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Sep 2011 · 876
Whisper Harris Sep 2011
Breaking, tearing, shattered.
Words blur,
through the tears that slowly drip.
Music fades into the background.
Believing seems impossible.
Pretending seems unreasonable.
Your smiling face enters my blank mind.
Do I forget you?
I feel so alone.
Understanding why seems hopeless.
Finding the reason seems awkward.
Did you remember me?
Or was I forgotten?
Slipping slowly into uncertainty.
Jumping for comprehension.
I wondered,
Did my words mean nothing too you?
I did everything, but yet nothing.
Prevention was helpless.
You were selfish. Inconsiderate.
It’s not my fault.
You were playing with fire.
Sep 2011 · 626
Black n White
Whisper Harris Sep 2011
If you said I was white.
I would disagree and say I was black.
But if you said I was black,
I’d say I was white.
I can’t really decide,
Which is better.
So instead I’ll be both.
You may not agree.
But to care,
Would be very white.
Sep 2011 · 1.8k
Whisper Harris Sep 2011
There were all screaming our names.
The screams were intoxicating.
Feeling  anxious,
to release my inner words.

I hear the yells,
Becoming more frequent.
My body was itching,
To see the crowd.

Twirling my faith,
Finding confidence in the shouts.
Remembering the rhythms.
to hear them birthed.

Its time.
Time to go on.
Can’t back out now.
Giving nervous nods and,
Good lucks.

I’m on stage.
The mic is inches from me.
I wrap a hand around it,
Feelings its cold beauty.

My heart beats louder,
Than the drum.
As the intro pours out.

my eyes close.
My mouth opens.
The words flow freely.
Weak at first,
Then strong and pure.

My excitement grows.
I open my eyes.
The crowd is lovin us.

My body starts moving,
To the bass.
Soon I’m all over the stage.
Jumping, yelling, and singing.

My voice is being heard.
My words are understood.
They realize who I am.
I realize who I am.
I am the,
The Rock Star.
Sep 2011 · 602
Peace In The Dark
Whisper Harris Sep 2011
There is a bittersweet peace in the dark.
I try to block my memories before,
I entered the black hole filled with unknown parts.

The leaves fall like question marks.
Landing on the ground below.
They find a landing in the dark.

Moonlight shines through the cracks leaving marks.
Releasing the bolt, I open the door.
To enter a black hole filled with unknown parts

The light only shines a wicked heart.
Smiling, calling for me to adore.
But yet there is a bittersweet peace in the dark

Shadows swallow the moonlight, like art.
Painting reality with a wise hand.
The enter a black hole filled with unknown parts.

This one thing that I have come to learn,
Is that even in the brightest days.
There is a bittersweet peace in the dark,
As you can enter a black hole filled with unknown parts.
Sep 2011 · 718
Catch 'em
Whisper Harris Sep 2011
Picking up the pencil with haste.
I Harshly applying the words onto paper.
Not wanting my words to go to waste.
The pencil glides along like a thin razor.
Ideas just burst within me.
They scatter around my mind,
Crying to be let free.
Becoming wickedly intertwined.
Continuing my crooked pace.
Not daring to stop for a single minute.
The words giving me a chase.
I catch them like delinquents.

— The End —