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562 · Dec 2014
Sticks and Stones
Why Dec 2014
Sticks and stones
Don't break bones

And words will
Always hurt me
483 · Dec 2014
Dig a Hole
Why Dec 2014
Dig a hole
Deep in the ground
Fill it with your blood

Dig a hole
Deep in the ground
Now you know your grave

Dig a hole
Deep in the ground
Put your weapons in it

Dig a hole
Deep in the ground
Climb down into your grave

Dig a hole
Deep in the ground
Cover up yourself

Dig a hole
Deep in the ground
Now you have your home
443 · Dec 2014
Why Dec 2014
I hold myself together

I try to hold myself together

I will hold myself together

I can barely hold myself together

I can't hold myself together

If I even tried
436 · Dec 2014
Why Dec 2014
I did what I did
I think what I think
I see what I see
I do what I do
I write what I write
I sing what I sing
I say what I say
I draw what I draw
And I understand what I am
378 · Dec 2014
Why Dec 2014
I ask for forgiveness
For what I have done
Please forgive me
Oh Lord above
For the things that I have done
I believe that you are up there
I know you really care
I ask for love
To help me through
This time of despair
Please forgive
Oh Lord above
For the things that I have done
322 · Jan 2015
The Unit
Why Jan 2015
The place everybody doesn't want to go
almost everyone says no
but however now I'm here
the people around me just generate fear
the counslers and staff
try to make you smile and laugh
but you look around and all you see
is people just like me
the broken, bruised, scarred, and hurting
with more than just demons lurking
everyone's sad
is isn't just a fad
this is the unit for people like me
I'll be here for awhile, trust me you'll see
311 · Jan 2015
Why Jan 2015
In a world that is lost
you'll find a few that it's cost
they live in misery
not a life thats shimmery
the scars on their wrists
just add to the list
the too small bodies that only show bone
are the ones that just feel alone
i guess I'm in that category of the lost and confused
Of the broken and bruised
306 · Dec 2014
Why Dec 2014
Hide your feelings
One, two, three
Lock them up
And hide the key
282 · Dec 2014
Why Dec 2014
Time to sing the song of death
Time to smile one last time
Time to relax into death
Time to say goodbye

Time to pick your favorite knife
Time to pick your favorite pill
Time to pick the place to cut
Time to end your life
273 · Dec 2014
Why Dec 2014
Talking lost its purpose
Eating has no meaning
Crying is old news
Running can't help you get away
Nobody can ever hear
My silent cries of pain
Pain loses its meaning
When it comes everyday
267 · Jan 2015
Why Jan 2015
Is this goodbye?
i really don't know.
we'll see if anyone decides to rescue me
if i wake tomorrow or the day after
i'll be sure to let you know
but world isn't the place for me
so goodbye and farewell
i might see you all tomorrow
but for now i say goodbye
and hope it all ends quick
This is what it sounds like. Goodbye!
249 · Dec 2014
You Still Loved Me
Why Dec 2014
I love you
You love me
I broke your heart
When I killed me
I thought about you
When I took my life
I really wanted to stay
But I couldn't stand the fight
Thank you for saying
You still loved me
After I passed away
247 · Dec 2014
Why Dec 2014
The face I show is a fake
It hides my real ache
I can't smile or laugh
Without breaking in half
So why do I try
When all I want to do is cry?
229 · Jan 2015
what death feels like
Why Jan 2015
The last light you see is the one you will remeber
when you are roused later on
the feeling of blood against you wrist
Will haunt you in the morning
when you slip into the numbness
you forget all your anguish
And that feeling  that arrives
That Will make others cry
Is the feeling of relief with only darkness as your friend
202 · Jan 2015
Why Jan 2015
Just wanted to let everyone  know that i woke up in a hospital about an hour ago.

— The End —