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Waloo Oct 2014
I see you,
  as you dance behind he veil of your soul.
     Do you shine so bright,
        to attract faeries to
          your sitting party...
Can we play together,
     I have learned to dance
   Can we wave,
         and play
            and dance
               and sing
                 to see what may
                    come about?
Your beauty has no equal,
     for it shines through you
       from the place in which your soul resides,
And my love for you,
      can serve to reflect
            Her's for Him.
Have we dance before,
     In the space between drum beats?
Somewhere beween a baby's first breahe,
     and his vision of you.
I long to be near you,
     can we be close?
And yet far off!
     You on one peak,
        and I on another,
          So that we may sing
              the songs of our hearts to one another,
                    to this Earth,
                       to the love within our chests,
                         and he invisable rhelm of infiniy.
Waloo Oct 2014
I think of you often,
When i brush my lips against a tree
When i clean squash from this year's harvest,
And make it into something you can brush with yours.
I release all the things that are raging between me and opening myself completely.
For to look upon the raging storm,
And still stretch you arms out to sea,
Is to find one's self,
And one's other.
It's okay to be scared,
I dont know everything either,
And isn't that what fear is,
To run from that which i dont know,
You could try to release this from you,
It is all there,
Right before us
Waiting to be felt.

— The End —