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430 · Aug 2015
A home
Adeline Aug 2015
adrift in the sea alone
water pressed flat
wrung out, still wet

all I want is a home
love flowing warm in
wrought walls new built

of plaster and bone
long stressed cracks
roughly worn soft
360 · Aug 2015
Adeline Aug 2015
we are but
half-parted ghosts
visions of perfection

ill-formed beggars
laughed at
by mist-fraught deities

horror struck
past-scarred hosts
ourselves serving
revision and reduction

ever-molten behavior
cast again
into new-loss, fragile shapes
258 · Aug 2015
Throw a Show
Adeline Aug 2015
what you don't know,
it'll **** you in your sleep
I lay for hours
telling you how to breathe

the air is all wrong
the nails are upturned
the *** sings a shrill song
and the coffee burns

I beg you – throw a show,
I'll sit still – I'll be at peace
what you don't have,
is what I need

our chair sits unused
it's frail, it'll never last
we both smile – unamused
gnawing our haughty pasts

— The End —