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4.5k · Nov 2015
My niece. . .
Willem Boonzaier Nov 2015
She goes by the name of Zoey-Jane
With innocence in her eyes her smile cures all pain
Harmless arrogance makes her rule the world
When she's not around the atmosphere turns cold

Like an angel her presence felt, happiness and bliss
We are honored to know her, thanks to Jesus Christ
Her kindness can make you melt like butter in the sun
Keep an eye on her as she will make you run

Zoey-Jane my dearest niece
In my heart you fill an enormous piece
1.4k · Jan 2016
Descriptive thoughts
Willem Boonzaier Jan 2016
Caught up in my own deliberate opinion
Wether my mind deserves this kind of living
While I'm making erraticall decisions
That includes a different kind of sinning

Soundless words that I'm singing
With orchestra's playing "ching ching"
Washing my faulty body water not washing
God be my grace cause right now I'm feeling AMAZING
Willem Boonzaier Oct 2015
Maybe we never really knew each other
Or even had something in common
But you were still my family
But God has taken you to the place where he wants you to be

You are looking down at us from where you belong
Wrap your wings around your mom to keep her strong
Dance with her in her dreams to her favourite song
Protect her broken heart forever, you are still her son

You will be missed with broken hearts
Holes inside our souls that will never be filled
Willem Boonzaier Dec 2014
Everyday I had to repent for what I've done
You never even listened, it all just flew by and now it's gone
Despising you is all I have inside of my head
Now he will be your new Bob, but you will stay old Fred

Haha 2nd in charge, why you wanna make your chest thick?
All your childish screaming and swearing only made you the office *****
Yea you like to **** on a big fat ****
Trying to impress the wrong people and spit at it

Yo' why you so loud though? Did you swallow a **** and the mic at the same time **?
I can still hear every word you scream down my earlobe!
I was born with these and they still working fine, they ain't broke!

******* that lady was right, you really are a 2 faced ****!
Wanna take charge, never take the blame and always pass the buck
Why the sudden change, what you wanna achieve?
Meanwhile back at the ranch, we all just want you to leave!

Never did your, on the F1 page you were connected
Maybe it's time that your performance is inspected
Always some story to make you look like the hero
But he ain't seeing the truth cause he's connected to a different stereo

He only asked for your help to test your knowledge
And after a week he knew your IQ was porridge
No one supported me, but had their own private theory
Maybe I was talking, telling a life story but ya'll decided it's best not to hear me
Speaking my mind bout a guy I used to work with
708 · Dec 2014
Is this a Blessing?
Willem Boonzaier Dec 2014
Is this a blessing or is this a curse?
Is it getting better or is it getting worse?
Was that feeling real true love?
Did it come from you or did it come from above?

Was I really helped or was it money making?
Cause I am taking these meds and my mind aint shaping
Funny feelings, moods I cant control again
Am I gonna end up insane before I find my mind again

Its no ones fault, but I get the blame
******* if you think we are all the same
Treated unfair always put me to shame
I'll be better than you and you'll have yourself to blame

Why forgive and forget when someone is dead?
Rather point the finger at yourself instead

Success or fail, I am only a human being
Sometimes I wish someone could see what I am seeing
My mind is different, different than the rest
Thats why I believe that I can achieve the best

What happened to me wasn't that great at all
But Im really glad that I had that fall
Now I stand here and know what to do
Im gonna be better than all of you
This is the first time I'm posting any of my work. Any comments and advice will be gladly accepted.
388 · Dec 2014
Willem Boonzaier Dec 2014
I want to be the oxygen under your skin.
I want to be the warm feeling you feel within.
I want to be the sparkle that is in your eye.
Please stay with me till the day that I die.
I wanna be the smile thats on your face
When I'm with you at my favourite place.
You are my everything and all I need.
You are the one helping me to breath.

When I look into your eyes it feels like I'm floating in the sky
Every minute with you makes my heart beat fast, please don't ever leave as I want this to last
We had our heartache and pain but lets leave it in the past, as I love you so much and time is moving fast
We took a big step and I know it is right, come lie next to me, let me hold you tight
Good night my angel have the sweetest dreams,  one day I want people to look at us and know what love means

Sitting awake for so many nights
What the **** are we doing to life
We are better people,  we are better than this
Life is hard no one said its a bliss

Talking to each other with nothing to say
Some days it feels like your fading away
My heart starts to ache the pain is real
I wish you knew how I feel

You say all the right things I want to hear
But showing me is your biggest fear
It happened before I'm scared it might again
Why are you so interested in him?

I know I break your heart and dont say what you want to hear
But please dont make a reality of my biggest fear
You like the attention and hear what you like
But that is what triggers our biggest fights
366 · Feb 2015
Train love story
Willem Boonzaier Feb 2015
My eyes were open, but was I really able to see?
Whatever they decide, this is who and what you'll have to be
Born and raised under strict sunny African skies
I was who I wanted to be, please remember that the day that I die

My past is drawn closer with real words from the heart
Closing the gap between everything that moved us apart
Mistakes are made, some never forgiven
Deep down inside we all have scars we want to keep hidden

Deeper and deeper I dig for ink to keep on explaining
But alone I stand here and you dance while it's raining
Tears of joy rolling down my face with a heart filled with pain
Someday's I crave the feeling of slow dances with you on a train

Why the sad feelings again? Now with less words to speak
I'm smothered with emotions it's getting harder to breath
Your beauty burns my eyes and smashes my breath away
When I think about you everything seems so vague and fades away like mist on a cold winters day
228 · Apr 2017
Willem Boonzaier Apr 2017
In my own family I'm a lone ranger
Treated and judged like a stranger
The spark of my inner anger
In my mind those images will forever linger

And when I crack it pulls a trigger
Pointed at who hurt me the most with manipulative words
I make the music in my head to cure the hurt

I'm sending you a message, telling so many stories
The chords on my guitar is saying I'm sorry

— The End —