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Dec 2013 · 438
weakeyes Dec 2013
You know,
I've always wanted to be someone's inspiration.
Their reason to make a dream into reality.
Having them believe they can do anything they set their mind too,
Because I always knew they could.
They will finally be able to do want they love,
Finish want they thought they never could,
Fall in love again,
Or even just start truly living
All because of me.
But then I stop to think.
How could I ever have that affect on one person.
I'm just a silly girl still trying find a way out,
Out of this mind.
Trying to be inspired herself.
Yet I want the best for everyone else.
Wanting them to do everything they possibly can
To succeed,
When I can't even do that for myself.

Maybe my love for everyone else,
Is much more than I could ever love myself.
For I can spread this love,
And inspire maybe
Just maybe one other person to do the same.
Then it'll be an endless chain of love,
People inspiring each other in doing everything good for themselves.
Imagine all that inspiration.
What a magical world that would be.
just wrote this on a whem.
Dec 2013 · 959
weakeyes Dec 2013
It's like
I'm at the bottom
of a frozen lake
with everyone else at the top
walking happily on the ice
while I'm below them
tangled in
all these dead branches
which are my thoughts
unable to breathe
the water surrounding me
freezing me
so all I feel
is numbness
preventing me from trying
from breaking free
and swimming to the top
to where there's safety
from this pain
where I can find someone
to warm my soul
bring it
back to life again
to help me
to forget
forget the coldness
that once enclosed me
stopped me from living
breathing happiness.
Oct 2013 · 644
weakeyes Oct 2013
Do you ever just,
Feel yourself getting numb?
Like each of your limbs
Are falling off
One bye one,
But you feel no pain.
You're just left with your thoughts
Of complete confusion.
Confused on what to do next.
Not knowing,
If you'll break free
Of this numbness
That is consuming you
Destroying everything about you
Wrecking your once beautifully
Happy mind.
Leaving you scarred,
Broken to pieces.
Still wondering what to do.

Should you try,
And cut this numbness away?
Or just **** it.
Oct 2013 · 796
I promise
weakeyes Oct 2013
You promised you wouldn't leave
But you never left my life
You just forgot about me
Now I'm forced,
To see you everyday
Know you will never love me ever again
That you won't acknowledge my existed.

I'll just keep sitting here,
Admiring everything about you
Wanting you to come back to me
To just remember
The promise you made to me
That you will always love me.

There's just so many promises,
That spilled out of your mouth
Like they were nothing
Just something to say
To keep me happy
Keep me believing all your lies
And these so called promises
That were never true or to be kept.

Now I realize,
I'm done with all these broken promises.
I should've known
You never meant anything you said
So foolish to even trust you
Let you see the real me,
When I thought I knew
The real you.

So I'll just try my hardest,
To not love you anymore
Be so caught up in your smile
Then broken because I know,
It was not caused by me.
Though this will be tough
I'll keep tying.

I will get over this pain
Of you forgetting me.
I will not want you anymore
Because I can be happy
Without you loving me
And me hopelessly loving you,
I promise you this.
eh ****** but idk.
Oct 2013 · 587
I'm Sorry
weakeyes Oct 2013
You try so hard to help everyone
and make them happy
but who's helping you?
No one...
They aren't there for you
To help you get back up,
When you fall
Into your dark hole again
With no way to climb out.
But now I'm here.
I'm sorry I couldn't see before
That you were dying,
Desperately crying out to me,
Only to feel a little loved.
I will give you all my love now
Because that is what you deserve.
I'm finally here to help you
And be the one to make you happy.
I'm sorry it took me this long
To do so.
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
weakeyes Sep 2013
You want me to name your flaws?
How could I ever do that?
I see no flaws or imperfections,
All I see is your beauty.
The way you smile,
only showing your perfectly straight,
top row of teeth.
And the crinkles by your eyes
when you smile even more.
How you laugh.
Always squinting your eyes
and laughing at the dumbest things.
Then you try to hold it in
but then burst out laughing your beautiful,
sometimes obnoxious laugh.
It's your eyes.
Even though they're covered,
by that fake blue.
Brown or blue I die a little more,
Every time they meet mine.
It's everything about you.
I could explain each and every
little thing you do.
That I admire so much
and find to be beautiful and perfect.
But I never see flaws.
Because you are truly flawless
in every single way,
and everything you do.
Sep 2013 · 460
weakeyes Sep 2013
What is the point?
There's nothing to live for now.
You left me once again.
I feel so dead already,
left with this empty numb feeling.
So why not?

Why not, pull the trigger,
Take the whole bottle,
Cut a little deeper,
Or jump?
Then I could really be dead.
Sep 2013 · 735
weakeyes Sep 2013
Let me tell you a story,
of a girl plus a boy
who once were both dead.

Then they fell in love,
but this love was something more.
They saved each other.
The boy and the girl,
each had their own battles.
And when they lost their battles,
they found each other.
Both of them wounded and scarred,
each broken into pieces
from this battle called life.
But with each careful touch
and soft gentle kiss,
They put the pieces back together.
Healed each others wounds
found acceptance for their scars
and through their love,
They became alive again.
Sep 2013 · 626
An old dress
weakeyes Sep 2013
I'm like an old dress at a yard sale.
Everyone likes me
and thinks I'm beautiful, at first.
But then they see a stain
or a tear.
They always notice that one little flaw,
then leave without any warning,
on to the next item.
Making it think they want to buy them.
That someone might actually want them,
to love them and take care of them.
Sep 2013 · 701
Your new friend Ana...
weakeyes Sep 2013
Hi, how are you?
Oh, you're hungry?
No you are not silly.
You're too fat to be.
So put that food down
Don't have a second look.
But do have a look at yourself.
Disgusting right?
You must lose weight,
To be Beautiful.
Because being fat isn't.
So starve,
Don't eat a single bite.
If you do, remember,
You're **** and pathetic.
So keep starving,
Then you will be beautiful
Just like me.
Your new friend

— The End —