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326 · Jun 2013
Escape land
whispertotheair Jun 2013
I read books to hide,
To live a better life
To reach the clouds,
Explore the seas
And fly through the sky.

I read books to feel alive
To make my reality vanish
Live in my own world of magic,
This library of mine
Is what really I am.
324 · May 2013
whispertotheair May 2013
Here I am,
sitting by myself
staring at the window
watching the rain.

It pours down softly
and the sound it makes
hitting the pavement
reminds me of a friend.

regardless of the pain
I can´t help but to think of those days
when he was here sitting in this chair.
323 · Jun 2013
whispertotheair Jun 2013
Today I cry,
Cry like I havent have in a while,
Cry like the memories wont get by.
And this tears remind me
Of all we had,
all I lost,
And my broken heart.

This salty little drops
Running down my cheek
Are parts of me I lose piece by piece.

Like the stars when they die
We still see them shine
And memories are still alive
While I cry.
319 · Aug 2013
To my sister
whispertotheair Aug 2013
Time went by so fast
I remember us growing up aside
You were always my lead
You were always there for me
Nothing has changed
Nothing ever will
Together forever
No matter what
Not even distance will part us
Because I'll love you until I die.
313 · Aug 2013
Girl in the mirror
whispertotheair Aug 2013
I look at the mirror
She looks back at me
I raise my hand up
Her hand is up as well
But when I smile something is different
She looks happy
And i don't feel like that
She looks back at me
Staring deep
I'm not myself anymore
I have lost myself
The girl in the mirror
Makes me feel lost
299 · May 2013
whispertotheair May 2013
Now that you´re far away I can´t sleep,
which is weird,
we used to be in the same city
living in the same streets
and I missed you
like you were far away from me,
and now that you are
all I can think is
how lucky I was
when you where next to me.
285 · May 2013
Before you
whispertotheair May 2013
A thousand pieces my heart broke into
a while ago when I had you,
but you took one too many
and now that it´s all together
the hole is there
of the pieces you took.

never will it be
what it was before you.
The pain remains,
the memories haven´t left
and my heart cries everytime
somebody says your name,
longing, wishing
for you to come back
and stay.

— The End —