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4.3k · Oct 2011
Black Rose
Black fire in a small glass ball
Swirling like water
Moving with no cause
Rolling off a table
Falling to the stone floor
Breaking into pieces
Spilling the black fire on the floor
Large black metal vines grow from the black fire
Vines that twist and turn
Growing along the floors and walls
Up the tables legs
Growing rapidly
The metal vines reaching out across the floor
Climbing the bed
Twisting and turning
Moving like snakes under the covers
Lifting her body off the bed
Raising it into the air
Her body laying still
The vines growing up around it
Hiding it from view
A black rose takes shape from the vines
Opening up it shows her in the middle
The black metal leaves of the vines open
Releasing hundreds of lights into the air
Dancing along the vine
Dancing their way up to the rose
Illuminating its petals
Revealing her beauty to the night
1.4k · Oct 2011
To live is To die
For you to live forever unable to die
The horrors you have seen drive you mad
Your mind tries to protect you from these horrors
With false memories in an attempt to keep you sane
For you wondered to far from my love
From my protection
Your heart could not bare the pain that I shielded from you
I could not whip the tears from your checks nor hug you
Or provide the shoulder you need to cry on
For you had wondered to far from my love
I had searched through out time and space for you looking for you
Hunting for you only
Now to find you lost and confused
All of this because of a small tiff
A fight by my cause
A deadly mistake it was for it could have killed
If I had not found you when I did
I have forgotten what the fight was over but I’m sure it was my fault for it drove you
Away from me
Away from my love
Away from my protection
So it is up to me to show you how sorry I am
It is up to me to protect you to love you
To help you remember
For my soul too shall never die it shall live on for ever till times runs out
But if I were to lose you now that I have found you
To lose your love you have for me
Would be a death all in itself
1.0k · Oct 2011
Encaged in this form
Unable to break free of it
Fighting to gain myself
Looking for a way out
Seeking truth in memories
Bound by unseen ropes
Locked in a cage
Tormented by life
Endless days
894 · Oct 2011
The Dreamer
The dreamer wakes but remains lost in this world of corruption
In this world he is bound to rebuild anew
For the dreamer has seen what made it this way and knows he must correct it
This dreamer was born from the fire of the gods that made this world
This dreamer is but me
798 · Oct 2011
Mind void of thoughts
Empty of the words to say
Unable to formulate its thoughts
Fighting to find the words for her
The words to tell her how I feel
To tell her how much I love her
Knowledge ever growing
But she still lives me speechless
She loves me but why
I don’t see myself as she does
I’m amazing to her while dire to me
To me she’s a goddess
But she doesn’t see it
We grow like each other as the days pass
Becoming more like the other
Wordless am I when I’m with her
744 · Oct 2011
Hidden Tears
Why must I be tormented so
The tears I feel in my heart
The pain it feels
My sunny day once bright has turned cloudy
The time spills over me as I wait
I wait so long the pain growing with in me clawing to get out
Ripping at my skin fighting to break free
I collapse to the ground on my knees my body slumped over
Hands on the ground holding me up barely
My head hangs down as rain falls
Mud covering my hands as they sink in the soft ground
Rain flows down my face hiding the tears I have not cried before
My wings weighed down with water cling to the ground
As my arms give out from under me
Falling to the ground soaked in the rain that falls so ******* me
Foot steps are heard but far away
I stay there lying on the ground as a hand is placed on my shoulder
I lift my head up to see your face
Your tears hidden by the rain
You sit down next to me placing me head on your lap
Your tears stop as we are together again
No longer in a life of pain and sorrow
No longer apart from the other but together
741 · Oct 2011
The progression of a Fool
You mock me
Never showing me your true self
Telling me what you think I want to hear
Lies filling my ears
Tell others how you really feel
Telling all but the one person you need to tell
I tried to build this on trust
Hoping you could feel free to act as you truly are
Instead of putting on a show
I remained true to myself
Showing you my true side
Only to see your mask
Hidden your face is to me
Ashamed to show it knowing I will see the truth
My ways are old to everyone
And misunderstood
I though you would understand that
The mask falls one night
And I see you for your true self
Confronting you
Only to realize how far apart the lies have driven us
A fool I was to believe
723 · Oct 2011
Nothing but ashes
Blindness to the light
Fire burning the ashes
A state of being
Seeing the light
Becoming a new form
Through the flames
Ash less
Flames die down to nothing
Taking in new life
671 · Dec 2011
Her Lips
Her lips... angry with the hue of death
And even though I should not indulge
Her lips did beckon me so
To feel them once more upon my own
Just as they used to be whence warm
Her lips did beckon me so
In my heart I knew it not proper or right
But she would be taken from my vision
Her lips did beckon me so
And so I did indulge
In one last kiss
Her lips did beckon me so
668 · Oct 2011
A hollow hallway
An empty path in the woods
The hidden tunnels of a cave
The labyrinth of the mind
All lead down the same path
The path that is to bring them together
He at one end of the path waiting
She at the other contemplating
The scene is the same
She waits for reason
He waits for her
The darkness that hides the secrets
The unknown of the travel down the pathways
Keep her from going to him
She walks down part of the way
But turns back and runs to her starting point
He sits on a stone waiting for her
Calmly there in the darkness
The moon illuminating his face
The small fire in front of him flickers about
Showing parts of his body
She sits under an old tree
Her knees to her chest
Putting her head down hiding her face
The moon shining through the leaves
Become patches of light on her body
His hand reaches down for hers
A light smile on his face
Taking his hand they walk down the path together
641 · Oct 2011
Music can’t stop the savage beast that is my mind.
As it twist and snarls its unwanted thoughts.
No melody, or harmony can stop its rage.
For my mind is deaf to **** things when it run wild in darkness.
My view point on life and the people in it change.
I see things that happen not the way they did.
As my mind runs wild.
But the very touch of your hands.
The soothing feelings of your arms as they wrap around me.
This feeling of peace and calm from your touch.
It calms my savage beast.
It halts my wild mind.
It brightens my darkness.
Your touch did what music could not to the savage beast that is my mind.
632 · Mar 2012
Within this world of twisted thorns,
there is a hidden beauty.
Of the tangled tendrils  that weave a web of pain,
there is a beauty.
Without a path laid out with suffering,
we can not see the Hidden Beauty.
624 · Oct 2011
The lost of Freedom
Bound to the stone walls of the dungeon
The chains cutting flesh
Dried blood down the arms
Darkness within the cell
A guard passes by kicking the wooden door
Echoing in the room
Bright orange eyes opening
Peering through the darkness
The chains rattle more as they are pulled
An angered scream heard through out the castle
Followed by a scream in horror
A splinted door
An empty wall with empty chains
A dead guard slumped to the ground
Fresh air taken in for the first time
A castle in ruins burning down
621 · Oct 2011
Eyes open wide to the world
Blind to that which is there
Unable to see the truth
Might as well keep them closed
This world that is kept hidden
From these eyes to weak to see it
Memories flood back
Showing what is there
No longer using these eyes to see
Only using the eyes that are hidden
Hidden eyes to see the hidden world
The world that is truly there
A world not seen by all
But one that is seen by few
This hidden world is full of pain
The bodies that walk around
Are the same ones that see the fake world
They walk in the hidden world only see the lie
Not able to take the truth
The truth that this world is dying
No longer able to keep life
Only to spread pain
The cuts on the bodies still bleed
But they feel them not
Walking the lonely street
The broken store windows
The shattered hope that lay on the street
This world of truth is not fit for all to see it
You can tell the ones that see this hidden world
From those that see the lie
They walk with caution with cuts that bleed no longer
Watching this world
Forever watching
610 · Oct 2011
Fallen Feathers
A mix of red and black feathers dance in the wind
Twisting and turning in the wind
Falling from the wings
Sun setting in the distant
His head hung
He leans a ****** back on a tree
The wing torn from his back still bleeding
Four of them lay on the ground thrown about in a rage
The air turns cold as the moon rises
The night air filling his lungs
The blood now dry
His flesh pale
New wings growing now
An endless cycle of forever renewal
570 · Oct 2011
Night air
A cold wind blowing across his face
His mind lost in thought
Eyes seeming hollow as he looks over the cliff
Forever searching looking for the lost
Dark red feathers in the wind
Stepping off the edge falling
Faster toward the rocks
Out of control
The water rushing up
Moments before he opens four large wings
They catch the air pockets slowing his fall
Toward the horizon he flies in the night air
566 · Oct 2011
Catch me if you can
I can move in and out of your view
You think you have me
But I am gone again
Forever you must chase me
Never to take me
My curse to never be caught
Faster you run after me
I try to slow so you can catch me
But I feel the pulling force
Taking me from your boney hands
So catch me if you can
Give me freedom
544 · Dec 2011
The Flames
The flames creep up upon me
My mind surrounded my soul tormented
With in the fire I am now
Feeling it caress my body
Burning away the old.
A new feeling comes over me as a pain is felt in my back.
Something is there fighting to break free of the flesh.
The pain is unbearable for me.
I fall to the ground screaming in agony as they burst forth from my back.
Four large wings with blood red feathers stand ***** on my back
The pain is no longer there.
I stand up as the flames now die down.
My wings now slump down around my shoulders
They lay like a cloaked.
527 · Oct 2011
A Heart in Which You Stay
Space has unfolded as does a rose
And within it’s petals we stand holding each other
In our arms looking deeply into one another’s eyes
Our wings at rest moving in the gentle winds of time
Our love grows as the petals fall
Turning back ‘til we stand on the stem of a rose
I grasp you tighter into my arms
And fall backward off of the stem
We fall for what seems forever
As the world reaches up for us my wings flare out
Catching pockets of air while I hold you closer
Still the world grabs for us lessening
Our bodies angle upward toward the night sky
Our lips lock tightly and your wings stretch open wide
Arching our bodies straight up
Until we are just a silhouette against the moon
We stay there motionless
The kiss still lasting
Our bodies rotate as our wings close around us
Pressing our souls together ‘til we are one
Together we float as one being
Gazing down on the world below
Casting flames down upon it
Burning the lands and oceans
The fire spread quickly ‘til ash is left of the world
We glide down landing on the embers
As new life grows where our feet touch
Bringing forth a new world
Fresh and new full of opportunities
508 · Mar 2015
Silver Fingers
A silver tongue is owned by one whom speaks
with a way to ensnare those who listen.
I myself have silver fingers.
Though it is true my words could be spoken,
more power is applied to them written.
With silver fingers my words ensnare the mind
of the reader.
Pulling them into the worlds I have created.
Drawing forth the very emotions that I so desire
the reader to feel.
Though a silver tongue is powerful to those that
can hear it, silver fingers are powerful to all
that read the words created.
492 · Mar 2015
Small Bed
I have a small bed
It doesn't bother me
It's cozy and treats me well
Most would see it as too small
They would get rid of it
To get a bigger bed
I like my small bed
Because when she's over
She has to cuddle in nice and close
So I'll keep my small bed
Because it treats me well
492 · Oct 2011
Am I
Thoughts and memories that confuse me
Am I who I think I am
Or are these from someone else’s mind
Been in to many to count
Not knowing if they are my own
Or ones I have stolen
Am I really me or an echo of someone else
Do I have what I believe to have
Am I me
Is this my true self
Or is it all a lie
Have I created all this because of a lie
Is there any truth to me
Has my mind become so warped to have lost itself
I feel hollow now
Without hope
Not knowing who I am
491 · Oct 2011
The Bloody Sword
Rivers of blood flow on the ground as I place my sword down
For I have killed again for the revenge I seek against my ******
The one that took my loves life from me
As I was bound not able to stop it
But now that I have returned to avenge her
And my own ******
Nothing shall stop me from seeking my revenge
For I had to watch them cut her slowly till she bleed
She hung there in front of me
By her arms crying tears of pain
I had to watch her die in front of me
Had to hear her screams of pain
For this I seek their deaths
For the pain I was forced to see in her eyes tore at my soul
Leaving me bleeding in time
But I still hunt for them with my ****** sword
486 · Oct 2011
Standing still the wind at his back the sun setting behind him
Silence in the air as the moon rises high
The stone cracks and breaks as his wings open up
Rock crumbling to his feet as the air grows cold
Bright eyes open cutting through the last bits of stone
Standing there he waits for another day to come
486 · Oct 2011
Your Tears (I dry)
The air is calm and so is my mind
My heart now rest for a long time
I lay here still not to move as I wonder what to do
It is dark where I am I can not see nor have air to breath
My chest is cold and has stopped breathing
I lay here still wondering
My head rest atop your lap my eyes will not open
The hole in my side has stopped bleeding now
I lay here still waiting but for what
Till a warm drop hits my face
You are crying for me now and I must not allow this to happen
I fight to regain control over my limbs it pains them so
But pains me more that you cry
My eyes open now and look up to see your face come into my focus
My heart starts back at work as my chest rises and falls
The cold wet air enters my lungs
My side hurts me more now but still you cry till I reach my hand up
It screaming in pain
And brush you tears away
450 · Mar 2015
This was requested by a fiery flower
A poem that surrounds the petals
To envelope and captivate
While drawing up images within the mind
A simple thought, a simple desire
To bring about a work brought from the depths
Though this is easier said then done
A simple request made by a fiery flower
A request for words to paint upon the canvas
But while some can pull forth from the ether
This can be more of a trek for me
From the point of desired which angle to go with
To how long it should be
And so, as requested by a fiery flower
Here is the end result.
440 · Oct 2011
My hand
Outstretched reaching down to you
The desire to help you
Is only a desire to help a younger me
Once like you but now different
Changed for better or worst
My only desire now is to help you
For you to take my hand
So I may pull you up from the darkness
Guiding you out of the confusion
437 · Oct 2011
Tiniest of Pieces
Star dust falls upon her face as her eyes stare deeply into my
For she is my love
My heart
My reason for living
My heart pains me when she cries making my head spin twist and turn
Not being able to be there for her physically only spiritually
Not being able to hold her tight within my arms or to brush away her tears
My heart jumps in joy when we talk
I lose all logic and connection with the world around me
But when we can't talk and I have to leave
My heart is smashed into the tiniest of pieces
My dreams and thoughts are filled with her
No moment where I stop thinking of her
I feel her with me as I dream for
I am with her in that world of truth
429 · Mar 2015
Heated, beaten, burned, abused
In this forge this all happens.
With such powerful trials,
the weak is eliminated leaving the strong.
In this forge pain is replaced by strength,
sorrow by solace, and wounds with scars.
For as all that brings us these, a better
form grows within.
In this forge, the constant, rhythmic beating
keeps as a reminder that so long as it burns,
we grow stronger.
There used to be a time when she couldn’t get enough of my touch
Now she would rather feel the embrace of a cactus
When did she stop loving me?
There used to be a time when she loved to read what I wrote
Now she makes excuses to why she doesn’t read my words at all
When did she stop loving me?
There was a time she used to love to cuddle in bed
Now she wants it all and I sleep on the floor
When did she stop loving me?
She used to listen to my concerns, and trust my feelings
Now she ignores how I feel and condemns my concerns
When did she stop loving me?
She used to be scared of losing me so I promised I would not leave
Now I feel that it will only take one bad day before she tells me to go
When did she stop loving me?
I used to give her unconditional love and it confused her
Now she gives me unconditional hate and it confuses me
When did she stop loving me?
She used to have days where she smiled at me
Now there are days where she cusses me
When did she stop loving me?
I’ve written her lovely poems before
But now I’ve written this one
When did she stop loving me?
388 · Oct 2011
To Dream as I do
I populate your thoughts you populate my own
For I dream
And I dream of you to hold you in my arms as we once did
To love as I should
To be there when I am needed
384 · Apr 2015
Brown Apples
Apples that turn brown have gone to long with out the joy of being tasted
Bananas that turn brown can still be tasty as a bread
Love that turns brown is covered in chocolate
Brown isn't bad, it's just misunderstood
317 · Mar 2015
Her Questions
What are you laughing about
She ask when I look at her
Do you want to take a nap
She ask when I'm still tired
Can you rub my back
Such a simple request
What is it you see in my eyes
Innocents with small hits of coy
Why do you say you're evil
It's easier then being nice
I can hear your heart
She says with her head on my chest

— The End —