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vircapio gale Sep 2013
(in life)

who am i to warm a cave of darkness with my lust?
or assume your darkness mine to dissipate?
as if a sacred candle burned behind the windows of my heart
and ****** its light through tip of flame beyond
,above the piercing point to spark our confirmation in a universal eye

invisible, but seen as heat you flail about
and cause to quake the melting, sliding crust i am

you have wandered by to rupture me from my serene espy.
to quarrel with mycenterself i turned into myself i am a fool,
how can a taint intention claim essential gravity to good?
encumbered with a blinding zeal
i almost rage amid to satisfy
irrupt, and only drape with words i barely see defined

to justify the greed
in unknown passions gathered out to sun,
eyes aglint of golden maxims worn
by public distorts, magisters of lies
spilling over paths..the voyeuristic farce of virtuosity and virtue mating there
commodities of ****** pride and shame
that cater to ambition's lurid lure:

massively conjoined our worlds, aswirl
transform the pulsar-vortex at the base of me
from threaten-fount to million-twiching node
it sears the face from all our superficial doubts,
gluts us writhing mercy in oblivion.

...transparency collects an inner soot
as we devour red-tip wicks in wax we puddle with our sport--
the outer glass respires steam into the winter nights
--hot against the skin
in flesh embarking in that window *** at last,
we smudge our bodies over every icy pane
--entwined, concupiscent flames
to blacken out the world we claim as only there for us

Phillip Knox Aug 2016
Swallowed in dreams of bliss

and sunset berry kisses

in the still of azure skies

I gaze into your eyes.

Strands of water blue satin

touch your delicate curves

inflamed with soul passion

in nights of quiet storms.

Your lips full, sweet of honey

like a dream lover's dream

I swim in your open sea

motions elicit your extremes.

Soft whispers pant to find your ear

beautiful, drifting, lingering near-

driven blind, your brown skin, size

titillates the recesses of my mind.

Trapped within a muse

conversing-secrets stolen

so many thoughts of you

I can touch each shade of emotion.

Beauty in your eyes

defies, eludes my mind

visions of a summer breeze

made my heart rise.

I would steal polyanthus

and lay beds of jasmine

my strong attraction, feel me

as I move you to endless reactions.

Let me allure you

and find your every need

I want to liberate your heart

and give you the best of me.

I search the depths of you

as if you were an ocean

floating through your violent tides

ever the one who makes you cry.

Fascinated by your style

come with me for a while

in the footsteps of pandora

though mythological, love never lies.

Chiaroscuro, form, light

like poetic lines

your silhouette in the haze

from my lips fall this pantomime.

Her fingertips drip elegance

in the moonlight mist

the jewels of your hips

like spinning quasars aglint.

She is delicate as a lily  

flawless like a pearl

in sea blue threads of a tapestry

which colors my world.
RW Khalid Curley Jan 2015
Moonlit concrete canyons echo with howls.
                   Signal midnight terror!  Packs are on the prowl!
                     Demonic toothy grins with lunar glow aglint
                    suggest savage passions with more than a hint.
                           Cowering sheep paralyzed with fright
                 look to wary shepherds on guard through the night.
                             Ravenous rovers mate fang to fleece,
                        predatory prowlers drawn by plaintive bleats.
              Lobos fear no shepherds’ dogs nor bullets from their guns,
                      they only fear the cage, wolves were born to run.
                     Death may be their destiny but living is the chase.
             They’ll run the neon jungle ‘til they’re killed or catch a case.

— The End —