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 Jun 2014 Wesley Williams
I remember all too well
The moment that my heart first fell
The never-ending moment your lips first met mine.
The moment 'I love you' left your lips the first time.

I remember the sound of my heart first breaking.
I remember the day I threw away your name.
I remember how hard I cried.
I remember the day I died.

I remember the fights and the sadness...
How quickly my world descended into madness.
I remember you leaving me,
Or did I leave you?
You were already gone.

I remember walking away.
Knowing it was far more difficult to stay.
I remember having to remember to breathe.
The littlest things would bring me to my knees.

I remember thinking I was broken.
That your leaving had left me frozen.

Then I remember picking myself back up.
Forcing myself to go through the motions.
But feeling each day a little less hopeless.

You hadn't broken me.
I might love again possibly.
But most importantly?
I was happy again finally.

And I was happiest with me.
 Jun 2014 Wesley Williams
I am not the curves of my body.
I am not the clothes that I put on to hide those curves.
I am not the person you think I am when those clothes do not do an adequate enough job for your liking.
I am not what you think about me.
I am not what you say about me.

I am not this outer shell that you see.
I am not my sexuality.
I am not any of those things you use to label me.

I am smart, sometimes capable.
I am thoughtful, sometimes brilliant.
I am sarcastic, sometimes caustic.
I am phenomenally woman.
But what I am is not any of those things.

I am not my thoughts.
I am not my jokes.
I am not my words or even my actions.
I am not any of the things I use to label myself.

What I am runs so much deeper.
If you get to know me,
Draw me out of my core,
You might be able to see it.
You'll know when you've caught a glimpse.
The indestructible, indescribable..
The exquisite, the beautiful...
The part of me that has always been and will always be.
The part of me that lends everything to itself.

So don't try to describe who I am.
Don't try to label me.
I am not a convenient definition for you understand.
I am so much more.
 Jun 2014 Wesley Williams
Every night I empty my heart, but by morning it’s full again
Slow droplets of you seep in through the night’s soft caress
At dawn I overflow with thoughts of us
And aching pleasure that gives me no respite
Love cannot be contained
The neat packaging of desire splits asunder
Spilling crimson through my days
Long languishing days that are now bruised tender with yearning
Spent searching for a fingerprint, a scent, a breath you left behind.

– Shamim Sarif, “I Can’t Think Straight”
 Jun 2014 Wesley Williams
I think people, in general, underestimate a kiss.
And the power that comes with the embrace from your lips.
Or the way, for a moment, the world just stops turning.
And how your lips, for a second, can quiet my yearning.
How nothing else matters the second our lips meet each other's.
And that your gentle kiss alone can calm my violent waters.

People sometimes think a kiss is just a kiss.
But a kiss is so much more...
A meeting of souls, locked in a physical embrace.
A kiss can intertwine hearts with one little taste.
So do not tell me you don't like to kiss...
I need to be able to touch your soul for
one.     small.     moment.
of bliss...

— The End —