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Rebecca Bazzell May 2016
She built walls inside her head,
to see if anybody was clever enough to climb them.  No one ever was.
“The world is full of kings and queens
Who blind your eyes
And steal your dreams”
And if they won’t give us our freedom,
We’ll have to take it.

She thought about fear
and the price of imagination. That price was simply to big for any man or woman to hold. Imagination trapped inside this soul made her heart hurt her wrist bleed her skin black and blue and her mind turn to mush.

Again and again her heartbeat rocked the mattress. And when that mattress rocked hard enough it broke the flood gates to her heart and pierced her soul with an acid that was to much... but those kings and queens didn't see her tears. for the tears where the ones you cant see at all the worst kind hidden behind long sleeves and a fake  smile.

She sat there in a patient silent cry until one day a prince just as broken as her stumbled upon her rambling about the number seven like it would fix the world. And that day it did, it gave her peace of mind to know she is more insane then another but now she has a firm hand to clutch when stumbling.

~R Bazzell

— The End —