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Walrus Fat May 2013
Silently dark,
The night it seems,
Worry-some shadows,
A trick of the eyes,
The air is fresh,
Air which only comes out,
To look at the sky with me,
The stars brighter than normal,
The moon,
The night time,
I love it.
Walrus Fat May 2013
Her beauty shrouded,  
Her personality hidden,  
In crippling anxiety,  
From which her depression is driven.  
Her true self,  
Only to be shown in flashes of happiness,  
Small moments of laughter.  

All the while,  
She's so ******* herself,  
Her emotions contagious,  
Infecting me the more I see them.    

It's ridiculous,
Emotions that are not mine,
Overwhelm me,
Her sadness drives me crazy,
And yet she suppreses them,

What is killing me,
Multiplied by a hundred,
Can only be seen,
After staring into her eyes.

— The End —