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Vilma Vitanza Apr 2016
Here people stroll,
Wars rage in other lands.
---How blind are humans.

9/17/2008(c)Vilma Vitanza
Vilma Vitanza Apr 2016
Here people stroll,
Wars rage in other lands.
---How blind are humans.

9/17/2008(c)Vilma Vitanza


Such a wise woman
---To see the hidden jewel
In the heavy dross.
- - -

9/17/2008(c)Vilma Vitanza
Vilma Vitanza Apr 2016
Is our presence on Earth an illusion created by the mind?
If we lived on a different planet
Would we be the same creatures that we are:
Accumulating material things,
Starting wars to satisfy the need for power, or for greed?
If Universal Mind switched our illusion for yet another one,
What then?

^ ^ ^

2009(c)Vilma Vitanza
Vilma Vitanza Apr 2016
Is our presence on Earth an illusion created by the mind?
If we lived on a different planet
Would we be the same creatures that we are:
Accumulating material things,
Starting wars to satisfy the need for power, or for greed?
If Universal Mind switched our illusion for yet another one,
What then?

^ ^ ^

2009(c)Vilma Vitanza
Vilma Vitanza Apr 2016
Tucked on a shelf I found a book
Bound in red leather.
Its pages soft as worn-out silk
With the damp odor of mold.
Between its pages was a note,
Blurred by the hands of time:
"I'll wait for you tonight by the church door.
I'll be there at seven.  Don't be late."

* * *

1980(c)Vilma Vitanza
Albany, CA
Vilma Vitanza Apr 2016
There will be no good-byes
No farewell
No explanations or questions,
Nor the hint of a tear in my eyes.
- - -

1979(c)Vilma Vitanza
Albany, CA
Vilma Vitanza Apr 2016
When I die my soul shall then
Become the air that you breathe,
The water that will make the grasses green,
The music that on earth I never wrote.
- - -

1979.(c)Vilma Vitanza
Albany, CA
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