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I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
when I close my eyes...
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
as I'm starin' into
the brightness of a new day...
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
as I'm gazin' into
the darkness of a new night...
I've been askin' myself why-
still I'm not sure if
I'm gettin' any answers!
We've only met once-
face to face, several months ago.
But, since then, we've spent
many hours a night;
talkin' into the early mornin';
buildin' our friendship!
As I'm listenin' to your voice
while we are talkin'
or you are singin' to me-
I'm realizin' its effectin' me
in different ways-
it soothes and calms me;
yet, energizes and awakens me!
When we can't talk-
I feel this loneliness
that I can't explain-
and there's so much I'm wantin' to say!
Then knowin' when we can again-
I feel this anxiousness,
almost over-takin' me!
And an odd-sense of happiness
practically consumes me!
Which is confusin' me...
Cause I'm not sure of what I'm feelin'
or if I'm feelin' more than what
I'm admittin' to myself...
But I'm seekin' answers-
I'm wonderin' over and over again,
if I'm tryin' to deny somethin'
that I shouldn't be...
And if you are maybe doin' the same...
I think I'm feelin' more here happenin'
than just friendship;
as if we've got this connection,
somewhere along the way!
Is there somethin' more
than what we yet to admit or know...
All I know, as of yet-
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
when I close my eyes...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'm Deleted but I'm not yet depleted
Listen to my conversation getting rare ****** heated
About a strong relation being defeated
Writing line in paper sheets pleated
Its conceited

One bar for my old man my pa
Two far I pushed my luck too far
Shared knowledge was the key
His knowledge wasn't free
But was most  definitely biological to me
Chat to me about settin it free
When factually you couldn't get on ya feet
Actually you admittin defeat
About ya life that's always set on repeat
Well get up man it won't mend its self
And I'm on the roll in upon blending the milks
I dug this hole and that I'm lining with pelts and I can see the distant vision like I'm hunting for elks

Got bars for days till the sunshine rays penetrate the depression and eradicated the
Cursed with a blessing
Rehearsed what I'm guessing
10 years went by I haven't learnt a single lesson

— The End —