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Wack Tastic Nov 2014
Open your ears to the dead beat,
Open your eyes affixed to the wall,
Open your mind to the ever-flowing ether,
Open your heart so one might hear the call.

To the wild, arcane, gilded centurions,
To the ambient, intangible outcomes,
Enfolded in the very fabric,
We trudge across, frolic and sway.

Almighty pendulum of surrender,
flickering on the lake beset before us,
A sea, an ocean, the vacuum of space.
Dark; the color that mows the harvest
Wack Tastic Nov 2014
It's a strange feeling,
Sangre in the veins,
flowing erratically,
order born in the chaos,
folding and engulfing,
every chasm's atom matter,
Shifting minuscule,
Ordained, ambition, careening,
hopefully landing gracefully.
Wack Tastic Nov 2014
Torn winter sight,
Cartoon loneliness,
Speaking slavishly,
Under the breath.

Trying to lose,
the way,
by gaining,
a path,

Set forth quasi-fold,
Sorted under magnetism,
The cloudy silver sigh,
Serpent hissed,
Past the foyer,

Cast aside belonging,
Become silent,
And have it come to past.
Wack Tastic Nov 2014
Those sols,                                                                     Wings,
They shutter,                                                                 Magnificent,
In order,                                                                         Radiating feather,
To reconvene                                                                 Trailing stars,
On the scene.

Their folded,                                                                   Picturesque,
Ripe skin,                                                                        Flawless perfection,
No single,                                                                        Evolution,
Colour,                                                                            Has begun.
Cheeked tower,

Head; Neck;
Body curled,
Lotus legs,
Flaccid teeth.
Wack Tastic Nov 2014
*** Sherop
Faruk Sharanmah
Mu Talamut,
Kal Farmalutut,
Jat Malut,
Wack Tastic Nov 2014
The company had told the
Little soldier where to go,
Jut down the street,
Not far at all...
Turned out to be an adventure,
All its own,
It took on its own breath,
its own face,
its own figure,
its own voice,
its own life!
You know those days when,
After it all transpires,
You look back,
And it's its own thing...

This entailed,
Most likely chronologically,
But with the arrival,
back to where I started,
Twas the same thought as,
The chariot approacheth,
O'er the Horizon,
In the deadlands,
On the line,
Lulling her to sleep,
Then along it came,
Not the vessel,
But the urn,
Of Being!
All dressed in hats; except one,
they wandered into,
the frequently adjacent pub,
They were striving,
Well worth a sonder,
As I commented,
One responded curtly,
They all did in their own way,
But the Black-Fedora-ed,
Burgundy-Suited man,
Cigaro in hand,
Said he liked my backpack,
(It isn't even mine!)
The last bus approaches, The bus driver calls me back,
Wrong transfer,
I have a feeling,
That he was the most,
Diligent guy they had,
And that I was me,
And I mistook one thing,
That me being able to be there,
would be a first for him,
The john Wayne of Pain,
What's more painful than being,
The maniac bus driver,
Honked at almost every stop,
Some kids got on the wrong way,
Told 'em it was the other way,
Cantankerous old bebop behind the wheel,
Notches another disappointment,
In his leather sides.
As the bus made the,
bewildering turn to everyone else,
I was used to it,
Better for me,
Confusion rose like hot air,
But I thanked the mad,    mad
                                   mad,  mad,
Driver of,
The crazed,
City Night,
I walked,
With my music playing,
crossed paths with the only,
homeless guy I ever see.
Thinking back I should've
Given him the pass,
To get somewhere,
actually I tried one time,
He told me he didn't like,
the bus,
On that nightly traveler,
He went Cold.
Wack Tastic Nov 2014
What could be behind the door?
Possibly more?
Or more of the same,
relics treasures of the arcane,
or insight; to the core?

Our benign social conscious grew,
Into dogma righteousness flew,
Up above the heaven's heights,
plunge below eternal nights,
You tell you to be you.

***; death; ****; HORROR...
...Love; serenity; ambrosia; ORDER...

Simulated visions
Narcotic apparitions
The thundering seashore.
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