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Emanuel Martinez Nov 2010
Tengo un petalo
De la primera vez que te vi
Una sola flor te di
Todo lo que degaste
Fue el auroma de gardenias
Y unos petalos que con el viento
Volaron y flotaron hacia mi

Y el tiempo paso
Pero tu no regresabas a mi
Nadamas sostenia los petalos
Pensando ala mejor podria sentirte a ti
Y tu fragancia regresaba por ahi
En ese momento con nostalgia
Pensaba por que tu no estas aqui

Y el tiempo paso
Los petalos se secaron y volaron lejos
Por desasos como tu memoria
Corrieron sin poderlos rescatar

Y ahora tengo un solo petalo
De la primera vez que te vi
Es el ultimo que quedo
Los demas el viento llevo

Ultimo petalo tambien
Casi desaparecio con tu memoria
Pero inevitable mi corazon
Nunca olvidara to fragrancia
Siempre te conservara
Cuando un petalo caiga cerca de mi
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Her Youth is just a fraction of what she has and deems
The light that you see in her soul is an auroma that exceeds
All evils rights and motives to bring darkness and displease
If I have felt true purity along with a heart to remain good
It is this girl, no this women, the one to go against the sin
If a flood were to take her, then she shall flow with it peacefully, she would
She is truly divine, so simple and amazing like that of a straight rainbow existing in the sky
I must be the guy aloud to love and cherish her, I must win
The day I let her know I can love her more than anyone else
is the day I let this Endless Beauty consume me and overpower all the sin and release the peace I hide within
Jermain Jones Dec 2018
My first time with you had me petrified.
Long deep pulls of the best of the best grade.
Floating through the clouds on cloud 9.
Wasn’t as cool as it may seem.
I was fried.
Paranoid and scared promising to never do it again.
But I lied.
Took me three or so more songs dancing with you to catch your rhythm.
Before long I was in step, step by step with your isms.
Back then it was cigars smoking with you.
Spiffily splitting the spliffs and rolling up on you.
In first hour room spinning like a helicopter.
Then me throwing up from you.
But I still ran back and each time to your ways I got wiser.
Up until that time when me and my frienemy were no longer cooler.
Cutthroat, turned you against me.
Poisoned you with manure.
With the intentions of me consuming you and wasting me like trash in the sewer.
Damaged caught off balance the toxins my system couldn’t manage.
With the grace of GOD I slowly bounced back from a disasterous experience with a different side of you.
Several months l stayed on hiatus but eventually began to moonlight with you.
Same feel same touch same auroma as before..
But not quite the same as the Mary Jane I’d known before.

— The End —