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Feb 2013 · 516
We're Too Old
William Feb 2013
The internet sleeps alone tonight
Its dreams of *** and violence
Are interrupted by reality

And when they wonder why there’s no love
When they give no love
I can only shrug

Because you get what you give
And then some
Life cannot be won

We all suffer
But you choose to hurt others  
With no remorse

But they will get by
And you’re the villain
With no one

But you keep going
Because you revel in hate
It’s the only thing you have left
To gain from

I hope you find love
Because that is the only thing
that we all deserve
but cannot force

I hope you find love
Because you've hurt so many
And don’t feel guilty  

But they will get by
And you’re the villain  
With no one

No one.
Jan 2012 · 610
William Jan 2012
Changing faces is easy for me,
shifting cheekbones,
raising my eyebrows.
I pity the meek who cannot change,
in the same way.

Find me when you're ready and I'll become someone you can love.
Jul 2011 · 524
Pain Mash-up
William Jul 2011
Not even myself.
I guess I'll continue starving.
I'd rather forget my problems and think about someone else's,
because so far there aren't any.
You don't want to admit it.
I think you don't want to admit that you weren't there to see the signs
One day,
I want her to leave a
terrible mark so I cannot deny it anymore.

*taken from different anonymous sources
Jul 2011 · 866
William Jul 2011
Circular in motion,
but not in body.
Many have lost the gleam in their eye
that denoted it.
Many more havens are left untouched
.../by a bleak bystander's world.
Try as I might I cannot know whether I had it in the first place.
Jul 2011 · 643
The Callow
William Jul 2011
Black-Lights crawl across your skin as we dance,
Giving You a violet  tourniquet for
That broken heart of yours.
let it Never be said that I forced it upon you,
To be the one I Looked Into.
instead we Fall,
each of us,  
Into a drunken swirl of Bright lights.
Jul 2011 · 1.1k
William Jul 2011
I don't know whether I should revile them
or revel in them.
Tucked/ perfect frame/
eyes that make me sick,
if only for lack of love.
empty but for lust/ it's a shame/
to think what love might have wrought
for these shapely circadian tallow hues.
Plastic is bought again.
Jul 2011 · 570
En Masse
William Jul 2011
I've seen this upward spiral
that masks pain through mascara.
Imperfection is complete
when perfection is found in the masses.
No one left to become means
no one. For anyone.
Jun 2011 · 589
Man Like a Reed
William Jun 2011
The mechanics of discipline
Bend me into a shape
Not unlike the one I came

In death
I would curl up
In the same way

Like, a mad man
Who, plainly recognizes insanity in others.

This is my pain.

— The End —