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Oct 2016 · 821
wendy maqwazima Oct 2016
abadala sube bengaphazami xabe sithi isxhosa asitolikwa...
njenga ndoda nganye inentonga yayo esimelela ngayo  
lento iluthando iyakakaswa okwe sana elibomvu iyanaswa iyatefiswa kuba kalok yona ayifani na ntoni na onothi uyihluthe naku bani na...ibalulekile!
bendinothi ndanelisekile
bendinothi ndonwabile
bendinothi ndikhululekile
ntonje igqondo ixakekile nomphemfulo udandathekile
intliziyo yophukile ngamathemba  angekhoyo...
mhla kwa phuma ilanga kwa vela ukukhanya...uzundibize!

ukukhanya zanyamalala zonke ipazamo ne ingxaki uze unsibiE
Apr 2016 · 4.6k
was there ever freedom?
wendy maqwazima Apr 2016
This isn't the freedom I want to call freedom...
because this freedom isn't the freedom our great freedom fighters died for in the Years of apartheid.
This freedom is not the same freedom the generation of 1985 wished for and and dreamed of...

freedom died along with our long gone heroes,Nelson Mandela, Walter susilu and died with our young brothers and sisters in sharpville!

it isn't freedom if we are still afraid to walk out of our houses at 6am
it is not freedom if we can't let go of what the white men did to our black men and woman

this freedom isn't the freedom defined in Oxford dictionaries....
children are free to smoke
men are free to ****
woman are free sell their bodies
and we yet we are free?

this freedom isn't free!

we are not free because we are racist
we are selfish
we are foolish
we lack knowledge and we are full of ignorance!

we are not free,this isn't the time to celebrate freedom but to fight for the freedom we've lost.
Apr 2016 · 325
wendy maqwazima Apr 2016
"There is no greater strength than believing in oneself" ...
Mar 2016 · 470
emotionally defeated...
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
like they always say...
"what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"
but what about what happens behind the
closed doors when her mother is not
around? is it supposed to stay behind the closed doors?

when her father forces her to undress as he gently kisses and touches her *******...
when he pushes her against the wall forcing her to open her legs for him to put it inside her.

you see,what happens in Vegas doesn't have to stay in Vegas as it can get get nasty and dusty,way too extreme!

after long nights of being mistreated and sexually abused
she finds herself hopeless ...
drugs were there to take away the pain
alcohol was there to wash away her sorrows
but she never had the guts to open up about what happened behind the closed doors when mommy wasn't around...

. ...............
just read between the lines..
Mar 2016 · 615
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
'love has no restrictions'
_by wendy maqwazima.
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
kalok naye ebengazi...
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
Latshon' ilanga kumnyama entla!
Laphum' ilanga ubuhlanti busavaliwe!
Yhini mzo ntsundu asisena mithetho ithotyelwayo?

Ndeva uThamsanqa utshatile,kanti naye uNomathemba wendile!
Kalok uSthembiso ebengafun uk'phuma endleleni walandela utata wayi tishala!

Way'mosha umakhelwan' ngoku gxeka intombi izakhela igama!waqala uMandisa wajola'jola,walendela ngokunxila...Wabahlalisa phantsi ngoku shiya ikhaya!

Engqondwen' yakhe ebefuna ukushiya intlupheko akhangele impucuko,eyakhe impazamo ibikuthengisa ngo mzimba ngethemba lokubeka isonka etafileni!

Hay' wethu ungambuzi ebecinga ntoni..Ngoba naye ebengazi!
Mar 2016 · 513
nika ingqondo ukutya kwayo!
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
"ayiseyo ncoko ngaphandle
kwemibuzo neempedulo"!!

Ekufundeni kwakho uve nton?
Nika ingqondo ukutya  kwayo!
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
Youll find them sitting in the corners
Of the streets  as they target their next victim.

Walking around like they own the streets...

Police officers claim they have it all under control yet hospital beds are filled with ****,assault and violence victims!...How sad.

There is no justice in the getto because murders are still walking free because to them killing is a hobby.
Drug dealers are getting more richer in seconds beacause of our poor law system!

Yesterday you hear about a boy being stabbed,tomorrow a girl is being  *****...Where did it all go wrong!
Mar 2016 · 598
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
Lifes too short to be diagnosed with cancer or any illness for all i care!

Poor woman end up having one breast because of the cold 'breast cancer'
Some end up being brain damaged because
They couldnt fight the 'brain cancer'
young woman lose their ability to give birth because the 'womb cancer' had their wombs removed!

20 years ago i had a mother,now im
left to reintroduse myself to a stranger,
beacause the BAD 'brain cancer' ****** every memory she could ever remember out of her brain.She tried to fight it but it was stronger than doctor Elison's medical degree...

Prayers became more and more pointless...Youd swear it had the eyes and ears to hear our cries and see our pain because it just kept ******* the life out of her!

from being a strong woman,to being a lifeless and weak victim of cancer...I hate you cancer For you have left me feeling sorry for myself And "soon to be motherless!"

I bow down to You!
you are indeed greater than the elephant's strength.
You are a true dEfinition of a slow painful death,a murderer.
Like a poison you dont leave one with much of choices!
Mar 2016 · 334
rape shouldnt be a secrete
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
One morning she woke up on
A *****,wet floor...
As her mind was overflowind with wonders
And filled with countless questions
Trying to figure out what had happened
to her...

She saw blood flowing down her legs
her heart was on a race,beating amazingly fast...She cried
Her body was bruised,she was ***** and tortured,because she didnt know the pepertrator,she kept it to herself.....

What do you think happend next?

Mar 2016 · 431
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
I keep having ama wet dreames
I day dream...
Its your love!

Im addicted to your love
i love how u make me feel so alive
And so loved

Its your love that frees me
That heals my soul
Just give it all to me...

it takes me to paradise
Leave me with butterflies
I guess thats why they call me crazy,it makes me happy.

Its your love that makes me wana dance until the sun goes down,it makes me so high
That i want to climb imagenery mountains.

Give it all to me!

Aug 2015 · 789
wendy maqwazima Aug 2015
love so blind yet so kind
love is knowing you can
it is that feeling you get when you kiss
a friend goodbye

love is life
like water,it is a need
love is precious,like gold it should be valued and treasured

love heals
love reveals who we are
love sets us free
love brings us close and leaves our heart filled with warmth and satisfaction

love is that smile from utata,it is that hug from umama saying I am proud of you my child
and that voice of encouragement from a Friend when the world is against you

love is powerful and meaningful
love is beautiful
Aug 2015 · 286
wendy maqwazima Aug 2015
often we let our feelings take control
our minds are burdened by unnecessary thoughts...
wendy maqwazima Aug 2015
instead of making them feel at home
we are telling them to go back home
have we got no shame calling our brothers and sisters foreigners in their own motherland?

what happened to Ubuntu?
umntu ngu mntu ngabantu?
has the long walk to freedom not been walk for us?

there will be no freedom in Africa if we still believe in brutality rather than humanity
there will be no freedom in Africa if  don't understand the meaning of struggle, poverty

yesterday we were crying for freedom
praising and promoting the spirit of togetherness,today we stone the same African brother who held our hands in the years of apartheid and gave us hope!

why do we have to be so cruel not so fucken cool!
Nelson Mandela did not die for this!
Walter sisulu did not die for this!
our black brothers and sisters in sharpville did not die for this!

where did it all go wrong?

we claim to be the land of peace yet we do not know the meaning of forgiveness
we claim to be the land of great leaders and born dreamers yet we do not know   the meaning of Ubuntu!

I am not proud of what this land has become....

— The End —