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Feb 2014 · 716
This wonderful world
Winnie Feb 2014
This wonderful world,
But is it wonderful?
Looking at the darkness,
What comes to my mind is slaughter.
Slaughter of men and
Slaughter of women,
Slaughter of children like ***** little pigs.
But when I look out,
I see lights,
Brightening up this dark starless
And gloomy night.
Emerald green and Ruby red,
Sky blue and Gold yellow,
Brightening up this moonless sky.
Wonder, has all evil gone?
Had it vanished when those lights lit up,
Or has it gone for awhile,
Will it come back with more evil?
The thought just scares me,
Makes me want to hide in the
Darkness of my mind.
But I know, this would just bring out
The inner demon in me,
Which would not know the difference
Between good and evil.
Which would turn me against the light.
Scared, I still hide, but you...
You won't leave me alone.
You will turn the lights up.
You will force me to acknowledge you,
You will take me to the brighter side.
Forgetting all my evils,
And all my demons.
Showing me there still is love,
In the world,
And in me...
I look at you, staring at the
Stars and the moon.
Am I still evil?
But I know, that is for me to decide.
Now, I hold your hand and stare
At the moon, and I realize,
What a wonderful world...
Feb 2014 · 296
Winnie Feb 2014
When you listen,

When you truly listen.
Something  which is unsaid,
Feelings too deep for words,
They can be heard.
Not through the ears,
But through our hearts…
That night, rain was pouring heavily,
Through the heavenly skies unto this earth.
It was completely mesmerizing
I was by the casement in my bedroom,
It was quite chilling,
But the rain, It calmed me.
It purified my soul,
My soul,
Which was stained,
It’s perplexing,
How, when I look at the rain drops on my casement,
My soul calms.
I feel as though this is the one thing,
The only thing, that I want to watch forever.
I never want it to go away,
And it doesn’t fail me.
Unlike you.
I heard what you said that day,
That winter night,
When everything was perfect.
When I thought nothing could ever go wrong,
When I was completed.
You broke me,
Tormented me!
Alas, I learned.
Nothing was truly perfect.
It was just a word,
Nothing else.
It was either flawed or just fine,
But never perfect.
Nobody, nothing ever was.
That winter night, it was raining…
Maybe, that is the reason,
Why I can’t forget you,
Why it calms me to look at those soft droplets,
Those tears of the heavens.
Maybe, I still want you, deep down.
Even if I deny it, Maybe...

— The End —