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Wilmer Ayala Jul 2010
I've lost my mind
I've lost my soul
Or maybe I got lost
And they're waiting for me
I just don't know where.
If you're down and there's no up,
where do you go?
If the whole world is flipped,
does that make me right?
Or maybe we're all leaning
But we're wrong.
I'm left
All alone in the light
Of darkness.
And I'm here.
Looking. Watching. Pondering.
In my soul.
In my mind.
In you.
© Wilmer Ayala
Wilmer Ayala Jul 2010
You're my perfect imperfection
My happy death injection
My long lost broken half
That completes the melancholy laugh
© Wilmer Ayala
Wilmer Ayala May 2010
Well she's the lost little girl
With the deep blue eyes
With a current of sorrow
And an ocean of lies
Where she goes
No one knows
But me..
© Wilmer Ayala

— The End —