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matthew ronan Sep 10
three cycles tick by; a sine wave drawn
to ebb the seas and flow night to morn
such airy business; etched in deep
rocks hollowed out for humble rooms
for stoicism borne in mother's womb
elects to dream in undue sleep

sardonic skies mock me hence
while hurricanes teach ambivalence
for they fly free, regardless of
windfalls prior and waves untamed;
taking homes and with them, names
of those sure to be stripped of cloth

the me of now would not stand
for punch-drunk persecution; reprimand
that sardonic sky: how dare you jeer!
with no heart in there but nimbus clouds
does apathy make your sad gods proud?
does envy fill their cups with cheer?

send me to the jackanapes!
let them tend their wounds; take shape
a splint - bind pity to the dogged folks
pray their heaven ne'er comes undone
for coal-donned crows balk rain over sun:
choose to ember in ash over smoke
a poem from sometime in 2023
alaric7 Jan 2018
Abscond absence, wormwood from imperfection,
remission swallows reminiscence.
Withhold yourself, wipe away forbearance.  
              That abundance alludes to acacia thorns.
Contrarily pronounce achadomye,
               Doctor Johnson would accent first syllable.
Be sharp in the Land of Shinar,
              agree to resemble speed, song added.
Passerine hedge sparrow, sing with another.
Heave accidie, hawk ascending,
              embrace around the neck confederate.  
Accuse headless crustaceans,
they acknowledge no superior.          
              Remain quiet, adapt umpire apron.  
Maidenhair adieu to adjacent day commander admit
adolescent bricks nourish Adonis.  
              Adrift betake yourself to another,
overshadow sunburnt brown arrival.  
Beloved adversary turn your attention,
give notice innermost municipal magistrate,
shield Aeolian copper from theories of the beautiful.

— The End —