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1.0k · Dec 2014
Willy McGee Dec 2014
The only excuse for being late
is to have brought

That's it. It's final.

There is no excuse for being late
except for if you brought

I'm not going to say it again.
817 · Dec 2014
Make It Rain Beer
Willy McGee Dec 2014
I didn't think it was going to be any good.
The Party,
My friends.
Rediscovered pesto to Arnold the govnah' in Total Recall
I walked in their door a thousand times for their entertainment
each time as a new character,
He's got a wii so he can play gamecube,
Bring your guitar
The fridge had a paper snowflake with ******* shaped designs
You know why I like the kitchen?
The lighting on my friends faces,  I can enjoy everyones expression
Drinking game? Who can't moonwalk, place your bets, take off your shoes

Pack of dudes showed up, Female hosts forget to invite ladies sometimes
Don't leave! Why? Your the prettiest girl here
oh no the neighbor is coming to complain but
If I know my sister like I think I do,
the two will be shooting whiskey on the roof in no time

I took a group to visit my *******,
I knocked and sang at the door but she stiffed me
Probably a mistake but you can't start a fire without a...
so we left and played "dancing in the dark" in the parking lot

.... ....... ...

Why am I singing to you?
Your half asleep doing takes for my new voicemail
I told you a story about

TheAA Duracell battery who wanted to be friends with the 9Volts
The throw pillow who wanted to be a real pillow
The doorknob who broke herself on purpose
so intruders couldn't see what she had inside

I didn't think it was going to be any good.
The Party,
My friends.
Willy McGee Dec 2014
My best friend left his board at the skate park
Lost track after too many 720 attempts out the bowl on his bike
He likes to film me in my most embarrassing moments
We spent a day making a music video in goodwill
rollerblading through the aisles in jumpsuits
(it may never come out)
720 · Dec 2014
Willy McGee Dec 2014
My chest hurts (not physically)
It's sunken in
The power of positive thinking

I know everybody in this town
Sometimes you just got to set everything down

Now I miss living alone in England smoking tobacco in my room
Endless time to test my mind
Here comes my brother in the driveway blaring hits from the 90s

The power of positive thinking
That's a good one.
456 · Feb 2015
He didn't remember me
Willy McGee Feb 2015
dude Gray, Carl,
I ran into that meathead y'all fought at that coop a long time ago
He was in front of me at lil' Woodrows watching the Super Bowl
all rooting for the Pats and ******* Soo roided out, Red Beaming Eyes

I took a picture with him at the one yard line right before Marshawn lynch was about to clutch his nuts for the win and the fine from the commissioner

Patriots picked it, I walked off to take a **** and deleted the picture staring at the toilet
436 · Mar 2015
Willy McGee Mar 2015
Vice Versa
for your vice
Whatever works
we interviewed people with a camera
we hit on girls and filmed it
what are you going to do with ? I want to see it when it's done?
when it's done? even we dont know what it's for/
yeah I do
it's for life,
it's for getting to the bottom of it,
it's about finding out how people feel and why
409 · Dec 2014
Willy McGee Dec 2014
Find your purpose
When you reach the end of the tunnel and everyone's like,
"well what do we do now?"
Jump in a minivan and go to the grand canyon
370 · Feb 2015
Willy McGee Feb 2015
What I'm hungry for feeds
into day to day errands, transactions
335 · Sep 2015
joke in here somewhere
Willy McGee Sep 2015
Theres a joke in here somewhere
and I'm hoping one day you'll forgive me

I come back home with my tail between my legs and I
can't look in your eyes
thinking of you and *** on my mind

Theres a joke in here somewhere
and I'm hoping one day you'll forgive me
I'm going to tell this joke somehow
and I just hope one day you can forgive me
320 · Dec 2014
Willy McGee Dec 2014
You know we've met before right?
Yes just making sure you remembered me.
I've seen you at the skate park, and psych fest
I offered you molly
and that party
I can't stop looking in your eyes
It's the only way to look at you
everything else just goes away
the rest of the picture is gone
while in your eyes a glowing soul
like the green numbers in the matrix
You take shots of whiskey, no problem
not like an alcoholic but
why am I surprised
kareoke in a dark lit ivory hall
then we danced
I felt like the luckiest guy in the whole world
even gay men agreed
at the bar round 2 you mentioned an uber
the way you said it, the look in her eyes, glowing again
I was so in love with the moment I let the chance slip by
thought nothing of getting out of here with you
being anywhere is enough

now here i am, and everything is just isn't as good
nothing really does
trying to remember what my point in life was before that night

— The End —