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willa ivy Nov 2013
when i speak your name,
my lips try to smile.

when you speak her name,
your lips do smile.

i will never be to you
what you are to me.

i wish that i had known that from the start.
willa ivy Nov 2013
they did not tell me
i would feel like this.

they did not tell me
there would be days where
getting out of bed would be a strenuous task.

they did not tell me
there would be times where the feeling
of loneliness would embrace me so tightly,
i would not be able to breathe.  

they did not tell me
i would spend evenings alone in my room,
clinging to the seat of my chair, sobbing endlessly.

they told me i would be happy.
they told me life was a grand adventure, waiting to be explored.
they told me it would be easy.

they lied.
willa ivy Nov 2013
dearest caroline,

you and i were dancing jubilantly,
waltzing to a tempo that was far
too fast for our feet.

but there was no music,
and all that could be heard
 was a deafening silence.

we did not realize that fact
until it was too late. and that,
my love, was our downfall.

willa ivy Nov 2013
it's not that i am always quiet,
or that I never have anything
to say.

i do have things to say.
I am simply waiting for a
pause in the conversation;

an empty space
my words
can fill.

but the conversation
does not stop, and the words
of others flow effortlessly around me,
not even noticing my absence.

and I know that I have
missed my chance
once again.
willa ivy Nov 2013
we do not fit;

the same way that if you rearranged
the map of the world and placed Norway and France
next to each other, it would not look right.

there would be empty spaces between them and
while at some places, the borders would align,
it would not be enough.

just like you and i.
we are not enough.
we are not right.

and no amount of
rearranging will make our
borders perfectly align.
willa ivy Nov 2013
i am sitting here
attempting to write out
a christmas list.

and now i am wondering
when it became so hard
to think of what i want.

i want things that
coins and bills
cannot buy.

to not feel lonely.

maybe that is why
it is so hard
to think of material things.

they do not matter in the grand scheme of things,
and i want to matter.
willa ivy Nov 2013
there is an ache inside of me;
it occurs somewhere between the
moments of waking and sleeping.

there is something about letting go
that makes it so hard to do.

i am afraid to close my eyes.  
i am afraid to turn out the light.

i will prolong the inevitable as long as possible,
battling against the drooping eyelids,
battling against the heavy sighing.

another day is gone.
another tick mark on the wall.

i have done nothing.
i will remember nothing--in a few days, at least.
i will become nothing (but an empty shell, i'm assuming)

wasting  away
in the confines of my bedroom.
too afraid to go outside;
having grown so used to being alone
that the thought of spending time with another
does not even occur to me.

there is something so frightening about that thought.

— The End —