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Willie Bryant II Dec 2013
Sometimes I say too much, and my hands tremble and my mind wanders, and I lose my place in the words I stored for you, and sometimes, it's not enough.

Sometimes I hide my fear in the spaces between my smiles and frowns hoping the rage doesn't come today, because sometimes, I wear my fear on my sleeve.

Sometimes I scream for answers, begging for the aching to subside but then I lose my footing, and accept that sometimes, the questions are enough.

Sometimes you make me smile, and for a moment, just for a moment, everything makes sense, though  sometimes, I just don't know.

Sometimes I hope you love me and all my baggage that still hasn't been lost, no matter how many times I've taken flight and sometimes, I hope it doesn't show.

Sometimes I wring my damp thoughts onto paper and watch the lines bleed into the neutral space as though that's where they belong,  sometimes I swallow them before they find their way out.

Sometimes I scream inside my head, because apparently, screaming out-loud makes people uncomfortable and afraid that you'll ask them for help. And sometimes, most times, I wish you would hear me.
Oct 2013 · 354
Fear Of Being In The Way
Willie Bryant II Oct 2013
I fear that one day, in between your mouth and God's ears, you'll question if I'm all you hoped I would be.

I'll pace the floor, avoiding cracks that resemble your stares and try to patch up wounds, exposed since birth... I'll hope that you notice, maybe even ask why, but I know otherwise.

I fear, that on the days when the closest I come to smiling is that little twitch one gets from choking back tears, you won't accept the fact that happiness, is not a coat I wear on cold days.
Still a work in progress, feedback would be greatly appreciated!  Peace, Love, and blessings to all! Extra for those who took the time to read this piece of my soul..
Sep 2013 · 439
Save Yourself, First
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
They told me once, of the power of self. I tossed those words around my head till a conclusion surfaced, shipwrecked, strewn across my seas.

When I asked you, aching in my speech, was it over, remember what you said? You cried, "I can't be what you need!" And in that very second I realized the only fleeting soul between us, was yours.

They told me that moment would come to pass and alas after my rose-colored lenses cracked, snapping me back into my being, there it was before me with the roar of their collective voices thundering in my mind shouting, "save yourself first!"
Sep 2013 · 558
Remnants Of You
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
I was once a lucid dream, gleaming in the eyes of your fiction. Now I cling to our remains, remaining scarred.

I am aware, that you no longer love me, but are you aware of the weight those words placed on my lungs,
stealing my breath, threatening my life?

Far be it to shout from roof tops and rejoice in my need to devour your affection, as if it were my last meal, because I never believed in fairy-tales. 

See, I am aware, you've moved on. But are you aware of the trail of destruction I've left, mowing through the odds and ends searching for remnants, of you?
Sep 2013 · 848
And I Felt Nothing
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
I felt like a black rose, trampled beneath the gravel of the world, oxygen cut off, vines suffocating. Fear in my heart of the last step, and then I felt nothing.
Sep 2013 · 401
Flee, Just Not Yet
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
I just want to escape, flee these street lights of a borrowed city I could never call "Home" and lose myself once more in the trap of searching. Fate leaning on mislead dreams could only hope to be more serene... Nevertheless be patient, I may let you dwell in my existence for a while longer. If only to feel content that much longer, haunted by the nightmare of my proverbs never being more than soliloquies.
Sep 2013 · 379
Letting Go
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
"If you can handle the truth... I'll tell you everything you want to know" I trembled as those cold words tumbled from her lips like ice from a shattered glass. Then I struggled to speak, grasped the air for arguments that I'd held onto for this very moment. But all I found was a sharp pain in my chest, reminiscent of the one she left as a goodbye.
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
Last time I saw you,
I looked away as though
I didn't notice.

You kept walking,
Hiding your emotions,
Counting your steps.

We pretended,
the love we once shared,
never left our lips.
4 of 4
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
Today I told myself that I'd write down all the things I could never tell you.

Put them in an envelope on the top shelf of the wardrobe, next to the window that entertained my self loathing.

Till a sudden iron taste of blood coated my taste buds, as I bit down on my lips forcing myself to keep those words from escaping their prison.
3 of 4
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
I could tell you, on lonely nights I lay awake. Trying to remember the way your hair felt against my arm, as you slept on my chest.

But I'd rather pretend the reason I'm laying alone, is because someone who won't break their promise is laying awake, waiting for the same thing.

I could tell you, that I miss the way you had to stand on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on my crown.

But I'd rather pretend that every one of those kisses, wasn't a prelude to the wounds you left.
2 of 4
Sep 2013 · 472
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
I cannot wish for rose petals to be any more beautiful, nor can I recite in detail the speech given at graduation.

I can however, remember
March 1, 2008
and the look on your face.

I cannot plead with the wind to turn its kiss away as you chase down your sails.

But I can be the lighthouse,
to bring you safely,
to shore.
Part 1 of 4
Sep 2013 · 578
To Imagine, Love
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
I want to imagine that love feels like less of a pressure on the heart threatening to burst, than embers floating on woven baskets set out in high tide. I want to experience the feeling of waking up next to love on a fog painted fall morning in October. Yet, I am afraid I'll be too busy to face the pain threshold that has been thoroughly peeked, in the absence of armor to protect this fragile heart. I want to imagine love as my best friend from the second grade who wore a purple sweat suit and sang 'London's bridge is falling' while telling me she saved a cookie for me. I want to have a conversation with love and ask which of its faces is the one to be trusted and before the answer I want to yell "because I've seen the joy and the sorrow!" And still... I want to imagine love as sitting on a park bench next to someone who I'd spend every heartbeat with.
Sep 2013 · 988
Oh, To Be So Simple
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
It was never supposed to be so simple. You know, the conclusion crashing your illusion like the simile of waves to shores, because  we never dreamt that far. See, we were just kids with chips on our shoulders, no real reason to believe the world would get to know us. Frail, angry and pigeonholed. Where we're from, your intelligence is reflected through pigment and attempts to prove otherwise are met with ignorance. But I'm getting ahead of myself... it was never supposed to be so simple. The truth cracking the silence like symbols and we were just kids, wanting to be held by a world that didn't want us. A world that teaches us to be afraid of our thoughts, to fear independence, to stay kids... but it was never supposed to be so simple.
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
Fall has been my favorite season since seeing the sight of multi colored leaves, laying amongst each other in silent beauty. I guess thats why I loved your hair so much. Auburn with flashes of blonde like capturing dark moments in sepia.

I want so badly to believe I'd decline the opportunity to bathe my beaten skin in your serenity, one last time. But alas, my seas run deep with fleeting hope of you, and me, unbreakable like skyline pines fighting off northern winds, akin to the ebb of leaves painting the fall ground, captured in sepia. 

Fall has been my favorite season since the allure of its equinox, balanced out my day and night. Like your touch balanced my strength, hushed my troubles, and gave life to my harmony, equal to capturing dark moments in sepia.  

If only for the sake of peace, bask in my elixir at the end, before the sun burns out, and fall turns to endless cold. Before its equinox is lost among the shuffle, the skyline pines give in to the wind and the leaves turn to cinders. Let it be birth into fruition, before the seas run dry, before there is no longer you or I. And let this dark moment be captured, in sepia.
Sep 2013 · 378
I Knew You Once
Willie Bryant II Sep 2013
I knew you once before the sky had fallen, when the dawn reflected your smile.

Oh, I knew you well, knew every twinkle in your eyes as individual wonders. I knew your heart, every crevice and fissure.

I knew you once as you watched me wither watched the me I knew, lose himself in you


— The End —