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Apr 2018 · 135
I was a bully once
Cole Apr 2018
I was a bully once
my actions bore no consequence
put myself on a pedestool
and havent come down since

I was a bully once
i never knew the err of my way
foolishness plagued me for many years
until the tides turned that karmic day

I was bullied once
darkness covered all of me
i was silent, deep down and afraid
until there was no more, nothing left to see

I was bullied once
now i know what’s true
even bullies have bullies,
and those bullies have them too
Mar 2018 · 128
Cole Mar 2018
The capsule breaks
Endorphins flood the body
and for a moment

Still as the thief in the night,
Trying to steal one more ounce of relief,
before it all fades away.
But, only for a moment

Moments are all that is left anymore
Grasping frantically,
trying to catch what is already fleeting

They are gone
Desperate for one more
One more moment
One last time
One last pill

In the height of the opioid crisis it is easy to think of addicts as "junkies." I have to remind myself daily they are simply trying to fight against their brain to feel normal again. I wrote this poem about a week after I witnessed someone who overdosed get dumped in the hospital parking as their "friend" drove off.
Mar 2018 · 140
Ode to Coffee
Cole Mar 2018
***** brown bean water fills my mouth
Taste buds enveloped by a sense of calm
Serenity in the morning
Fortitude for the day to come

Stillness in a broken world
Disease, ******, ****
What can I change today?

Try as I might,
all is vanity
at least there's coffee

— The End —