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4.5k · Mar 2012
Let's Run Away
Whitney B Mar 2012
Let's run away
*Just you and I
Let's get away
No more lies
Let's go away
To a soft sweet place
Let walk away
We won't run the race.
Let's run away
from the hurt and the sorrow
Let us hold hands
And choose our tomorrow
2.7k · Feb 2012
Whitney B Feb 2012
On my knees
crying for all the pain
Every single thing that's hurt me
crying for yesterday
Crying for all those lost memories
Never to be seen again
Crying for all the things Iv'e lost
Crying, because it's the end
I'm crying
Crying hard
Crying like I never knew
Crying for my family
Crying tears for you
2.2k · May 2013
My True Self
Whitney B May 2013
I write poems about empowerment
About never giving up.
But tonight, I feel weak.
I feel like a nuisance
I feel like a crybaby
I feel like a snitch
I feel like every terrible name everyone has ever called me
And I have never felt more like myself
:( :( :(
1.7k · May 2013
Perfect Imperfections
Whitney B May 2013
I'm too dark
Too tall
Too skinny
Too weird
My eyes are too far apart
My hands are too big
My feet are too big
My cheekbones are too high
My legs are too long
Everything is wrong, wrong and wrong
But I am beautiful
Beautifully wrong.
1.4k · Aug 2012
Whitney B Aug 2012
Knowledge is misused
Has it always been?
Or is it out generation
Who have made a mistake again?
More than a mistake, I must say
We have made many before
It is not the first or last
Of mistakes, there will be more.
Knowledge used to be treasured
To figure the wonders of life
But now, it is only used badly
To stab someone with  knife
Knowledge has one use these days
And it is true to worsen
Knowledge is now a weapon
To beat another person
*When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it - this is knowledge. -Albert Einstein
1.3k · Dec 2012
Sandy Hook Shooting
Whitney B Dec 2012
This one's for the 20 kids
Now all dead, god forbid
For the parents who now cry
Who always ask themselves, "why?"
For those teachers killed on the job
Their entire city mourns and sobs
For all the people who took a fall
I support you and I bless you all.

*To the familes of  Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden, Rachel Davino, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Ana M. Marquez-Greene, Dylan Hockley, Dawn Hochsprung, Madeleine F. Hsu, Catherine V. Hubbard, Chase Kowalski, Jesse Lewis, James Mattioli, Grace McDonnell, Anne Marie  Murphy, Emilie Parker,  Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner, Caroline Previdi, Jessica Rekos, Avielle Richman, Lauren Rousseau, Mary Sherlach, Victoria Soto, Benjamin Wheeler, and Allison N. Wyatt.
1.0k · Mar 2012
I'm many things
Whitney B Mar 2012
I'm weird and abnormal
wild and free
I don't need a boy
to walk besides me
I'm talkative and giggly
smiley and crazed
I stand up against hatred
that's how I was raised
I'm inquisitive and happy
strong and proud
But there's one thing I'm not:
A follower of the crowd
1.0k · Nov 2013
Whitney B Nov 2013
I shouldn't be loved
I don't deserve it
I deserve nothing but pain and misery
She should rich and famous
She should be happy
But she has me
I am holding her back
I am a failure
Why do I fail at everything?
Every thing I touch
Every thing I do
Is a failure
And I don't know why.
But I know
I shouldn't be here.
I don't deserve it.
921 · Mar 2012
Fighting and Uniting
Whitney B Mar 2012
When the sun seems like
it's out of light
and the moon doesn't seem
to shine at night
and when life doesn't seem
quite as bright
Everything is worth fighting for
Everything is worth uniting for
891 · Aug 2012
The Unknown Universe
Whitney B Aug 2012
What is the
Stars, Planets?
Sun's, Moons?
Space ships blast off
trying to figure out
what exactly is out there
beyond the eyes of
Beyond the eyes
Of Earth.
They toy with planets
and send information
They spend so much time
On other planets
Rather than thinking
about our Dying Earth.
some things
should be left
828 · Mar 2012
Whitney B Mar 2012
pounding, running
I can hear them
for freedom
running away
from pain
faster then the wind
Taken one at a time
leads to happiness
to love
to the future
which binds us all
807 · May 2012
Smile Child Smile
Whitney B May 2012
Child, please keep that smile of yours
sparkling and dazzling it is
And not many kids
Have a smile that is that sure
Keep it close and hold it tight
Don't let it fly away
for one day it may
keep you warm in a cold night
When people ask why your smile
is that great and strong
Tell them that it's never wrong
To be happy once in a while
I love to see that smile your showing
To the world and everyone
Your smile comes second to none
Your smile keeps me going.
636 · Jul 2014
Free All The Teens
Whitney B Jul 2014
Our minds?
Our common sense?
Our emotions?
Our hearts?
Easily broken.
We are the Teenagers.
We are considered,
And weak.
Yet if we fail as a teenager,
Our lives will be nothing
We will not attend college,
or get a degree
or get a job
or acquire a steady income
We are young
We are hostile
But most of all,
We are scared.
Failure means oblivion
Free all the teens.
Before we crash and burn.
And you will be the driver who crashes us
And you will be the person who lights us aflame
Free all the teens.
My tumblr URL is and people have been asking about it. I feel the significance is best expressed here. As a teenager, there's nothing I fear more than the future.
633 · Mar 2012
Strong and Proud
Whitney B Mar 2012
I don't want your pity
I'm not ashamed
I'll walk the earth
Just the same
I will not sag my shoulder's
I will not hang my head
You won't bring me down
I don't regret what i said
I don't want your pity
I don't care what's allowed
I don't care what you think
I'm strong and I'm proud
622 · Aug 2012
Whitney B Aug 2012
Behind me.
In front of me.
Beside me.
Never enough
To satisfy
The bored people.
They want gossip.
They want rumors.
Because their lives are not interesting.
Because they waste time on talking.
Because they have nothing better to do.
607 · Oct 2012
Hear Me Roar
Whitney B Oct 2012
Here I stand, just being me.
Not what i'm supposed to be
Just living life to the fullest now
Without all that shame always bringing me down
You think that i'm afraid
Well i'm coming back for more
I'm a fighter. I survived
I am Whitney;
Hear me roar.
599 · May 2013
When I Cried for You
Whitney B May 2013
Did it not happen?
Did I simply forget the day when we fought?
When you said you played me?
When you said it was over?
No, I didn't.
I will never forget.
That was the day I cried for you.
Was it easy lying?
To an innocent girl who you knew was innocent?
To a girl who loved and trusted so easily?
But I don't anymore
Not since they day you lied to me
That was the day I cried for you.
But no more tears will be shed
My love is too valuable to be given to someone so insignificant
My trust and love are no longer given:
They are earned.
Some might say I am young
My heart says differently.
I was not to young that day when you walked away
When you said it was over
When it all fell apart
That was the day I cried for you
This is the day I stop.
591 · May 2012
The Secret Dreamer
Whitney B May 2012
I have a secret
I am a dreamer
I am the person with dreams
I am a believer
I am a fighter
I am stronger then i seem
I rest my head
every night
After a day of laughter
And await my dreams
Of fairy tales
And happily ever afters
And i can almost feel
The sweet spring air
Whipping across my face
delicate dew drops
on blades of grass
Seem to dance with breathtaking grace
And after a night
of magic and wonder
i am forced to awake
Reality is a staircase
leading to nowhere
but that's a risk I'm willing to take
556 · Apr 2014
Why Does Everybody Run?
Whitney B Apr 2014
If I said "I love you."
Would you run away?
Screaming at my imperfect body
Ranting about my wavering smile
Yelling at my teary eyes?
Yes, you would.
And then you would come back
Contently holding another girls hand
Praising her perfect body
Rambling about her strong smile
Staring into her bright eyes
And me?
I would still have my imperfect body
And wavering smile
And teary eyes
Just with a slightly more
Broken Heart.
553 · Feb 2012
Whitney B Feb 2012
What is the Dream
I'm Dreaming of?
It's not as it's seems,
It is not love.
My dream is for quiet
for peace
for Laughter
My dream Is for the world
to live Happily Ever After
543 · Feb 2012
Whitney B Feb 2012
Heart's Broken
That's the token
the terrible token of love
Heart's taken
Never reawakened
Never again to be dreamed of.
536 · May 2012
Escape to Serenity
Whitney B May 2012
I'm trapped within me
My thoughts tearing me apart
Serenity: not an option
It's breaking my heart
I'm screaming inside
I can't break the binds
that hold me so tight
I feel so confined
I have run out of tears
and places to go
So i just keep the pain in
so nobody knows
When i look in a mirror
My face seems a blur
Or is it the tears in my eyes?
I'm not really sure
I'm forced to stay like this
My image: a ghost
For you can't escape yourself
and that's what scares me the most.
534 · Nov 2012
I wish
Whitney B Nov 2012
I wish I were pretty
with long flowing hair
I wish I were stunning
To make them stare
I wish I were beautiful
With intent hazel eyes
I wish for a perfect body
And a perfect size
I wish that he loved me
That he kissed me all day
Sorry, I was naming things
That I can never change
524 · May 2012
A Lifetime Ago
Whitney B May 2012
Things were so simple
A lifetime ago
You spoke what you felt
You weren't always so low

Loving and caring
And kindness you showed
The air filled with laughter
A lifetime ago

A lifetime ago
You were happy when you smiled
It wasn't to mask
How you were bitter and vile

Oh i want to go back
I don't want to grow
The world was so peaceful
A lifetime ago

*It seems.
518 · May 2013
My Voice
Whitney B May 2013
My voice
I think it is the most beautiful thing about me
When I hear music,
My voice goes on autopilot
I let out a serious of notes
And when these notes connect,
It makes music
I make music
My voice is my life
For friend's will come and go
Boyfriend's certainly don't stay
Family sometimes drifts apart
But at the end of the day
When you have nothing left
You will always have your voice
512 · Jun 2013
Whitney B Jun 2013
To think
Or not to think
That is the question
When I think
All the bad things hit me
The screaming
"Your ugly"
The verbal punches
I have to turn away from the mirror
Because they turned me against myself
When I do not think
I shut everyone out
No one can penetrate my walls
Built of all the insults
over the years
When I think
People can help me
When I don't think
People can't
Which is worse?
I ask you...
511 · May 2013
Why He Loves Her
Whitney B May 2013
I can't be mad at you for loving her
Who wouldn't?
The beauty,
The brains
The grace
Everything I'm not.
I can't be mad at you for loving her
Everyone does
Her humor
Her charm
Her wit
Everything I'm without
I can't be mad at you for loving her
She's basically perfect
Her hair
Her clothes
Her smile
Everything about me that's ugly
I can't be mad at you for loving her
No, I'm not
I'm mad because you don't love me
I'm mad because I'm not her.
507 · May 2013
Whitney B May 2013
All around we have the same problems
I am not beautiful
She is not beautiful
None of us think we are beautiful
But I can see what she can't see
And she can see what I can't
She is beautiful
I am beautiful
We are all beautiful
498 · Jun 2013
Today Is My Day
Whitney B Jun 2013
Today is a day
Just for me
My best friend is gone
She's history
I've got a new hope
Shining bright as can be
I've got to let go
So I can be free

Today is a day
To let everything go
My best friend is gone
To where? I don't know
But I've got a new hope
And it's just gonna grow
I'm going to make sure
That I put on a show

Today is a day
To let loose and go wild
My best friend is gone
She has been for a while
But I've got a new hope
Im going out with style
How long has it been
Since I actually smiled?
495 · Sep 2012
Trapped in Life
Whitney B Sep 2012
Help not only me
Help me set others free
Their burning in their cells
Their life is a living hell
Dark as midnight
Screams of fright
Must get out
Close your mouth
Climbing down
There is no exit
I am trapped
We are trapped.

*There is no exit in life. You must live it. We are trapped to live it.
484 · Apr 2013
That Girl
Whitney B Apr 2013
I'm her
That Girl
Who reads in the hallways
Who writes short stories
Who ducks her head in the halls
Who's scared of confrontation
That Girl
I'm her
I avoid love
In an attempt to save myself
It doesn't work.
I avoid trust
In attempt to help myself
It doesn't work.
That Girl
It's me
But I'm putting a whole new meaning
to That Girl
That Girl is brave
That Girl is smart
That Girl is beautiful
And somebody loves That Girl
I just have to find out why

*We are all That Girl.
477 · Jan 2014
Whitney B Jan 2014
You claim that you love me
Say it all day
But when it comes to showing it
You seem to go astray
"She means nothing to me!" You say
"It's all just a lie!"
But what you don't know is
I see the truth in your eyes
Harder and harder
night after night
I'm more and more tempted
to give up my fight
But I'm Whitney, of course
I put my troubles aside
It's my duty to smile
But I'm empty inside.
470 · Apr 2013
Send Me An Angel
Whitney B Apr 2013
Send me and angel
That's all I need
I've done all the praying
I've gone on my knees
Where is the God
who's so kind and strong?
Where is the God
who I've prayed to for so long?
Send me an angel
how long can I last?
I've been waiting and waiting
Please send one fast
God, where is my angel?
I just can't win
But I need a God
To believe in.

Note **Sorry I went all Casper the Ghost on you guys. The reason, I can't explain. But I'm back :)
460 · May 2014
I am my Own Big Sister
Whitney B May 2014
She talks to you and you yell back
I am my own big sister
She's kind to you and you attack
I am my own big sister
She tries her best and you don't at all
I am my own big sister
I know you won't be there when I fall
I am my own big sister
My tears are falling, and I'm alone
I am my own big sister
I just want to be happy in my own home
I just want my big sister
Ever feel like your family is falling apart? And your sort of just....there. I promised a long time ago that if she won't make my mother proud, than I sure as hell will.
457 · Mar 2012
Since when is it Ok
Whitney B Mar 2012
Since when is it ok
For one person to be more
important then
Since when is it ok
that we live in a world
where the human race
refuses to help
each other?
And tell me,
Since when is it ok
that when one person hurts
Another laughs
and when a million people
are hurt
no one cares.

Answer: *It Isn't
452 · Sep 2012
No One Fools Me Twice
Whitney B Sep 2012
Fool me once
Shame on you
Fool me twice
440 · May 2013
No Title Needed
Whitney B May 2013
Sick of him
Sick of this
Trying hard
This is It

Wish I knew
Wish I cared
Could be happy
Life's not fair

It's okay
It's alright
Won't give up
I will fight

Feeling nervous
Feeling scared
Keep on pushing
Almost there

Wonder how
Wonder why
This is life
I'll get by.
434 · Mar 2012
3 minutes
Whitney B Mar 2012
3 Minutes
no response
No worries
3 hours
No response
3 days
No response
3 weeks
No response
3 months
No response
3 years
no word from him
No worries
No heartache
No tears
No depression
Just regret
Another guy
3 minutes:
No response
Don't care.
419 · Mar 2012
Make your own choices
Whitney B Mar 2012
Make it
Break it
Lose it
Take it
Hate it
love it
But I'm all above it.

-Make your own Choices.
413 · Oct 2012
One Year
Whitney B Oct 2012
You are one year older
One year stronger
One year wiser
One year kinder
One year sweeter
I know in the years to come
You will become these things again
Until you are as
Strong, wise, kind and and sweet
as a person can ever be
So why do I still worry about you
My dear sister,
409 · May 2013
Whitney B May 2013
I will never repay her
For the things she's done
She's made me laugh
And dried my tears
She's cooked and cleaned
For the past 14 years
She say's she sometimes makes mistakes
But none that I can see
I have a loving family
And a warm place to sleep
She has always been there
To care and pay the bills
She's always there to love me
And I know she always will

New Oxford American Dictionary definition of "mother": a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.
My definition:The women who birthed and raised me with love, tenderness and care no matter what I did. *A mother is a savior to us all.
400 · May 2013
Whitney B May 2013
We all have that moment
When we feel joy
When we are happy
We shut out the noise
A whisper in the wind
Our problems go away
And we are smiling
When we haven't all day
We all have that moment
When we actually forget
All the things that trouble us,
Until the next threat
360 · Apr 2014
Why Did I Bother
Whitney B Apr 2014
The girl who's not loved
But no one knows
She has a story
That's never told
Sometimes she laughs
Not that anyone cares
Maybe she smiles
But no one's aware
And every once in a while
She may steal a glance
At the beautiful boy
Who never gave her a chance
She'll think to herself
"I shouldn't have tried."
Because he's the cause
Of every tear she's cried
342 · Mar 2012
The New You
Whitney B Mar 2012
Try to Remember
When your feeling blue
The sun starts a new day
And a new you.
321 · May 2013
Whitney B May 2013
He can't ever know
I can't let it show
My emotions betray me
Not just once, but daily.
He's hers, not mine
I tell myself I'm fine
But not a day a passes by
When  I don't know that's a lie

— The End —