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Wayne H Colegate Sep 2012
Silence spread through the small gray room
as the heads all dropped in apparent gloom.
They all stood up as the music played,
and walked to the front where the body laid.
One by one they stared at the face
solemnly still in a reverent grace.
First comes the wife who knew him so well
her mind held the secret she never could tell.
Next came the son the eldest of two,
when the time was right he knew what to do.
Last came the mother who was so far away,
she just couldn’t see why it happened that day.
The man lay smiling, gray and serene,
he seemed to be waiting for what might have been.
His best suit covered the wound in his chest
that had taken him now to his permanent rest.
His oldest had held him while his wife pushed the knife
with one swift movement they snuffed out his life.
Hating this man for the things he had done
ashamed to be known as his wife and his son.
No one else knew what happened that night,
everyone thought he was killed in a fight.
Could the subconscious erase the hard fact
of a mother and son and their murderous act?
The greatest of motives just can’t justify
the death of a father and a hideous lie.
Guilt could be seen on the face of the boy
he didn’t share in her freedom and joy.
It took four days for the boy to repent
and face up to the woman he’d grown to resent.
His hands wet with fear he opened the door,
he pulled the steel trigger and she fell to the floor.
He waited a moment his mind filled with pain,
put the gun to his head and pulled it again.
Two more plots in the cold damp ground
as the fear of truth makes a deafening sound.
Copyright Protected.......Wayne H. Colegate- From Reflections On Gravestones and Satin Sheets
Wayne H Colegate Sep 2012
The lashes gently flutter, over eyes of crystal blue
I’m waiting so impatiently, to share the world with you.
Your crawl has turned to walking, as winter turns to spring
Every moment the blues eyes stare, there’s something new to bring.
A smile as warm as summer’s sun and a touch as soft as air
Makes a heart in distant rooms, wish that it could share.
I hear your laugh and feel you near, when I dare to dream
Sometimes blue eyed angels, are exactly as they seem.
Your questions go unspoken as does your inner song
But those who know of angels, know this won’t last long.
Your words and songs will soon be heard, by all of us who care
An angels’ voice will carry far and always there to share.
You’ll grow and learn as days go by, giving as you get
My little blue eyed angel, just hasn’t started yet.
Soon your smile will be face to face, warming all you see
I pray my blue eyed angel… that one of them is me.
Copyright Protected.....Wayne H. Colegate- From Reflections On Gravestones and Satin Sheets
Wayne H Colegate Sep 2012
I remember running to first, faster then a scream
Now that kind of speed is just a foolish dream.
Age is such a vicious foe, slower by the day
My anger yells at speed of light with nothing real to say.
I still dream of hitting first against the burning sun
Each Saturday was just a game, a war that must be won.
The ball was hit just like my soul soaring in the air
Its always true life is foul or sometimes it is fair.
I loved to hear my father’s yell when the play was on my turf
The yells from distant fans of mine screaming for the smurf.
Even munchkins have to age according to the word of  Oz
But baseball dreams have no rules and  it's sons they have no laws.
Copyright Protected....Wayne H. Colegate- From Reflections On Gravestones and Satin Sheets
Wayne H Colegate Sep 2012
Standing on the corner, with roses in her hand,
She stared at all the faces, that passed like drifting sand.
No one stopped to break her thought
or carry off a rose,
as the winter wind, brought freezing rain
through her torn and ragged clothes.
Darkness never seemed to come,
as the neon pierced her eyes,
and it hurt to hold the basket
of roses no one buys.
Copyright Protected....Wayne H. Colegate- From Reflections On Gravestones and Satin Sheets
Wayne H Colegate Sep 2012
The morning of a special day,
And the whole town gathered there.
In all their Sunday finery,
the best poor folk could wear.
They came from off the hillside
and the main street of the town,
to watch the kind of justice
that would cut this Evil down.
They stood four deep in pouring rain
and waited for the scream
that would end Evil’s bitter life
and haunted every dream.
Somewhere in the angry crowd
a woman cried in vain
so full of love this lady
that she suffered Evil’s pain.
Children laughed and snickered
as Evil walked the ramp
looking cold and hungry
as his clothes were torn and damp.
One on either side of him
to hold him in his place
as the moment feared forever
caused his heart to race.
The crowd was stirring quietly
as he knelt upon the wood,
mumbling prayers to someone
as quickly as he could.
Flashing silver, scarlet blood
The ****** of the day
the crowd was simply overjoyed
as they turned to walk away.
Copyright Protected.....Wayne H.Colegate- From Reflections On Gravestones and Satin Sheets
Wayne H Colegate Sep 2012
At 3:02 the last bomb fell, smoke and ashes spread,
wiping out survivors that were counting up the dead.
Buildings lay in rubble, piled throughout the street,
as the country once the master met such grim defeat.
Some bodies moved in search of food while others screamed and cried,
By 5:05 in the afternoon all but two had died.
A youth whose eyes were lost in flames, stumbled in pain and fright
as a woman lay huddled in a smoke filled room hiding away from the night.
For three long weeks they survived this way, just barely enough to eat.
The future of a rebuilt was lost, lest the two should meet.
The blind man staggered in bricks and trash,
falling and crawling through the smouldering ash.
Death was creeping up on him for he heard the steps behind,
when a woman’s scream pierced his ears and thoughts raced through his mind.
Face to face at last they stood, now the world could grow,
but the youth without his vision was the last of two to know.
His hands reached to touch her, but she said “ it can’t be done”
Then she took him in her arms “My God I’ve found my son”.
Copyright Protected....Wayne H. Colegate- From Reflections On Gravestones and Satin Sheets
Wayne H Colegate Sep 2012
A sunset glows of ruby red, through trees of emerald green,
The sapphire blue of water emits a dazzling sheen.
All this glory warms the soul and my love will wake enhanced
Like a fairy queen in a restless field, of music where she danced.
I long to enter the world of dreams to feel this needed love
But guidance to the special world comes from up above.
Springtime turns to summer when dandelions will reign,
The golden twists controlled by wind help ease my daily pain.
They say that love can torture they say that it can die,
And so I fear the fractured land where lovers sit and cry.
I wait here on the outside, seeing colours in my soul
And pray a love that’s safe and mild will come and make me whole.
Eyes of brown will haunt my dreams as I wake in tragic heat
Perhaps the eyes are memories or someone I will meet.
My patience plays at evil games in my saddened mind
I fear that love’s a treasure this lonely man won’t find.
Copyright Protected.....Wayne H. Colegate- From Reflections On Gravestones and Satin Sheets
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