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2.1k · Apr 2010
Battle song for Valkyries
willy knight Apr 2010
"See! warp is stretched
For warriors' fall,
Lo! weft in loom

'Tis wet with blood;
Now fight foreboding,
'Neath friends' swift fingers,
Our grey woof waxeth
With war's alarms,
Our warp bloodred,
Our weft corseblue.

"This woof is y-woven
With entrails of men,
This warp is hardweighted
With heads of the slain,
Spears blood-besprinkled
For spindles we use,
Our loom ironbound,
And arrows our reels;
With swords for our shuttles
This war-woof we work;
So weave we, weird sisters,
Our warwinning woof.

"Now Warwinner walketh
To weave in her turn,
Now Swordswinger steppeth,
Now Swiftstroke, now Storm;
When they speed the shuttle
How spearheads shall flash!
Shields crash, and helmgnawer
On harness bite hard!

"Wind we, wind swiftly
Our warwinning woof
Woof erst for king youthful
Foredoomed as his own,
Forth now we will ride,
Then through the ranks rushing
Be busy where friends
Blows blithe give and take.

"Wind we, wind swiftly
Our warwinning woof,
After that let us steadfastly
Stand by the brave king;
Then men shall mark mournful
Their shields red with gore,
How Swordstroke and Spearthrust
Stood stout by the prince.

"Wind we, wind swiftly
Our warwinning woof.
When sword-bearing rovers
To banners rush on,
Mind, maidens, we spare not
One life in the fray!
We corse-choosing sisters
Have charge of the slain.

"Now new-coming nations
That island shall rule,
Who on outlying headlands
Abode ere the fight;
I say that King mighty
To death now is done,
Now low before spearpoint
That Earl bows his head.

"Soon over all Ersemen
Sharp sorrow shall fall,
That woe to those warriors
Shall wane nevermore;
Our woof now is woven.
Now battlefield waste,
O'er land and o'er water
War tidings shall leap.

"Now surely 'tis gruesome
To gaze all around.
When bloodred through heaven
Drives cloudrack o'er head;
Air soon shall be deep hued
With dying men's blood
When this our spaedom
Comes speedy to pass.

"So cheerily chant we
Charms for the young king,
Come maidens lift loudly
His warwinning lay;
Let him who now listens
Learn well with his ears
And gladden brave swordsmen
With bursts of war's song.

"Now mount we our horses,
Now bare we our brands,
Now haste we hard, maidens,
Hence far, far, away."
Njal's Saga
1.1k · Jun 2010
My Blood Burns
willy knight Jun 2010
My Blood Burns, as the Call Comes
My Blood Burns, as I Listen
My Blood Burns, as the Family is Hurt
My Blood Burns, as I Scream
My Blood Burns, as the Order is Issued
My Blood Burns, as I Tense in Anticipation
My Blood Burns, as You Ask my Opinion
My Blood Burns, as I Call for War
My Blood Burns, as I Ready for Battle
My Blood Burns, as the Lines are Drawn
My Blood Burns, as I Chose my Target
My Blood Burns, as I Call for Revenge
My Blood Burns, as I Wait for the Inevitable
My Blood Burns, as the Fight Begins
My Blood Burns, as I Spill their Blood
My Blood Burns, as I Lose Control
This is my call to a fight
771 · Mar 2010
im tired of it
willy knight Mar 2010
the screams come and i forget
the whispers come and i listen
the pain comes and i cry
the tears come and i remember the hell you caused
i want to forget but i cant
the pain comes back when you say you love me
why cant you hide just a little bit longer
i want a little more sanity
why cant you hide a little bit longer
i want to know why
the screams come and i forget
the whispers come and i try to fight it
the pain comes and i cry
the tears come and i had enough of the hell you caused
i am tired of forgetting, i want it to quit
750 · Mar 2010
thank you my friend
willy knight Mar 2010
I want to thank you
because you were their for me
when the ***** hit,
the names were said,
the pain grew
you were their for me
and asked nothing in return
I want to thank you
because you were my support,
my friend,
the wind to my wings
I want to thank you
because you were being you,
and without you i wouldn't be me.
this goes out to my oldest and first friend
738 · Mar 2010
willy knight Mar 2010
to question ones own sanity goes against humanity
to question ones own resolve goes against sanity
to question ones own willpower goes against resolve
to lose ones own willpower it to lose all
to lose all is to die
731 · Jul 2010
I quit
willy knight Jul 2010
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
I try to help & i get yelled at
cussed at.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
they say that they send the white coats after me
with straight jackets,
& needles.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
Its not worth it in the end
it comes with grief,
& heartache.
I quit, I quit, i just plain quit
I know how it feels to hold onto it,
to hide it,
to ignore it,
to dismiss it.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
I am at my limits,
the pains to much,
the yelling is to much,
the heartache is to much.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
so white coats come, come with your pills,
come with your straight jackets,
come with your therapy,
come with your needles.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
so come and get me already
620 · Apr 2010
Dont Think
willy knight Apr 2010
the rain pounds ******* the street
and the lightening brightens the midnight sky.
we spend a moment alone and a moment together before the light fills the sky again,
revealing us to the world.
just one kiss from you is all i wish.
but dare i threaten the chance of you leaving.
here is my change... and don't think, let it happen.
my little sister wrote this, i give her credit for this
558 · Apr 2010
will it end
willy knight Apr 2010
will it end
the pain of not having you
of not talking to you
will it end
the suffering
will it end
the loneliness
will the empty hole i have ever fill
will it end
all the pain of not having you

— The End —