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She gave everything to a boy that she thought would be there for her in the end. A boy that meant everything to her, to receive not an ounce of love or cherish in return. It started out 4 years ago, it was easy then. Maybe it's because love was just a word and a kiss was a bigger deal. There were no complications because there was nothing he had done to scare her away. She had no scars. She was a fresh burden with an open heart. She would take any opportunity that were to flash by. She was an open book that had no fears. But all it takes is one mistake. One mistake to change the perfect story, that perfect ending would so quickly have a plot twist that would change her fate. One hour of wrong decisions and you can't imagine the dispicibale emptiness and the over powering amount of emotions that can take over and change you. One mistake by a stupid boy. A boy that didn't think, didn't know, didn't realize the amount of hurt he'd put her through. One mistake, and he had opened a realm of bad thoughts and emotional break downs. As simple as a no show and he had made that one mistake. The kind you can't take back, and that an apology is not enough to forgive, that's as if he apoligizes. And if he doesn't then that's the moment your faced with nothing but the truth. The truth is that you're better then the mistake he made. She's now a buried burden with a scar so big that she's too scared to try again, to fight again, to love again. And the worst part is, he still doesn't realize the mistake he made.
Jason Leimer Nov 2010
I wonder sometimes is my father getting Alhzheimers like
a psychologist trying to figure out someone.
Is he truly losing his mind or is it something that is in his
Is my father confused or just bitter ?
Do I think he is a liar or someone that has the early stages
of Alhzheimers?
I am confused.

He apoligizes like a husband to me but do I believe him?
Do I believe his statement that he " loves me"?
I dont know what to believe.
I am confused.

— The End —