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Vivian Miller Apr 2010
I like watching people sleep because they always look so peaceful in their dreams
They are cuddled on their sides stretching out their seams
They dream of silky women and of deserts and of seas
One runs through a forest of trees dripping sap and turning to bees
Sleep studies show classical in your sleep turns to being wise
But if you were wise you wouldn't have clawed out your eyes
She cried when you did it but it wasn't you it was the dream
The dream was whispering to wipe your eye sockets clean
with your nails
in your sleep
Vivian Miller Apr 2010
Little Ralph was born in gold
even though his brother cold
Little Ralph was fat and warm
and witches watched and held their scorn
Through tunnels rats all noble and high
Like teenage rebels addicts lie
Women always powdered their noses
and though they smiled tears fell like roses
Little Ralph was crowned in 1941
and though he tried tired work was never done
King Ralph was high, mighty and dumb
from secret rooms records played lies
and on all streets children died
Pregnant mothers bore no sons
and addicts needles turned to guns
King Ralph was blind and blinds were closed
Or eyes were shut or filled with roses
Streets were graves and mirrors were empty
King Ralph's pretty wife was hanging simply
Ralph didn't cry or hear or see
So evil he just let it be
Vivian Miller Apr 2010
A luscious milk maid-
winding down to the lake
A wicked monkey clown-
swinging from trees and looking down
her strong legs carry cheap shoes over cobbled roads
her wide hips sway in dirtied rags patterns unknown
the monkey clown cackles and spies-
soft peach fuzz in between her thighs
Knuckles crack through all sweet pines
And Mr. Monkey clown drops soft and eases sighs
Milk Maid turns and stands with the earth
And ripples rip Mr. Monkey into dirt
A Half smile half wink crinckles Milky's eyes
and her hand slips down and rests on her right thigh
Like a sparrow kills a spider Mr. Monkey dies
No tears are shed for sinister spies
And Milky Maid has never before cried
Passerbys don't slow their strides
And Mr. Monkeys not in their eyes
And Milky Maid she's fetching heads
And soft peach fuzz it fills their beds

— The End —