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2.0k · Jan 2015
Dirty Hands
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
***** hands

With rust and dirt;

Hard work

Is my child play

With nuts,

Screws and bolts;

Toiled fingers

They dismantle

They repair.
783 · Jan 2015
A Morn One Day
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
Clouds hide and shy away
Under mountains so high,

Under hills of pine trees;
Forged by God above are

The lofty mountain peaks,
Where trolls and dwarves  

Dwell is where the snow is 
Born glimmering under 

Morning sun; the pine 
Tall as can be! The high folk 

Of the forest, like a quilt 
They cover the land, keeping 

Warm her children in cold 
Night winds; like a rose 

God's handicraft blooms,
His work is shown off 

By mountain top snow 
And cloud hidden valley.
576 · Jan 2015
Brewing Coffee
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
Drip, drop, drip, drop
Coffee drops,
O how they fall;

It growls, it purrs
When each drop falls
Below to  black seas;

Steam! O steam!
Is it mad, is it upset
When coffee it makes?

It is hot, it is warm;
Carful little fingers,
They can burn!

Smell, sniff, inhale
The aroma it brings
To warm the senses.

It is done, it is ready!
O goody! Like Papa,
I of four have my own!
570 · Jan 2015
The Evergreens
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
Kings and queens
Of what is green;
They touch heaven
With prickly fingers
And stand on hell
With gnarled feet;

Mountain clothing,
They cover to the sea;
Red is their color,
Green is their hair;
Their arms are many
Oh, so high they reach;

So old they are,
Wise are they;
Their smell goes
Beyond the Rockies
And south to the desert;
They are home to me,

Heavy and rich
Chief Seattle's
War canoe is from
Their back bone,
His oars are from
Their strong arms.
563 · Jan 2015
Soaring Ever Higher
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
On metal wings
I take up speed
To a place of
Sweet solitude,

To touch the face
Of my Maker;
Higher, ever higher
This bird will take

Me, beyond clouds
So vast I fly with
Such ease and grace
To the sun I climb

Only to stall and fall
To the clasps of earth;
Yet she will receive
Me in do time, dear.
528 · Dec 2014
Children of Ocean
Wesley Beach Dec 2014
The snow will kiss the ground
While we play by the Sound,
Chill winds stir my soul
As I stand watching this shoal;
Out yonder in the sea
They come to love me;
Hearing sounds, my  ghost
Longs to see his Host;
Under the sun
A girl fixes her hair into a bun,
Smiling as the winds blush
Telling children to hush
Before war finds them
And me it will condemn;
The army is my postal service
Sending to her my kiss.
508 · Jan 2015
Ocean Hymn
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
Blue and dark, an ocean 
Filled with beast and storm,
An ocean alive, God's 
Creation of sounding  form; 

This ocean a beauty of
Mystery, a danger of adventure.

My vessel sails these waters 
In search of Home, I sail 
Through squall and tempest 
With out maps or compass 

Only God's breeze to guide
Me to Heaven's shores.

The smell of holy soil 
Fill ocean breezes as 
The sight of land fills 
My weather beaten 

Heart with joy; blue, sunny 
Days do not compare, nor 

The joy of braving a storm 
Or sea beast, nor the sound 
Of the sea or gulls after a
Hurricane; only the sight of 

His Celestial shore makes 
Me sing an old hymn.
507 · Jan 2015
Sleeping In, Sitting Down
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
Sleep in, she hears no sorrow;
She leaves no shadow
Wake up, she sees no lover;
She feels her life shiver
In Spring.

Close up, he shows no pain;
He hides under morning rain
Sits down, of what he has done,
He ponders of what has gone,
401 · Jan 2015
Let Me Hide Away
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
Let me shut out, close up, disappear;
Why hurt so much, I know what
Happens next. Settled? Lets
Move again for you will never be.

They appear only to fade again,
So don't you cry, this is what you
Are in. Yes they love yet it won't last
Not like in story books and tales.

Like a ghost they see me in the
Passing of time, only to remember
My shell. They say he was a good
Boy, a bad boy, never knowing my

Context and of whom I really am.
You are different then who they
Are, being like them is what I hate;
Superficial is what they are.

I hunger for their love only to be
Deprived; now let's disappear.
Why does it matter how they feel?
I am only a ghost of a shell of who

I am to them. So let's become ghosts
To hide and shy away in my caverns
Where no one may come but only
To hide, to love and be loved by me!
Things of the past
372 · Jan 2015
Cry My Child, Cry
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
Come, oh child of mine;
To Papa oh please come!
Cry on my shoulder,
No one is watching,
No one is judging;
I am here ready to listen,
Ready to hear;
My arms are strong with love
So let go of what you hold,
Leave it here with me,
I will make sure
You wouldn't have to
Hold it again;
I love you, my child,
So don't be scared to come,
I am here for you;
Tell Me your ***** little secrets,
No one else will know;
I will keep them hidden,
Locked so they may never
See the light of day;
I love to hear you
Calling my name
For when you do
I am right there with you.
Said Father.
A psalm to the Author of human
304 · Jan 2015
I Am Depression
Wesley Beach Jan 2015
I am the tear
That falls down your cheek,
I am the cold
That climbs up your spine,
I am the sharp
Edge that cuts your wrists,
I am the voice
Of your screams at night
I am the nails
That claw your lovely heart
I am the black
In the cloths you ware,
I am the darkness
In those beautiful green eyes,
I am the hands
That hide your sweet face, and
I am the demons
Playing in your head;
I am depression.

— The End —