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m j g Nov 2014
i think the reason you hate hickeys is because they're little reminders that you were there, indicators of your presence, but you hate leaving pieces of yourself behind because you know if you leave too many

you're going to fall apart.

you don't like leaving reminders of yourself because you are the wind. once you have blown past the blades of grass in the park and the trees in the forest, you're travelling somewhere else, you don't want to stay grounded and you don't want to leave any memory behind. you want a painless departure from everywhere you go. you are a light breeze in the spring, and i am a hurricane. i leave dark purple marks down your neck and red scratch marks on your back. i leave your lip bleeding and your heart sore. i leave destruction behind me and move on to wreak havoc somewhere else. i leave reminders of myself because i am afraid of being swept away by my own winds. i am afraid that if i do not cause destruction, i will not be remembered, i will not have left anything behind, i would be


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