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Wolfgirl Sep 2013
Simple faces
Complex thoughts
We fulfill our basic needs
And then
Our precious
Starts to shine
I'm so happy I'm finally starting to think of myself as an artist. I find that important :3
Wolfgirl Sep 2013
land. sky. warmth. rain. wind. freshness. air. sparkle. water. earth.
sacred. people. shining. pine. sandy. shore. mist. dark. woods. meadow.
humming. insect. holy. memory. experience. sap. trees. blood. veins.
flowers. sisters. bear. deer. great. eagle. brothers. rocky. crests.
ponies. man. family. streams. rivers. grandfather. ghostly. reflection.
clear. lakes. events. life. murmur. voice. grandmothers. thirst.
children. kindness. precious. spirit. breath. sigh. taste. sweetened.
mother. sons. web. strand. God. destiny. mystery. buffalo. wild.
horses. secret. corners. forest. heavy. scent. view. ripe. hills.
thicket. eagle. swift. pony. hunt. wilderness. living. shadow. cloud.
prairie. shores. forests. heartbeat. newborn. love. care. mind.
preserve. dream. dog. wings. cool. passion. blue. lips. human. birds.
feeling. faces. far. creek.
I picked out these words from a certain famous speech. It'd be fun to make some art out of these. XD
Wolfgirl Aug 2013
(Not those dissatisfying)

Sugar water memories
Sweet without substance
Our turn to flavor
The drink of the day

Fighting with hoses and sticks
Sprinting after cars
Chasing down a train
Fueling our fires

Cramming into a phone booth
Rocking out to Queen
Picking up 2am trash
Cooking awful things

And after every night
We're drunk on coffee
And late night window shopping
With lots more to keep

(Than sugarwater drinks)
Wolfgirl Aug 2013
I'm starting to feel like you have me in a living prison, and my own life energy makes the bars stronger. My plans never included you, but somehow you held on along the way, dragging me back into that alley you led me down that day. You act helpless, but you must not be aware that a strong creature finds false weakness repulsive.
I'm not responsible to you. I don't owe you anything. (If anyone owes anything, it's you.) I don't have to make you happy. (It's impossible anyway.) You've been using me. Well now that I have no use for you, good-bye!
I'm climbing the clouds and you're afraid of all that nothingness. I'm touching the sun, and it's a little warm up there for you. And somehow I don't think running through the flowery meadows is really your style. That's okay, I want to do it alone.
Not really a poem, but I write to get my feelings off my chest. And so I can look back and make sure I don't make the same mistakes. ;)
Wolfgirl Aug 2013
Why do I  think your flaws don't matter?
        You're just a diamond in the rough.
                 You're. So. Worth. It.

Do you see mine?
      Mine are all I see.
              Mine. Are. All. I. See.

Why am I so ******* myself?
       I think you think I'm worth it too.
                I. Don't. Know. For. Sure.

Why are you so ******* yourself?
       I know you hide your insecurities.
             I've. Caught. Lucky. Glimpses.

How about I ask a different question?
          We're both still living.
                  Clearly. We're. Not. So. Bad.

If we don't change the way we think,
       What's going to happen?
               We'll. Still. Be. Living.

I care enough, I don't want you to live that way.
Wolfgirl Aug 2013
Not in love,
Never been.
But as your smile draws me in
I never question
Either of our intentions.

Not a child.
Too much pain.
Life's no longer simple.
How about the two of us,
Make it simple once again?
I say it wasn't love because it might have been just strong attachment. And guilt. I don't want to think I could have been in love
Wolfgirl Aug 2013
Sitting here in the sand
I know no matter how many times I've been here before
This is where I want to be when my life ends
The way I sit facing the water
I can't turn away
Cause I'm watching the ocean
I'm waiting for when it decides to swallow me.
And I'm inclined to let it
'Cause I know it's going to bring peace to me.
The sand, my favorite kind of messy
The water, just the right kind of salty
Makes my hair all tangled and my skin all scratchy
But I've never known a better kind of love.
I know I belong with you in the summer.
My thoughts are with you when it's cold.
I love my bittersweet insignificance and innocence
When I know I'm only here 'cause of you.
My first non-depressing poem! I'm really not a sad person, when you get to know me. :)
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