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O, how many sorrows the past brings,
How the future is held captive by its knotted strings,
And now I am truly starting to realize,
That somewhere hidden in all my lies,
While in my travels, off the road I I fell,
I let regret hold me in its lasting spell,
And so many regrets have haunted me since,
I lost my senses in the death of my prince.
How can I ever begin to explain,
I never meant to cause you any pain,
Every day I wish I could go back to when,
I could have seen all we could have been,
If only I hadn't said anything,
Who knows what that would bring,
Maybe you'd still hold me when I cried,
Maybe I would have finally tried,
Maybe I'd still look into your endless blue eyes,
Maybe I could finally be wise.
Every moment we shared,
Every time you dared,
To hold me down and kiss me,
Did you know it was only temporary?

The days that past,
I thought it would last,
Everything that you'd do,
Do you do for her too?

Once you had fallen in love with her,
And soiled all that was pure,
Why didn't you try to end it,
Rather than making squares and circles fit?

Every time that you said you loved me,
Did you know it would only be temporary?
This lie that I have come to know,
This pain I can never show,
I stand here a stone cold fake,
Who has given you all of me to take

Trying to stop this horror ride,
Trying to push this life to the side,
But you keep coming back in here,
Forcing me into that same **** fear,

I don't want to lie anymore,
Its time to break down this metal door,
Don't kiss me once again,
Don't place your cold hands on my skin,

You can no longer do this,
I can't rely on divine forgiveness,
I am more than you will let me show,
I am stronger now, I've learned to grow,

I deserve to finally be well,
I deserved more than your twisted hell,
Please stop dragging me down, dragging me in,
Into this brutal life of solid sin.
Shattered rose,
Clear water,
Floating clocks,
Don't let time stop.

3 AM,
The sky fell,
Pieces raining down,
dropping into purple rivers,
Rivers that overflow,
To meet the trees,
Trees that grow tall,
Past the once present sky,
Reaching to the stars,
Stars that dance furiously,
Startling the sun,
Sun the swims through,
Through the universe,
And slowly fades,
Leaving the moon to watch,
Watch over the innocent children,
Dreaming while they sleep,
Dreaming of a broken rose,
Drenched in cold water,
Water that freezes,
Freezes time,
3 am.
I hate you more than you'll ever know,
I hate you more than I'll ever show,
I deserve so much better than what you were,
I deserved something a thousand times more,
You are everything I ever hated,
And all this time I have just waited,
To let you know your every flaw,
Every imperfection I ever saw,
You are a liar and a user,
A calloused, abusive loser,
You were killing me from the start,
You drained my soul and broke my heart,
I hate you more than I'll ever show,
I hate you more than I even know.
You will always be the best,
So much better than all the rest,
When you left you took my heart too,
We both knew it could never leaver you,
And when I kiss the stars goodnight,
Know its me kissing you and holding on tight,
To all the memories and moments we shared,
To knowing you were always the one who cared,
I hope you know how much I did love you,
While you cross the heavens to a world a new,
I hope you hold my love in the palm of your hand,
I hope you know my love will always stand,
It's timeless love and even though you are gone,
I will remember whenever they play our song,
And when it is all finally over and done,
You will always be the only one.
I wrote this poem when I was 16 after I lost the love of my life and to this day he is still in my heart.
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