign over desires unbridled but controlled by Your Will.
The world's grief and mirth,
Sorrows and pleasures -
Are the faulty outlook
of an erroneous life.
Where reality is  hidden,
I feel myself as if
I am the Monarch of my Soul!
May I worship Thee?
The Ruler of Existence!
The Treasurer of Ecstasy!
Of infinity's Bounty.
Oh Supreme Fire!
The Lord of my Soul!
The Eternal Birth beyond death!
My offerings are cast
At Thy Feet,
Till life loses identity in it;
As you have helped me
to reign over desires unbridled but controlled by Your Will.
The world's grief and mirth,
Sorrows and pleasures
Are the faulty outlook
of an erroneous life.
Where reality hidden,
and forgotten
By ignorance blind
of human mind.
Why turmoil?
Chaos all around?
We are all blind
to the unique design of His hands.
He thus intervenes
When man turns into beast in the bottomless Abyss.
The Lord of Existence awakes,
Gives the Clarion Call
For humans to hear,
Never pay a deaf ear.
If you defy,
End is near -
For the great changes
for a world better.
You are meant for Bliss!
His Hands are at work
In the epoch-making
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri)
17 Feb 2019.

— The End —