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3.5k · Jan 2014
William Jan 2014
With wretchedness you
pluk at my heart strings
fray the bow and bend the cords
With haste you
close the clamps upon my side
With brash and anger you
slam the lid
shove me into darkness
With absence
not more then a thought shed
you leave me to rot
The cruelest among love, harm, hurt, and abandonment is not to be remembered, good or bad.
1.4k · Jan 2014
Be Strong
William Jan 2014
Shh shh
close your eyes,
shh shh
you feel that pain? It will dissipate
be strong. dry your eyes
for life will move on.

You'll put gravel in your guts and dirt in your eyes.
you'll be strong, you'll stay put.
no force on earth will move you
no hand will shake your hold.
no fist will burden your load.

You will be strong.

You are alone  now though
and you will stay alone, least you
push on, Push On, PUSH ON
be strong

You will rise from the darkness one day
and shine with a light all your own,
for you are strong.
1.2k · Jan 2014
The Youthful Land
William Jan 2014
This poem can be read as 3 poems. It can be read as the Youth, the Land, or as both together. I hope it works out I'm uncertain if its intention can be derived, so please give me feedback.*

The Youth                                                   The Land
I, Eleven
                                                          ­            I, ageless
A monument atop and open hill
                                                            ­          The tide sweeps at my shores
The sky swirls dark and misted
                                                          ­            The clouds gather over me
Legs wet from the ocean
                                                           ­            Eyes open to all that takes place
Heart hammering from the run
                                                             ­          Ears listen to the sounds of millennium
                                               The sky opens up
A blurring multitude of drops
                                                           ­             Again and Again torrents hit me
We run
                                                             ­           I stay put
Lightning flashes
                                                         ­               My edges crumble
Thunder roars
                                                           ­             My mountains wear
We laugh
                                                           ­             I breathe
The hill is slick before us
                                                              ­          My back becomes wet
The ocean, the sea surround us
                                                              ­          My wild places tamed
We sing
                                                            ­            I listen
The road fills with water
                                                           ­             My faces covered in emotions
The cars honk their horns
                                                           ­             My places lived in
We jump
                                                            ­            I catch
The plunge down into dark waters
                                                          ­              My many inside me, sheltered
The resurfacing into the maelstrom
                                                                ­        My love an outward reflection of theirs
We swim
                                                            ­            I sink
The tide pulls hard
                                                                ­        My body succumbs to the ocean, to man
The storm slows its pace
                                                            ­            My love still grows stronger
We climb
                                                           ­             I support
                                              The clouds clear away
The pavement steams, drying
                                                          ­               My skies change; my many grow
We live
                                                            ­             I live.
1.2k · Jan 2014
You are the Vanguard
William Jan 2014
Cross over the front lines.
Take siege to the battle field.
Cross fire. ****.

Take hold of your comrades hand.
Take hold of their glass eyes, their dead hearts.

Weep. move on.
Wrench the gun from a fallen brother.
The ******* will pay.

Take aim. TAKE AIM! push forward.
Crawl beneath the barbed wire, through the mud, through the filth, through the blood.

Cover your face.
Close your eyes.
Don't breath in. the mustard gas kills.

Take their trenches.
STAB with your bayonet.
Slash with your dagger.
They are the enemy, evil.

Resist with every fiber of your being.
Fight like a trapped dog.
Be shot.
Be stabbed.
1.1k · Jan 2014
William Jan 2014
Every day a battle raged
Shall i go or shall i stay
Between to worlds my fate does sit
Hinging upon a soft limerick

Twisted by the change of day
I yearn to be more free and gay
Yet these burdens pile on
until I am no more then gone

I, but a soft limerick
1.1k · Jan 2014
William Jan 2014
I am the barnacle on the underbelly of the whale
I am the new grown fungi on the rotting stump
I am resilient
I am strong
deemed wretched
Yet, I am necessary
I clean and clear away the dredge
pave way for the new
I keep life moving on
for resilient am I
William Jan 2014
I've always wanted to be a southerner
not the "refined" southern
more of that blue grass southern

most of that blue grass southern
are always on their way home
crossing land marks; cumberland gap, georgia river, rocky top

you see that blue grass southern
always has a "baby," a someone
waiting for them

when your that blue grass southern
you have blues that are deep
but your tune is always bright

well with that blue grass southern
your always searching for that simpler
never northern life

so please just give me
more of that blue grass southern
William Jan 2014
It is deafening silence
Beneath the lanky pine shrouded of darkness
And the bed of needles soft under hand,
Snow sits shallow and dulled behind a curtain,
The hushed breath of a boy out of hand,

And the bark rough against back,
And the stick of sap against the palm, and the screech
Of tires far afield, and the breakneck cold
Cries with hidden desires of dark shadows breach
In the low mountains of housed hills where silence holds.

Once when warmth was in the heart
Among the walls solid evergreen held,
As the food hot and the flames low, a boy unfolded
The truth of heart that smoldered in anguished meld,
Rushed and tumbled forced out upon the wold

Of snow. And alone then
In the darkening cold, run by the streets light
And the pavements white with turned ash and the men
Roosting asleep while the barking dog grew trite
Whom echoed among the covered grounds and then

Stumbled on with anxious limb,
Thus feet sting, the glacial frost bitterly bites,
The hooped ring luminescent and hung, the lanky pine
Comforting in its shelter bare of lights,
And there to rest and rebuild new spine.

“He knelt, he wept, he prayed,”
By the hurt of his heart feeble in the dense dark night
And huddled bellow the knotting pine though in the homes,
In the past warmth, in the slow light,
At the loves gracious hold, he wished to roam.

“He knelt” in spindled branches,
“He wept” being cast out, “he prayed” to the hidden gods
That he be found rescued restored to right
Darkness pushed aside by the cars beam and the boy at odds
And the shimmering diamond studded earth and the black white

Into that light of promise
He wished to go but he sits eyes closed to darkness
With out the car which passed and broken he stands.
His heart wrenched breaking him choked by the collar
And up the way whence came to the shattered lands

It is deafening silence,
Reentering in the house torn, in the whirl-
Wind of heated battle, into his room
He crawls, in the slow light of the dreams world.
And he rises with new light arching through the sky.
845 · Jan 2014
Drifting to Stumble
William Jan 2014
Cloudless, drifting.
We awake.
We sleep.
drifting, moving!
Gliding? no.
Marching? no.
only forward, sometimes back.
drifting, asleep.
drifting, awake.
eyes wide open
we sleep.
drifting among the cloudless,
816 · Jan 2014
Madhouse (Villanelle)
William Jan 2014
Cry to the white walls heavy and dead
You linger there between night and day,
A prison now made upon this bed.

Come thrashing harsh, forward raged in red.
Wild men know not their bound, so they
Cry to the white walls heavy and dead.

Quite and subdued, weighed down as lead
Appearance deceives, slowly to fray
A prison now made upon this bed

Voices echo one repeating thread
I hear you. I won't! leave now I pray!
Cry to the white walls heavy and dead

One body two souls suggest to wed
Morphing among, caught between as prey
A prison now made upon this bed

There, through the halls, chime cries of the bled
This soiled earth has driven astray
Cry to the white walls heavy and dead
A prison now made upon this bed.
709 · Jan 2014
Growing Old Sucks
William Jan 2014
How I long for the breath of youth once more
These tiered bones and weary eyes will mend
My bending back produced by years of chore
will bend right back as an unbroken trend.

The lines and wrinkles will begin to fade
My erratic heart will beat strong and true
My calloused hands torn and battered remade
Will lift up boldly into the bright new

I'll be callow naive and ignorant
Brashly pushing forward never looking back
I'll be breaking hearts, my love to be sent
given to those with worth or those who lack

But my weary back will remain thus still
for my youth alluded leaving me chill
686 · Jan 2014
No Longer Caging
William Jan 2014
Upon an island sits my soul.
Floating among the quivering
branches hidden with in the lull
I crouch, still and shivering.

Upon the waves turns my soul.
With cold waters dragging me deep
to a world through a rabbits hole
I flail, thrashing about and weep.

Upon those cufflinks wears my soul.
The jacket turned outward to face
the cold harsh winds taking their toll
I arch, pained and begin to brace.

Within the damp ground rest my soul.
With shelter against the raging
wind theres chance to warm by the coal
I lay, stretched no longer caging.
609 · Jan 2014
Hollowed Magnificence
William Jan 2014
What  will tomorrow hold
when tomorrow dies before the new dawn
How can we hold onto what we have
when what we have i empty dreams, empty promises
As we close our eyes
What do we look upon
but fragments of a life that could  have been ours
that should have been ours!
But is but a dream twisted  into a nightmare
As we draw our last breath
and look back upon
our lives are nothing more then hollowed shells of
what could have been
what they should have been
607 · Jan 2014
A Perfect Moment
William Jan 2014
few moments in life pass us by with such grace and beauty that true happiness is achieved.
A moment so pure no pain or sorrow could reach us,
just one emotion and one alone.
Its presence,
through fleeting,
is more welcome than a thousand perfect sunrises,
more welome than an endless summer,
even more welcome than the love of a lifetime.
Such moments befall us suddenly;
in bed listening to the radiator whine,
sitting on the porch alone with rain slowly pattering on the ground,
laying in the tall grass seeing the wind blow through the branches.
597 · Jan 2014
This Moment?
William Jan 2014
I look out onto the ashen fields
I look out and I wonder
I wonder if in This moment

This moment when the clouds drift
when the sun touches the horizon
when the ashen fields glow, backlit

I wonder if in this moment
when I look out onto the city bellow
where the people pass by in directions unknown
where the pigeons roost in their steel trees
where a man whimpers sick and alone in an ally

I wonder if in this moment
when I look out across the limitless ocean
with its growing swells
with its uncharted depths
with its abundance of unforgiving life

I wonder if in this moment
is it worth it?
William Jan 2014
Among the matted walls
the painted dolls
the cold crashes
timbered against us
fought to constrain us
thought they would rain us

but what fools
among these tools
we are what we are
no bonds
may bound us
no cage constrain

our lives
are open to take flight
to rule the night
we have it inside us

our release
begins not with constraint
our release
is a phantom

our release,
Our Release!
512 · Jan 2014
My Heaven
William Jan 2014
There is a place.
It is bright in memory
and living in stride.
When you close your eyes
you are there.

You can reach out
and brush your palms
against the bristle
of a soft stalk.

Lace your fingers into the weave,
twine the bristle around
your index finger,
and rip it from its hold.

You can close your heavy eyelids
and feel the radiance of the sun;
breath in summer, salt, and serenity.

You can watch as the light shifts iridescent,
brushing against the pillowed clouds
and sifting across the ocean.

You can see,
playing among the hills,
homes and lives
all intertwined.

infront of you
you can feel a smile,
a tangible love
hung between you.

Bright as a memory
radiant as the warmth
soft as a bristle.
492 · Jan 2014
The Feel of You
William Jan 2014
feel the rush of the day as it breaks against our backs
feel the brush of a hand as we close our eyes and relax

feel the trembles and the shutters of a sob
feel what resembles the pain of a hearts throb

feel the eyes which burn holes through your skin
feel the ties which bind all to there sin

feel the hate that controls, it is what you rue
feel the weight of the mold, that is what you do

feel the weight of you.
463 · Feb 2014
Though the Faces Change
William Feb 2014
What can you expect?
We are far, far away
from our potential.

Our goals have been
into something they weren't.

Our sight is blinded!
The mess we've made,
it's beautiful.

Even so,
I believe that our core
remains the same.

our goals may be
but our intuition,

our feelings and hopes,
they are integral.
Man is unscathed,

unturned by the millennium;
different faces,
the same man.
422 · Jan 2014
Playing it Through
William Jan 2014
I see the lights are fading
the dark closing in
I know my heart is aching
and i just cant win
not when I'm the one playing for you

I watch the sun is setting
and you're coming in
I long to hold you close
but you wont let in
not when I'm the one playing for you

but every hour now I move a bit more
and every hour how you can see whats in store

you see the clouds are moving
and were gaining speed
you know whats coming in
yet you don't believe
not when I'm the one playing for you

We keep inching closer in
I start to feel your pull
We see whats heading now
its about to unfold
yes when I'm the one playing with you

you say that loves a game
and its one meant for two
you say theres no way for one
to win or to lose
yes now were the ones playing it through

— The End —