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Now long and long from wintry Strymon blew
The weary, hungry, anchor-straining blasts,
The winds that wandering ****** dearly rue,
Nor spared the cables worn and groaning masts;
And, lingering on, in indolent delay,
Slow wasted all the strength of Greece away.
But when the shrill-voiced prophet 'gan proclaim
That remedy more dismal and more dread
Than the drear weather blackening overhead,
And spoke in Artemis' most awful name,
The sons of Atreus, 'mid their armed peers,
Their sceptres dashed to earth, and each broke out in tears,
And thus the elder king began to say:
"Dire doom! to disobey the gods' commands!
More dire, my child, mine house's pride, to slay,
Dabbling in ****** blood a father's hands.
Alas! alas! which way to fly?
As base deserter quit the host,
The pride and strength of our great league all lost?
Should I the storm-appeasing rite deny,
Will not their wrathfullest wrath rage up and swell?
Exact the ******'s blood?--oh, would 't were o'er and well!"

So, 'neath Necessity's stern yoke he passed,
And his lost soul, with impious impulse veering,
Surrendered to the accursed unholy blast,
Warped to the dire extreme of human daring.
The frenzy of affliction still
Maddens, dire counselor, man's soul to ill.

So he endured to be the priest
In that child-slaughtering rite unblest,
The first full offering of that host
In fatal war for a bad woman lost.

The prayers, the mute appeal to her hard sire,
Her youth, her ****** beauty,
Naught heeded they, the chiefs for war on fire.
So to the ministers of that dire duty
(First having prayed) the father gave the sign,
Like some soft kid, to lift her to the shrine.

There lay she prone,
Her graceful garments round her thrown;
But first her beauteous mouth around
Their violent bonds they wound,
With their rude inarticulate might,
Lest her dread curse the fatal house should smite.
But she her saffron robe to earth let fall:
The shaft of pity from her eye
Transpierced that awful priesthood--one and all.
Lovely as in a picture stood she by
As she would speak. Thus at her father's feasts
The ******, 'mid the reveling guests,
Was wont with her chaste voice to supplicate
For her dear father an auspicious fate.

I saw no more! to speak more is not mine;
Not unfulfilled was Calchas' lore divine.
Eternal justice still will bring
Wisdom out of suffering.
So to the fond desire farewell,
The inevitable future to foretell;
'Tis but our woe to antedate;
Joint knit with joint, expands the full-formed fate.
Yet at the end of these dark days
May prospering weal return at length;
Thus in his spirit prays
He of the Apian land the sole remaining strength.
Geno Cattouse May 2013
Miles and miles in high relief
                They stood along the apian way
                                  Western sun burned eyes to darkness.
                                                       ­  Parched and lashed to cedar.
                                                          ­              Chilled in the evening frost..

The mighty had spoken.
Yes. To be broken by the flay.and lash
Along the apian way.
A dying example for all to see.
Hail Cesar.mighty ceasar.

                                  The world is Rome.
                                  Rome is the world.
                                  Where is Rome today ?
Lawrence Hall Oct 2016
Lawrence Hall

                                Indian Summer

Late, errant honeybees still swarm about
The hummers’ feeder in the afternoons
While lingering sunlight warms October days
Like lovers reluctant to say goodbye

Our little apian friends in chorus sing
A fading summer-song, before the frost
Sends workers home among soft, leafy ways
Of air and mist, over stubbled fields at rest

In that quiet hour before the moon
Ascends to light the autumn safely home
amit chaudhari Oct 2019
Mankind wanted barter to earn a living for their need
Though nature gave in surfeit but not enough for their greed

The silver, the gold and the diamonds; they all had their stint
Then someone did the alter and out you popped from the mint

You make them toil and labour like apian for its honey
As finally what one desires is a value for their money

You journey through this world and often exchange hand
All wishing that you would appear at the wave of a magic wand

Some openly mint you while others do it in stealth
The more you get added the more it adds to wealth

Piety makes a decree while evil may enjoin
But aren’t they really two faces of the same coin

If only had you gauged bliss instead of treasure
Love in the world would have no bound or measure

You may have the glitter and shine but after all is said and done
When it came to joy the pauper had it all and the king had none

— The End —