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William Sexton Feb 2018
Ill be your bridge, If you be my key stone
Were stronger together this way
Holding up the weight of the world
Past the rolling of earthquakes, And withering of time
We could stand through it all
Or so I believed
But I felt you shifting, Slowly creating a gap
Through which you slipped further and further
I tried to keep my grip, I really did
To keep us upright, And solid
But I guess I wasn't strong enough
Not to keep you drifting away
So slow it seemed
Moss and rot settled in the cracks
Whittling away the thing we built together
I'm still unsure just when you freed yourself
This phantom feeling of what was lost lingered too long
So slowly, Our structure began to hollow
Brick and stone falling away
Shape slumping
And groaning for release into the depths below
It was then I became afraid
This broken bridge is mine alone, and I cant bear it
Please come back, I cant hold the weight of this world all alone
Please god, I'm breaking
The abyss below waiting
There's no one left to hear my fall
William Sexton Feb 2017
I love a ghost
She waxes and wanes like the moon
Sometimes fading into nothingness
Till I am left alone
Wondering if there was ever someone there at all
But she always returns
She haunts me
Following my body, and my thoughts
And even in our closeness I fear the next fading
The void that still sits between us
The chains that bind us are cast between realms
Holding me to a world that is not my own
Twisting my flesh into place
Leaving my mind, spinning behind me
In these moments of insanity
I wonder
Who’s really the ghost?
Or I?
William Sexton Jan 2016
My mind is a mess
Racing, pounding and tearing at its self
Tell me I’m not insane
If my memory serves
I’ll forget in time
Coming to the same conclusion
Yes, functionally insane
But insane none the less
Forcing myself through the same broken cycle
On auto pilot
Expecting different results
Because I have to believe
Things can’t turn out the same
It just isn’t sane to think so
Is it?
Am I a weak soul driven by a strong will?
Or a weak will possessed by a strong soul?
What forces me on myself in this way?
William Sexton Jan 2016
Burning bridges falling down
Hot cinders take flight on night air
Like fireflies
They count among the sky as the stars do
But that’s ok
The stars I hold closest light my way
And warm my days
William Sexton Jan 2016
I’m having an out of body experience of the worst kind
Watching my body walk pointless shapes in rising tides
Taking turns between wandering and drowning
The pain feels so surreal
Coming and going; ebbing away at me
Never knowing when my head will go under again
And all I can do is watch and wait
I’m helpless to stop this cycle
Decisions I’ve made have tied me here
Remember, relive, regret and repeat
These are the tides in my ocean of misery
And even now, as the water laps gently at my chin
I wonder
What other decision I could have made?
Would I have only delayed my place here?
Can I fix what I have broken?
When I know it will never be the same?
And when my body finally walks away from this sea of misery
Will I still regret?
Will I ever be the same?
Will I be ok?
William Sexton Nov 2015
Has this world always been co cold?
Come; sit by the fire with me
If only for awhile
It burns its brightest for company
William Sexton Nov 2015
Hard to find
Hard to earn
is in short supply
High demand
Eyes cast low
Watch my walk
As I go
Drifting, away
From those who are in debt to me
Not treated
As trust should be
But instead, as commodity
Trust worn thin
As it’s borrowed
Not returned
State brought to sorrow
But Still I wait
Until tomorrow
And drifting slowly
As you still borrow
Wishing you might pay be back
Someday soon
But days grow black
As I wait
Hope growing cold
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