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The echoes of '' I miss you ''
Had gone for such a long time
Left here with nothing
But in a broken way

" I love you " he said .
The sound of his voice keeps haunting her .
Even when she knows he's already gone .
She had to catch her breath ,
seeing him with someone else .

At night , she lays on her bed
Wondering why
And how did it all go wrong ?
All that she knows is
She will never know .

She reached for her phone ,
There's a message ,
Her heart lighted up a bit
And then she noticed that it was from her friend
Not from someone she's been waiting for .

There's no way he'll return to their old days ,
There's no way he's gonna remember their memories
Even if he does ,
It means nothing to him anyway .

She feels stupid
For letting her dignity falls to the ground
When she should rise them up
She's having trouble breathing every night
It's not because she is sick or something
It's just that when she thinks of him
He always take her breath away .

He used to take her breath away
In such a nice way which made her smile
But that was before he broke her
He still takes her breath away
But now in such a rough way

The pain in her chest doesn't seems to stop
But she keeps breathing
Breathing because she got a life
A life to live .
As human
We hold on
We chase
We keep trying
We didn't let go
Just to found out that we were never meant to be
With the person that we want .

As human
We let go
We gave up
We stop trying
We stop chasing
For something that when it's gone for a long time ,
We actually just realize that it's actually worthy

We chase people who didn't need us in their life
And we push everyone who trying to stay in our life
We trust people who shouldn't be trust
And we lied to the people who trust us .

And the truth is all of us was just another broken pieces of life master piece .

We all sins , we all broken .
As I'm writing this
I'm having trouble breathing
I told everyone I've moved on
But why did I still think of you
Every time I'm alone

All I ever need was you
I miss your voice
Your smile
Your awkward silence mystery
How we would actually talk to each other right now
You know ,
Don't you miss the old us ?
Once we used to stay up until 3 am
Just to talk to each other
Telling how our love is forever
I guess I was wrong
I guess I heard it wrong
I miss you

No .
I miss the old you
Then i realized that the old you
has already died
R.I.P Him

I look at you
He looks the same , like you
Then I realized he's not you
Because I know he won't leave me alone
I know he won't let me cry
Want to know why ?
Because he loves me .
Very much
But he's not you

And I need to move on .
But the memories keep tying me up
And whisper to me ' please don't forget'

You broke the promises
I never did
Still remember when you said to me ?
' If you promise to never fade away , i'll stay "
Who's fading now dear ?

Come on , look at my face
Look me in the eyes
Please tell me that you're happy with her
Please tell me that you love her
Please tell me that I am nothing to you
Please make me cry one more time again

So that the next time I get up
I won't be looking at you anymore
I won't be wondering whether you still love me or not
I won't let my dignity falls just because of 'Love'

Please ?
Tell me that you're happy
Tell me that you love her
Please ?

What if you like her , you love me and you need me ?
What if you love her but there's another?
What if you love her , you like me , you feel guilty ?
What if you like her , you like me , you just don't know

And that's why you broke me
And you're going to break her too
But I'm just gonna sit here and stare
For my broken heart to heal
And she needs to be broken too
Like me ...

I'm moving on .
I guess
But I still remember the smell of your perfume
Oh okay I'm moving on now
I'll move on
I will
There's no use to hope and keep staring
At the blank walls and the closed door
I'm moving on
Letting go ,
Move on .
The way I acted like i never knew you
Is not what I actually meant to do
The way you acted like we never had something
Is not what I actually want to

I'm breathing through oxygen
Hoping I won't lose my breath
Or the bones in my knees get weak
When they notice your presence here

The way I stay awake wondering about you
Is not what i hope for
The way you sleep so easily
Is not what I wish for

And I'm starting to feel
You're the fear I have to face
And I don't want to feel this way
Though I already feel it anyway

Can somebody please save me ?
Save me from this tragedy .
Shake me hard from this nightmares
That's been causing me so much pain

And I want to wake up
And hoping that all of this was only a dream
And I wish I never accept you
So I won't lose you as friend
And end up alone in this pain

It's better if we never love each other
So we can always stay together
What have time done with the one I loved ?
What fate has changed with the one I adored ?
What life has stole you away from me ?

The way we act like we're strangers
Is not something I wish for
The way we passes each other
Without feeling anything
Is not what I have always wished for

And it's been a long time since we last spoken
It's been long since this heart even beating
It's been such a long time since I ever had you with me

The way we can go on without talking to each other
Isn't what I even pray for
The way we can't even stay as friend
Is maybe what I always pray for

I'm teriffied to see or even hear your name
I'm terrified to even bat an eye at you
I'm terrified to even walk the road you're walking
I'm terrified of everything about you

The way this pain is torturing me
Is not even what I'm hoping for
The way you said we can't be together anymore
Is not what I'm wishing to hear

And when I see you tomorrow
I have to force breathing oxygen
So I don't get lost and die again
How will I even feel when I see you ?
What if my greatest lost
Is not losing you
But losing everything I had
What if the one who's losing
Is you and not me
What if the blame is on you
and not a single blame was put on me ?
What if you feel guilty after tearing me apart ?
But you know there's nothing you can do

What if I never love you ?
What if it's all a lie
What if my love to you is just another lie ?
And I am a liar who's hiding to crush you slowly ?

What if i crash your whole dream ?
And make everyone you loved hates you ?
What if I can actually crush you to pieces
And what if I just didn't want to .
There's so much thing I actually learned from you
And no one could ever taught me that much

You taught me to believe in myself
You taught me to never be afraid of anything
You taught me to never give up
But yet you gave up on me

Out of all the things in life that I could learn ,
You taught me how to build a walls around me
Never let anybody in again
Never trust anybody again
Because promises were made be to be break
And you taught me how to break a heart in a blink of an eye .

There's so much thing I am actually afraid of
And no one could make me feel secure the way you do
You make me feel safe around you
You make me tell you everything that I knew
You make me believe that I can only trust you
And then you left me all alone .
But most of all , you taught me how to break a heart .
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