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Feb 2013 · 391
Sorry so Sorry
Woody Feb 2013
When will it end, the way that I feel. Where are you now, that I know that it's real.

Will I get one more chance, to hold you and dance. Is it really all over, now my feelings advance.

Such a fool I was been before, now you're gone I need you more. Until its over you never know. The feelings that I did not show.

I wish you knew, you were my world, My one and only, special girl.

Forever sorry, here I am. Truly yours, A broken man. -Woody-
Feb 2013 · 766
**Tessa’s Tears**
Woody Feb 2013
Until it affects someone we love, We don’t even know it’s there. It’s really not our problem, So why should we care.

The statistics are quite shocking, One in four they say Will suffer from depression In their lives one day.

There’s not much stigma anymore For this serious mental flaw. But no one knows where it will strike, It’s just the luck of the draw.

No one would choose to live with it, And some don’t even try. I see my daughter suffering And all she can do is cry.

Most people turn the other cheek, They’ve been doing it for years. But I must face the pain I see, In my daughter’s tears.   -Woody-
Feb 2013 · 720
Feel no pain
Woody Feb 2013
Im that needle stuck in your vein.
I'm that "dope" that numbs your brain.
   You know who i am, you even know me by name.
dont let my size fool you,just cuz im small
   for I will control you and eat your mind raw.
I have no remorse on who I destroy
I'll jack you of your manhood, and turn you back into a little boy.
   Have you figured out who I am yet?
   Let me give u another clue.
Im a cousin to ****** little round and blue.
   So dont **** with me and I wont **** with you..
This is a poem from when i was battling an addiction...

— The End —