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Dennis Rowling Jul 2016
immaculate conception
to post-partum

engaging with pilgrims
seeking direction
trying to understand
nuances of relationship
between themselves and humankind

spiralling through vortices
mirrored portals to
a life of
clouded memory moments

lions salivating
blooded claws
eager to rip the straightjacketed soul
to explosions of truth
and invert the inverted drawer
exposing the convenient
lies that protect us
from the self-accusing soul
knowing we are born of choice
and sin
inevitably our bodies betray
the creator's design
through his eye of perceived benign benevolance.

empty dreams and visions
of moments
before time made us grow old
dimming vision of past joy
indulged, saved, in a treasure chest

baubles , bangles
beads of sweat
dripping relentlessly through
our hourglass
puddling in our slowing wake
up and know that love is tainted
before it begins.
before it started
after the dream of you
was the single star
beside the morning moon
that we shared
even when apart
was lost
in the tattered vision
perceived beauty
love died
reduced to triviality.
history killed it.
buried it, beneath a mountain
of hallmark cards
and internet memes.

this is the stuff of nightsweat  dreams
God's Oracle Oct 2019
Is as if am drowning in a sea of smiling faces...when desperation slowly takes hold of a Gift Of Blessed Assurance by a Loving Creator who understands all ...heals all... Loves all ... Mystery Of the Ages an Author Of benevolance,humility,holiness,righteousness,powerful words able to make the Earth tremble, the Sun hide it's Ray's and the Moon become Red. Beyond the next dimension comprehension there exists a Shadowy Character making humanity stumble the "Ancient Serpent" known by many names as Satan or Lucifer. Many know him as "Morning Star" too. The one who has decided to create promote and proliferate a World of Blasphemy,Lies,DarkRituals,Witchcraft,
Anemism,Atheism Luciferian Doctrine a lethal combination of political,economical,socioecomical,
fundemantalist,private & locally owned incorporations, for everything from medicine to electronics and education.

The 33° Decrees have been placed to directly dictate this Global Governments to the point of the brink of Destruction. Soon enough mass persecution of the people who have chosen to wear their "spiritual path" will be showned and will be on the open little by little a "trancendant spiritual revival" is happening all around the world I see it happen daily though people with ideologies and thinkers of the current modern sciences come to conclude is all meaningless their pride, ego, socionomical status, reputation wealth and persue of mortal things becoming to comfortable with their personal achievements, how many woman they been with, what car or social status they got allows them to put their noses in the Air and boast.

Woe to them who choose to reproach their fellow Brother & Sister in Christ Jesus for their punishment will be severe. Being a friend of the World is having God as your Enemy. Fail to follow instructions and to slowly grow thy faithfulness will be corrected. The ones who love the things of this World will be casted out from the presence of the Living God. The ones who choose obidience and be loving towards all, peaceful, selfless, humble, Noble, show no favoritism, allow others be treated fairly, abstain from violence and ****** but finally and not least repent from your sinful past, present, future...with a contrite heart and genuine willingness to let God run the show NOT BROKEN HUMAN VESSELS all will be well.

I ask of thee Celestial Heavenly Father for 1.Encouragement 2.Resiliance 3. Prosperity 4. Strenght (Phycically,Mentally,Emotionally,Spiritually) 5.Truth, 6.Serenity, 7.Forgiveness, 8.Compassion 9. Love.
Thank you for allowing me to come spend this time exploring the deepest recesses of my mind and expressing it thru this simple yet rich in meaningful poem. This words are fussed with significance on spiritual ordinance.

The truth shall set you free!!!

-Franko The Christian Poet-

— The End —