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They took them…

With a ***, shovel and beards engulfed with disguise,
By fire, by force and harm

They heartlessly took them…

Loading with a military van from the snare, the school
Sabotaging their education and jubilance
At the brink of our oculus, like a hot blade through margarine,
Like the  evanescence of dew upon new dawn,
They were gone…

We cajole to Haram Islamic militants,
Not the slavery we signed up for,
Yet this is our story, but not our destiny.
It is profane and sacrilegious to talk slavery upon our realms.
Our ancestral dormancy and Jesus crucifixion outlines our history.
We were untrammeled...but today,

Our existence is dreary and clouded by mystery
We count minutes turning into tormented hours,
In lament of our own flesh and blood

They took them..
with needles and stylus they pinched poked and taunted us,
Like a bunch of sponges filled with voids,
Our hearts are painfully porous,
Dope them with defects,
Bring back our girls…

Haram saboteurs came in with a saber,
They took them…

How less of a man to not respect the words of the late Tata Madiba,
When he said"Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land
Will again experience the oppression of one by another".
There will be war upon the element of Haram when Jesus intervene..
Bring back our girls..

(Nigreian acsent)

Chinekeee, man of Haram, bring back our girls_oo
I beg, why go they take?
Eeeh, god will go get you one day,

With our teary Nigerian eyes, will we ever see?
Adedagbo, our crown of joy ?
Aduke,   our beloved ?            
Afolayan  Walking in majesty...
Agbogu,  God settles dispute…

Bring back our girls.
" This poem addresses the Nigerian saga of kidnapped girls"
Amari Afolayan Nov 2020
When flowers blossom and leaves fall
And you hear a beautiful bird call
Emotions start to rise
Like a hot summer breeze
Rushing up with ease
Through the clouds
Around the sun
And back down again
Into my heart, and the next

-Amari Afolayan
I hope you like it I am only a 4th grader who believes that if you truly love something, you keep trying and never let go.

— The End —