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swimming in the sea of your memories
i try to find my voice
echoing still in the conch shells
pieces of me tangled in the seaweed
remembering when you caught me in your net
setting  me free
the currents between us – the warm and the cold
all the rainbow hues that colour our story
ancient, real, mysterious
beneath somewhere dangers lurk
sharks that feed off our conflicts
rabid appetites tearing apart
but we grow back-indestructible till the end
we survive like a  coral reef – beautiful
we protect the shores of our life

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
noon day shadows
filtering in through the treetops
devoid of courtesy
they flood my desk with their darkness
reflected on my page
amidst shards of light
patchwork prints on paper
playing peekaboo with each other
as the page flutters
in the warm barelybreeze that touches
so softly I’m not sure if its real
or it is my mind flapping

-Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
my office has a "balcony" (its just a large open walled area on the first floor with no roof) where i take an "ideation walk" whenever i need some new ideas. A lot of trees overhang into it, and i usually sit in a cozy spot under a  neem tree to write down any bright ideas i've had :)
tragedy has always been the litmus test of our humanity*

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
gently spiced dreams invite me-
come in and take a peek
look within, search for yourself
get lost in this fragrant wonderland
explore the cliffs in your mind
off which the waterfall of your thoughts rush down
in mighty, uncontrollable torrents
full of a refreshing energy-positive, powerful
swirling around, connecting to the inner caves
within which lies the buried treasure of your secrets
some, waiting to be excavated and shared
others wanting to be buried deeper
but overall it’s a happy place, come every night
rediscover yourself, every time.

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
                                        a young couple roams these woods
                                             wounded by Kama’s arrows
                                          in each other’s eyes they find solace
                                           the rest of the world does not exist

a heavenly lass Pramadwara is                                                              a­ handsome young sage is Ruru
beautiful eyes, luscious lips                                                            s­trong and virile, though not a prince
slender waist, wide hips                                                             ­                        face bathed in benign light
every inch an apsara’s offspring                                                        ­   the result of his spiritual penance
Ruru’s heart is in her possession                                                   Pramadwara, that divine beauty is his

                                                            ­        lost in each other
                                                          t­hey roam these woody lanes
                                                    unaware­, uncaring of anything else
                                                   of love’s sweet wine they drink deep
                                                the more they drink, the  more unsatiated

and then fate rolls its dice
tragedy strikes!
Pramadwara’s unseeing eyes
find a serpent underfoot-it bites!
throes of passion turn into throes of death
in her lover’s arms she slowly dies
                                                            ­                                                      broken-hear­ted, wounded of spirit
                                                          ­                                                     anger seething within, Ruru mourns
                                                          ­                                             “my love’s sweet journey is not finished
                                                        ­                                       too young, too beautiful, too full of life to die
                                                             ­                                                                 ­ my Pramadwara must live!
                                                           ­                                                       and if she can’t, then I shall follow
                                                          ­                                                          this world is nothing without her
                                                             ­                                                                it is uninspiring and bitter”

saying so he prepares to die
till a voice from heaven arrests him
“Ruru do not mourn your lover
her time had come, you are no mere mortal
a sage you are, with spiritual knowledge
you need not be taught, what is written is written
time cannot be turned back, so leave this foolish path
accept that she is gone, turn back!”

                                                         ­                                 “what do you celestials know of love and hurt
                                                            ­                                                  you who neither live, nor love or die
                                                             ­                                  you exist unaware of love’s magnificent spell
                                                           ­                                           its pleasant charms and beautiful bylanes
                                                         ­                                                 and certainly you knew not my darling
                                                         ­                                               or of our love, so pure, so full of longing
                                                         ­                 that now remains unfulfilled, like a cruel broken promise
                                                         ­                        without each other I cannot live, nor can she truly die
                                                             ­           her soul shall never find peace until I join her or otherwise
                                                       ­                                                                 ­                      she returns alive”

back and forth they argue
each one unyielding and stubborn
but in the war between love and logic
love is triumphant here
a deal is struck, destiny is forced to yield
under love’s incredible power
                                                           ­                        “Ruru you are adamant, you refuse to compromise
                                                      ­                                                              so you shall have your lover’s life
                                                            ­                                                                 ­    in exchange for a sacrifice
                                                       ­                                         half your destined lifetime you shall give her
                                                             ­                                                           so neither of you shall live long
                                                            ­                                             but while you live you shall be together
                                                        ­                                        if this is acceptable, use your spiritual power
                                                           ­                                                   to make the exchange, but remember
                                                        ­                                                      your life will be that much shorter”

but what is eternal life without love  
so in a trice the exchange is made
from her deathly slumber Pramadwara awakes
to Ruru’s eager, enthusiastic embrace
tears of reunion mingled with pleasure
eyes looking forward to
a life and a death-eternally together

                                                    ­a young couple roams these woods
                                                           ­ wounded by Kama’s arrows
                                                        in­ each other’s eyes they find solace
                                                        th­e rest of the world does not exist

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Kama : The God of Love
Apsara : Celestial Dancers
it pains me to see
that for many
you’re just a photo on a wall
and on our currency
a permanent fixture in our lives
a tradition that no one knows the origin of
and even if known-misunderstood
your philosophy distorted, your methods abused
the poorest, most controversial parts of it magnified
and what is really important buried
under generations of lip service
and self-serving biases
i myself don’t agree
with everything you said
but still, i admit
that most of it made sense
thank you for questioning violence
and greed, corruption and falsity
thank you for the difference you made
Happy Birthday!
i wish you were around
to clarify what has become twisted
to silence your detractors
and light the way again

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Gandhiji was fondly known as "Bapu"-Father. October 2nd is his birthday. I sincerely regret that for most in my generation his birthday is just another holiday, and worse, a "dry" holiday. They can't see the value in what he practiced and preached. "Ahmisa" is seen as being weak or as a tool for extortion. Not their fault entirely, nor his. As a generation, i think we are extremely cynical and disillusioned by the state of politics and governance in India. Its just a sad state of affairs that I'm making an effort to change in a small way.
Who are you?                                                             ­                                                                Who are you?
i think i know you                                                              ­                                             i think i’ve met you
That i’ve seen you before                                                           ­                         and known you inside out
and been with you                                                              ­               touched your dreams, felt your scars
spent some meaningful times                                                          sh­own you mine too, under the stars
shared some laughs and shared some sorrows              we’ve discussed commonalities and discords

                                                       ­                            i know you
                                                             ­                    you know me
                                                              ­                and yet it seems
                                                           ­                  we’ve never met
                                                             ­            and odd as it may seem
                                                            ­              i don’t recognize you

                                                            ­               it makes me want to
                                                              ­                pick your brain
                                                           ­                     pych you out
                                                             ­          sift through your secrets
                                                         ­          need to figure you out to know
                                                            ­           where we’ve met before

                                                         ­         i want to dissect your heart
                                                           ­           and find my place in it
                                                              ­  i know i’ve been there before

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
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