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WaStEd YoUtH Feb 2017
Love is but an unsolvable puzzle,
So unbearable that your mind will baffle,
So mysterious that no one will understand,
And when you feel it,
Everything gets out of hand.
WaStEd YoUtH Jan 2017
You hate your demons,
You blame them for why you messed up.

You think that they are the dark creatures,
Creeping in your mind,
Telling you that you aren't good enough.

But what if I told you that,
Demons can be angels too...

You ask me.

The answer.*
WaStEd YoUtH Jan 2017
Aren't you tired of mocking me?
Aren't you tired of wasting your time?
Just stop making fun of me.
Aren't you tired of doing these things to destroy me?
Because I am.
Just stop.

— The End —